Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3892: Broke through

"Not bad.

For the sake of Shenjian Mountain, even if we are defeated, even if we lose our lives, we will not hesitate.

In the end, Shenjian Mountain will definitely help us. "

The other four sword spirits nodded after hearing the words of the old man in yellow robe, and renewed their spirits.

at the same time.

On the top of Shenjian Mountain, Lin Fei was still avoiding disaster.

"I have successfully avoided thunder disaster seventy-seven times.

There are still the last four thunder tribulations, as long as I avoid the past, I can break through and become the true **** of the upper god! "

Lin Fei was a little excited.

This time, the speed of avoiding catastrophe was very fast and relatively smooth.

However, Lin Fei was worried about the battle that was taking place on Divine Sword Mountain.

Lin Fei could see that the Five Sword Spirit had already been at a disadvantage and was struggling to support it.

At this time, even if Lin Fei wanted to help, there was no free time.

"Huh, that kid is actually indifferent and has been avoiding the true miracle.

How courageous.

Ladies and gentlemen, we urged the big formation and cut that kid to death with one sword! "

"That kid is really bold. At this time, in front of us, he dare to concentrate on avoiding disaster.

Just now, I almost forgot him.

Yes, let's smash him to death with a sword! "

...At this time, the main gods of the four major forces noticed Lin Fei, who had been avoiding disaster on the top of the Excalibur Mountain.

Just now, these main gods have been busy urging the big formation to deal with the five sword spirits.

Now, they realized that they had the chance to win, and they started to pay attention to Lin Fei.

at this time.

Lin Fei's True Tribulation has just reached the most critical juncture! The last calamity, eighty-one calamity! After avoiding this calamity, Lin Fei's True God Tribulation was a complete success.

"No, those guys seem to pay attention to me."

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness is so powerful, although he has been avoiding catastrophe, he always pays attention to everything around him and knows everything well.

"It seems that they want to do something to Lin Fei.

We must protect Lin Fei.

His avoidance has reached the final step, and he cannot fall short. "

The yellow robe old man said.

"Haha, boy, do you think you can save your life by escaping into Shenjian Mountain."

You think too much.

Today, Shenjian Mountain is your burial place! "

A main **** laughed wildly, his voice very harsh.

Rumble... More than a dozen main gods, grinning, urged the huge sword above Shenjian Mountain, aimed at Lin Fei, and chopped it down.

The whole world was cut in half, and the crack was very smooth.

At this moment, a huge sense of crisis appeared in Lin Fei's heart.

Lin Fei felt that his body and soul body were about to be cut in half.

at this time.

Rumble...A thick, colorful beam of light rose from the top of the Divine Sword Mountain to the sky and greeted the giant sword.

"Lin Fei, concentrate on avoiding your last thunder catastrophe.

We will help you stop! "

The old man in yellow robe said to Lin Fei.

In fact, the Five Sword Spirits had been very reluctant to support the battle until now.

Almost every time they collided, the Five Sword Spirits were damaged in their blood and they kept retreating.

It can be said that the state of the five sword spirits is getting worse and worse, and the combat effectiveness is much worse than before, and it is beginning to decline.

If this continues, the Five Sword Spirits will definitely lose.

"Seniors, thank you very much."

Lin Fei is very grateful.

Rumble...When Lin Fei and the Five Sword Spirits were transmitting the sound, there was another shocking collision in the sky above Shenjian Mountain.

The mighty sword aura is overwhelming, surging, and a devastating aura, overwhelming the sky, pours down towards Shenjian Mountain.

At this moment, it seems that the end of the world is coming.

Excalibur Mountain is like a dead world.

Puff puff... This violent collision caused the Five Sword Spirits to wear out a lot, spraying blood directly.

The sword formation that the Five Sword Spirits used together was shocked to fly upside down on the spot, and slammed into the body of Shenjian Mountain, slamming the entire Shenjian Mountain.

"Haha, you five old guys, today you finally know how great it is!"

More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces all laughed happily.

In the past, the five sword spirits who always appeared to be aloof, now that they were beaten by them, it made them feel fiercely raised! "Now, kill that kid!"

More than a dozen main gods, working together to urge the giant sword, the huge and intimidating blade, aimed at Lin Fei.

The endless boiling sword light, like a sea of ​​death, poured down over Lin Fei's head from the air.

Lin Fei felt that he was enveloped by a terrible law of death, and even breathing became difficult.

I have to say that the big formation arranged by the four forces is indeed too powerful.

With Lin Fei's strength and hole cards, facing the attack of the big array, he actually didn't know how to deal with it! It seems that there is no ability to meet the challenge! High in the sky, that huge sword aimed at Lin Fei and slowly chopped it down.

At this moment, the void where Lin Fei was was completely imprisoned.

Time, space, energy, laws, all tangible or intangible things are all solidified.

"too frightening!"

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Lin Fei was a bit creepy.

However, at this moment.


Lin Fei suddenly discovered that in the high altitude, his own thunder tribulation, the last tribulation, the eighty-first thunder tribulation, unexpectedly disappeared.

Originally, this last thunder calamity was the most powerful and the most difficult to avoid.

Above Lin Fei's head, a black sea of ​​thunder had gathered just now, and there were a total of eighty-one colors of thunder mans electric snakes, swimming frantically among the thunder seas.

Lin Fei was fully absorbed and was preparing to overcome the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, now, the black thunder sea, instantly disappeared.

Obviously, it was the huge sword that was slowly slashed down in the sky, and it was directly slashed! This is equivalent to that the giant sword helped Lin Fei and directly wiped out Thunder Tribulation.

With the disappearance of the 81st Thunder Tribulation, Lin Fei found that his realm had begun to change.

Start breaking through the realm of the superior god! The energy in the body has begun to undergo qualitative changes and is rising steadily! Various visions of true **** breakthrough began to be born, hovering around Lin Fei's body.

Between heaven and earth, the entire Divine Sword Realm, and even the entire Sword Realm's energy, surging surgingly, rushed toward Lin Fei and poured into Lin Fei's body.

Roar... The pleasure of breaking through made Lin Fei couldn't help but roar to the sky.

Lin Fei could feel that his realm broke through towards the upper **** true **** at an astonishing speed, and then, within a very short time, he successfully broke through! "No, our attack actually helped him directly break through!"

More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"While he is breaking through, stop him from absorbing the energy and laws of heaven and earth and cut off his breakthrough process!"

"Yes, he is breaking through, his defensive ability is very weak, take advantage of his illness, take his life!"

...A dozen of the main gods roared one after another, and at the same time pinched the magic formula to urge the big formation.

Rumbling... high in the sky, that giant sword, speeding up, and its energy becoming stronger, slashed towards Lin Fei.

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