Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3890: The power of the big array

After hearing the words of the main **** of this school, the four major forces, all members, began to calm down.

The four major forces have extremely strict governance. No member dares to violate the orders of the main **** of the school, and they absolutely believe in the words of the main **** of the school.

Even when I thought that this was fighting for the honor of the sect, most of the people began to be full of passion, sitting cross-legged one by one, taking the initiative to release the energy in their body, everything related to kendo, With the absorption of that white silk tube! Suddenly, over the Divine Sword Mountain, the great formation was continuously rising, and it was extremely dazzling, flashing out a series of mysterious runes.

Vaguely, there were bursts of ancient ballads resounding from the big burst.

There is also an ancient sword repairing phantom, walking around in the big formation, practicing swords, fighting, practicing...In short, this big formation gives people the feeling, mysterious, mysterious, and full of a sacred atmosphere of worship. .

"Haha, five old guys, this big formation depends on how you deal with it."

The main gods of the four major forces laughed loudly when they saw the coercion of the big formation so terrifying.

Especially the people of the Flying Fairy Sword Sect are even more proud.

This big formation, among the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, has been circulating for a very long time, and has not been really arranged because there are not enough main gods and resources.

Today, this is the first time this big formation is really being arranged. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the power is even stronger than imagined.

This is a huge surprise! "Haha, our Flying Fairy Sword Sect, with such a powerful formation, is destined to be inherited forever, forever brilliant, and never to decline!"

The several main gods of the Fei Xian Sword Sect all laughed triumphantly.

At this time, more than a dozen main gods in the sword world had stopped fighting with the five sword spirits, each occupying a specific position, distributed around the Shenjian Mountain, maintaining the operation of the large formation in the sky.

This big formation, although a dozen of the main gods, can only make a move together, it can be arranged.

"Be careful, this big formation is not easy.

I suspect that only Chaos God has the ability to invent such a powerful formation. "

The yellow-robed old man among the five sword spirits said, his face solemn.

"It is indeed possible."

The other four sword spirits also agreed.

Although the five sword spirits are powerful, they are very jealous when it comes to Chaos God.

They know that Chaos God is the real master of all time and space, even the creator! All creatures in the world, including the Lord God, are ants before the Chaos God! The formation created by the Chaos God is naturally more powerful than all formations in the world! "Without delay, launch a large array of attacks!"

At this time, the layout of the big formation has been completed, and a main **** of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect shouted.

As a result, all the main gods simultaneously squeeze the magic tactics, release their vast kendo energy, spur the big formation, and start attacking.

Rumble...a simple and simple giant sword slowly emerged from the big formation. It was huge in size, almost equivalent to the entire Divine Sword Mountain, and the aura exuding was extremely terrifying.

The endless brilliant runes related to swordsmanship hovered around the giant sword, seeming to be covered with a layer of light, extremely dazzling.

As soon as this sword appeared, the entire void around it solidified.

It seems that the long river of years has been cut off, time is still, space is forbidden and solid, and all things seem to be stagnant for an instant.

Boom...The giant sword crossed the sky, filled with hundreds of millions of miles of sky, aimed at the five sword spirits, and slowly cut down.

The sky-shattering sword aura like a deep sea shook out and turned into a vast ocean of sword aura, drowning towards Shenjian Mountain.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the void above Divine Sword Mountain was directly cut in half by the giant sword. The world was split by a sword, the chaos separated, the clear air rose, the muddy air fell, and the years were cut off.

I have to say that this big formation is terrible.

With one blow, we must reopen the world! "Form a sword formation!"

The old man in the yellow robe among the five sword spirits did not dare to neglect, and shouted.

Swishw... Within the body of Shenjian Mountain, five giant swords rushed out of different colors.

Rumble...Five giant swords of different colors echoed each other to form a sword formation, and the power released was terrifying.

Five sword spirits stretched out their hands at the same time.

Boom... The sword formation composed of five huge swords of different colors turned into a huge colorful beam of light and blocked it from a high altitude.

Rumble... The huge sword that was cut down from the sky and the sword formation that rose up into the sky violently collided.

In an instant, the endless void, violently rushing, time and space collapsed every inch, and the long river of this world was also destroyed, as if to change its course! At this moment, in everyone's eardrums and in the sea of ​​consciousness, they were all shocked by the terrible impact sound waves, making them dizzy.

After the impact, it took a long time for the horrible smoke of energy to slowly dissipate.

I saw that the sword formation displayed by the five sword spirits actually took the lead and was shocked to fly back.

In the high air, the giant sword that was slashed out by the big formation had the upper hand, aggressive and surging.

The bodies of the five sword spirits all shuddered slightly, and their faces changed greatly.

Obviously, the sword formation formed by the five of them was not as powerful as the large formation in the sky.

Lin Fei naturally discovered this level of fierce fighting long ago.

At this time, Lin Fei was sitting awkwardly on the top of Shenjian Mountain, still avoiding lightning.

Although, in the high sky of Shenjian Mountain, it was occupied by that terrifying formation.

However, Lin Fei found that his thunder disaster did not seem to have been affected.

Above Lin Fei's head, there was still a gathering of black and crushing clouds, dense lightning snakes, walking through the sea of ​​clouds.

"Lin Fei, you continue to avoid the catastrophe.

Shenjian Mountain has independent energy and laws, forms a world of its own, and operates on its own.

Will not be easily disturbed by the outside world. "

Lin Fei received the voice transmission from the yellow-robed old man among the Five Swords.

"Ok, I see."

Lin Fei nodded.

Now, more than half of the catastrophe has been avoided, and more than 70 lightning catastrophes have been successfully avoided.

Of course Lin Fei didn't want to, so he stopped like this.

Otherwise, next time, I don’t know when I will touch the threshold again.

At this time, the dozen or so main gods were very proud.

For a long time, they have been a little jealous of the five sword spirits. Every time they enter the Shenjian Mountain, in front of the five sword spirits, they have to sigh and be cautious.

This made these arrogant Lord Gods suffocated long ago.

"Haha, five old guys, now you should be convinced.

In the past, he always put on a cold and stinky face in front of us, thinking that he was superior.

It turns out that it's just that.

Starting today, Shenjian Mountain will no longer be under your control, but we will take over.

Smart, just obediently tie your hands, maybe we can give you a decent end.

Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite! "

A main **** laughed wildly.

"What are you doing with these five old guys?

I've seen these five old guys a long time ago.

In my opinion, just beat them to the end, or else, simply kill them all.

Save trouble. "

The other main **** sneered.

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