Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3891: Bad situation

Rumble... high in the sky, the giant sword slowly cut down again.


The five sword spirits urged the sword formation again, turning into a colorful beam of light, blocking the huge sword high in the sky.

Boom... Between the two, there was another violent collision.

The surging wave of sword energy completely submerged the entire Shenjian Mountain.

One blow.

Five sword spirits were at a disadvantage again.

That huge sword made up of five different colors was knocked down.

However, at this time, the four major forces began to appear abnormal.

Almost all the people connected to the big formation above Shenjian Mountain discovered that the energy, kendo level, and vitality in their bodies were rapidly losing.

Those white silk threads are constantly sucking their bodies! Many people with low realm and weak strength began to find that their faces were rapidly aging.

Some of the talented young disciples, originally young, with their appearances in their twenties, suddenly turned yellow and old, their skin was wrinkled, and their teeth began to loosen.

Even a lot of disciples with relatively weak strength began to ooze blood from the corners of their mouths, dripping continuously along the corners of their mouths, looking very miserable.

Because most of their vitality has been extracted! Those with relatively strong realm strength also find that their bodies are slowly becoming weak and aging.

However, when I thought that this was fighting for the honor of this faction, these four forces could only endure it forcibly.

The big formation above the Excalibur Mountain, although very powerful.

However, the energy consumed is also huge.

The elite men and horses of the four major forces in the sword world can contribute energy, kendo level, and vitality together to maintain the operation of the big formation! "Our attack must be faster.

Otherwise, the loss of our sect will be huge.

Some disciples are even impossible to recover! "

The main gods of the four major forces found that the situation of the people of their own sect seemed to be bad, and they were all anxious.

"Hurry up and try to end the battle sooner!"

More than a dozen main gods are all squeezing the magic tricks, speeding up the big formation.

Boom...The huge sword condensed from the big formation, aimed at the five sword spirits, and slammed down.


The five sword spirits yelled at the same time, stretched out their hands, spurred the sword formation, turned into a colorful beam of light, and blocked it high in the sky.

Rumble... the attacks from both sides collided.

Endless impact energy was produced, and the sword gas smoke like a raging wave rose up.

A violent mushroom energy cloud is constantly born.

This blow caused the entire sword world to tremble! "It's terrible! Is this the bottom line of the four powers! No wonder, the four powers can rule the sword world!"

In the distance, countless strong men couldn't help but exclaimed one after another. The big formation arranged by the four forces was completely shocked! At the beginning of the war, there were countless strong men who were attracted by this fierce battle that was rare in the ages.

"Haha, the four powers have a well-deserved reputation. My Yin-Yang Sword Sect has always been a subsidiary force of the Ximen family.

The four great powers, with such terrifying background, will surely rule the sword world forever and never decline.

Then, my Yin-Yang Sword Sect can also follow the Ximen family, develop and grow, pass on from generation to generation, and be immortal! "

"Fortunately, I have always respected the four major forces before, without any conflict.

Otherwise, once they display this big formation, I am afraid that with a single blow, they will be able to blast me and my forces into ashes! "

"Oh no.

I, the Xiaoyao Sword Sect, have always refused to accept the four major forces, and have been secretly competing and striving to develop, trying to catch up with the four major forces, and even challenge them, surpass them, and replace them! However, it now appears that this approach is too stupid and naive! This is self-defeating, and it is completely suicidal.

Because the background of the four major forces is too terrifying, especially this big formation, it only takes a single blow to completely wipe out my Xiaoyao Sword Sect, and there will be no scum left! It seems that in the future, I am the Xiaoyao Sword Sect, and I will change my strategy in the future and work hard to establish a good relationship with the four major forces.

Yes, in the future, we must take the initiative to bow to the four major forces, and even surrender to them! "

... Among the sword sects, the powerhouses of all sects, looking at the big formation above the Divine Sword Mountain from a distance, are very emotionally fluctuating, and each has its own ideas.

at the same time.

In the Divine Sword Realm where Divine Sword Mountain was located, a group of masters lurked in silently.

A master in the knife world! These masters in the sword world quietly sneaked into the Divine Sword World, paying attention to the battle that took place on the Divine Sword Mountain.

"Unexpectedly, the four major forces of the sword world can be deployed with such a terrible power.

Fortunately, when they were fighting against the army of our knife world before, they did not arrange this big formation.

Otherwise, we will be caught off guard and suffer heavy losses. "

"This big formation is really scary.

It seems that we have always underestimated these forces in the sword world.

Although the sword world has declined as a whole, there are still some powerful details left, such as this big formation. "

"In the future, you must be more careful when you fight against the swordsmen."

"No, we must report this incident to the senior leaders of our knife industry, and work out a way to deal with this big formation.

Otherwise, we should not easily go to war with the swordsmen! "

......The power of that big formation made these masters in the knife world feel very shocked, and they were deeply jealous, and they communicated secretly.

At this time, more than a dozen main gods of the four major forces once again mobilized the large array and launched an attack.

"Cut it again!"

More than a dozen main gods shouted at the same time.

Boom...The giant sword that had been condensed from the big formation was continuously slashing down towards Divine Sword Mountain, and the five sword spirits were also fully urging the sword formation to resist.

It was very intense! This battle is terrible. The entire sword world has been affected. No matter how far away, the remote corners are trembling! The energy generated by the battle was transmitted to every position in the entire sword world, among countless planes, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides... countless creatures were trembling and panicking.

"No, let's continue fighting like this.

Sooner or later we will not be able to support it! "

The white-robed old man among the five sword spirits said.

"I'm a little bit powerless."

The green-robed old man also said.

"Even if you can't support it, you have to hold on.

Don’t forget, guarding the sword mountain is the most important responsibility in our life.

When necessary, we can give our lives for the sake of Shenjian Mountain! What's more, don't forget, even if we can't support it, in the end, the sacred Sword Mountain will be shot.

The power of this big formation, although very strong.

However, I believe that Shenjian Mountain can handle it. "

The yellow robe old man said.

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