Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3879: The main **** of Changle Sword School is here

"Unfortunately, two big fish ran away!"

Lin Fei realized that Chu Bi and the other Supreme Elder had already escaped, feeling very pity, shook his head and sighed.

"Fortunately, there is one more."

Lin Fei looked at him, the screaming elder too, feeling a little comforted.

"Old guy, stop calling!"

Lin Fei rushed up, opened his bow from left to right, punched and kicked, and beat this elder to fat and swollen face.

At the same time, countless strings of puppets penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness and entangled his soul body.

"Get out!"

This Supreme Elder's spirit energy is very powerful, and he is also proficient in many sophisticated spirit secret arts, wherever he is willing to submit, he will immediately launch a fierce resistance.

"Old guy, it's worth struggling!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Pupupu......a faint sword light hit the body of this supreme elder, adding several blood holes.

The blood of the sky is constantly sprayed.

After a violent beating, the supreme elder finally couldn't support it and fainted.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei teleported him into a human body world and hid him.

At this time, most of the people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect in the Purple Cang Divine Mountain had already fled.

A sacred mountain that was extremely lively in the past, at this time, became deserted, almost empty.

Lin Fei didn't have any interest in this empty mountain, so he went out to the outside of Zi Cang Shenshan.

"Look! The people of the Purple Cang Sword faction seem to be all escaping!"

"In that case, is it possible that the Purple Cangjian faction has been defeated?"

"No way! A junior boy who single-handedly defeated the entire Purple Cang Sword Sect is incredible!"

...In the distance, in the void in all directions, the creatures watching the excitement have long been surrounded, and at this moment, they all felt extremely shocked.

Beyond the Purple Cang Mountain.

Lin Fei stepped out of the Zicang Mountain.

"Look, that kid has come out! He has nothing to do!"

"It seems that he did win! One person defeated a second-rate sect, which is amazing!"

... Seeing Lin Fei walk out, the creatures in the distance who watched the excitement focused on Lin Fei and talked a lot.

"Master is out!"

Lin Fei's **** slaves were overjoyed when they saw Lin Fei and greeted them.

"Lin Shaoxia, you are fine, that's great!"

Lin Tianhao saw Lin Fei walk out unscathed and was also pleasantly surprised.

"I seem to see Chu Bi, the leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, running away with the people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

Lin Shaoxia, are you okay? "

Lin Tianhao asked.

"I'm fine.

We must leave now.

Also, you immediately send the sound transmission back to Pill Sword City, so that your people in the Lin family are ready to evacuate.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Lin Fei said solemnly.

Because, Lin Fei perceives that there are several main gods who are rushing through time and space, coming towards the direction of Zi Cang Shenshan.

Lin Fei knew that these master gods should be masters of the Changle Sword School.

It is estimated that the Purple Cang Sword Sect has already sent the message to the Changle Sword Sect.

So, the master of Changle Sword School came.

"These main gods are in a hurry, don't ask, they must have guessed my identity.

Well, I'd better avoid it. "

Lin Fei's heart was very clear.

"Lin Shaoxia, what happened?

All the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were beaten away by you.

Could it be that Lin Shaoxia was worried that the members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect would anger our Pill City Lin Family and find our troubles? "

Lin Tianhao was taken aback and asked.

He couldn't understand, he had just won a battle, why, instead, he was about to flee.

"The master of the Changle Sword Sect is here, you don't want the Lin Family of Pill Sword City to be annihilated, just move as soon as possible."

Lin Fei said.

"So that's the case!"

Lin Tianhao was shocked.

He immediately took out a sound transmission jade slip and personally sent the sound transmission to Pill Sword City.

The Lin Family couldn't even deal with a Purple Cang Sword Sect, let alone the Changle Sword Sect.

It is estimated that if Changle Sword Sect sends a master casually, it can easily destroy the Lin Family of Pill Sword City.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's face changed slightly, his sleeves flicked out, and the more than a thousand **** slaves under his hands, and all the members of the Lin family, all teleported into a human world in his body.

Then, Lin Fei Zhan's departure method, directly escaped into the void, and disappeared instantly.

After a few breaths.

Rumble...Outside the Purple Cang Divine Mountain, several huge figures slowly emerged, and the surface of each figure was enveloped by a strong sword light.

This piece of void, because of the arrival of this terrifying figure, became unstable and swayed.

"The main god! My God, the main **** of the Changle Sword Sect is here!"

In the distance, those creatures who watched the excitement were about to leave. Seeing these figures, they all screamed.

Then, another group of creatures with powerful auras walked out of the void and stood on the mountain of Zicang God.

"These are all members of the Changle Sword Sect! It seems that the Changle Sword Sect already knows what the Purple Cang Sword Sect has discovered!"

"Even the main **** of the Changle Sword Sect is here.

It seemed that it must be because that kid was too much, so that the master of Changle Sword School couldn't see it. "

...... A round of discussions sounded quietly.

"Masters, you are finally here!"

In the distance, a bleak cry sounded.

Then, a large group of people came from afar.

Headed by two and a half steps are the main gods.

It was Chu Bi, the leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, and a great elder.

Originally, Chu Bi had fled far away with the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

However, he received a sound transmission from the Changle Sword Sect and knew that the master of the Changle Sword Sect was about to come to the Zi Cang Shenshan, so he returned quietly with his troops.

After all, for the people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, only the Changle Sword Sect was the safest.

"Masters, you must give us the Purple Cang Sword God! That cruel and domineering kid almost ruined our Purple Cang Sword Sect's eternal foundation!"

When Chu Bi saw several master gods of the Changle Sword Sect, he immediately started crying.

"It looks like we are late.

That kid has escaped. "

A diminutive main **** spoke in a shrill voice.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go after it!"

The other main **** said.

As a result, several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect disappeared one after another.

The main gods were not interested at all, and talked to Chu Bi.

Their target is Lin Fei.

Actually, he was not interested in the Purple Cang Sword School.

The Changle Sword Sect had at least a dozen affiliated forces like the Purple Cang Sword Sect, and even if one was destroyed, it would be nothing.

"Head of Chu, don't worry, if I send a master, I will definitely find that kid.

There is no danger for the Purple Cangjian Sect. "

An ordinary elder of the Changle Sword Sect said to Chu Bi.

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