Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3896: The beginning of decline

"Quick! Stop that kid, don't let him continue to destroy the big formation!"

More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces found that the power of the big formation was still declining, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

This big formation is their most important support.

Without this big formation, they could not defeat the five sword spirits at all.

Shoo...the master gods, showing their starting methods, rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, we will defend you against the enemy!"

Five sword spirits, where are willing to stand by.

Swish...Five swords of different colors rose from the sky to form a sword formation, turning into a thick multicolored beam of light, splitting the void, and blasting towards the dozen or so main gods.

Rumble... wherever the colorful beam of light went, the void continued to collapse, disintegrate, and turn into fly ash.

More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces turned pale with fright and dodged one after another.

what! There was a main god, hiding a little slower, and being swept by the remaining power of the sword formation, half of his body was blown to pieces on the spot.

At this moment, the dozen or so main gods felt very aggrieved.

They found that they weren't the opponents of Five Sword Spirits without the support of the big formation.

The power of that big formation is rapidly declining, making them lose the confidence to fight five sword spirits.

"With us, you can't move Lin Fei's hair!"

Five sword spirits rose into the air one after another, blocking Lin Fei and a dozen of the four major forces.

And this time.

Lin Fei used the ultimate heart sword style of the original source, and continued to cut more red wire tubes, and the energy sent to the large array above Shenjian Mountain was getting less and less! It can be clearly felt that the energy coercion released by that large array is getting weaker and weaker.

"Damn it! If this continues, our actions this time will fall short!"

"That kid is a monster.

He was bombarded by so much energy at the same time, and nothing happened. "

...The dozen or so main gods watched Lin Fei continue to destroy the white wire tubes that transmit energy to the large array, and was distraught.

The five sword spirits urged that colorful sword formation, suspended in the void, protecting Lin Fei's magic.

"We must kill that kid!"

The dozen or so main gods of the four major forces are really anxious.


More than a dozen main gods, with all their strength, came to kill Lin Fei.

The five sword spirits naturally refused to let them go, urging the sword formation and fighting together.

A fierce battle started again.

However, this time, the five sword spirits clearly had the upper hand.

"Elder Cao! Stop that kid, let everyone go together, and hack that kid to death with the sword!"

A master **** gave orders to the people in his sect.

"Yes! Everyone will go up to me, besiege that kid, and kill him!"

Other main gods also began to give orders to their men and horses.


Upon receiving the order, the troops of the four major forces, as well as those affiliated troops, moved toward Lin Fei's position one by one and killed them.

At this time, their bodies were still connected to those white wire tubes.

It looks like a puppet being manipulated, very weird.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Immediately, above Lin Fei's body, a circle of thick sword glow rose sharply.

The endless bright sword aura formed a dazzling aperture, rippling out in all directions.

With Lin Fei's current level of kendo, every word and deed, even every moment of his heart, contains the principle of kendo, which can mobilize unimaginable kendo energy.

Puff puff puff... the men and horses who rushed towards Lin Fei were crushed by the terrifying sword energy on the spot and turned into dazzling blood mists.

Originally, these troops of the four major forces, and all those satellites, had all been drawn from the body with a lot of energy and vitality by the big formation. The combat power was at its worst and weakest, when facing Lin Fei, it was as weak as an ant.

After a while.

Finally, all the white wire tubes connected to the big formation were cut off by Lin Fei, and there was no one left! That big formation completely lost its source of energy.

Then, it was obvious that the big formation began to gradually dim.

The power released was much weaker than before.

"This time it failed."

The main gods of the four major forces are very depressed.

At this point, they knew that they were unable to recover.

That big formation has been completely destroyed by Lin Fei.

"Damn it! This action, we planned carefully, originally, it was foolproof.

With the help of the power of the big formation, you can definitely win control of Shenjian Mountain in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, it was completely destroyed by this kid! "

"Damn it! This kid deserves death!"

"Pity our four forces, who paid such a big price, and failed! That nasty boy, even if he died a thousand times, 10,000 times, he can't make up for it!"

... The hatred of more than a dozen main gods towards Lin Fei reached the extreme, and they could not wait to fry Lin Fei and dismantle them, and then kill them quickly.

All of them were extremely angry, and the hatred in their hearts was like a storm.

It's just that the five sword spirits are tightly guarding Lin Fei, and they have no chance to rush over to fight Lin Fei.

"Everyone, step back immediately! Leave far away and break away from the big formation!"

Finally, more than a dozen main gods of the four major forces accepted the reality.

Knowing that this action was a complete failure.

No matter how entangled it is, it won't take any advantage.

What's more, the people of the four major forces, each member of the body, has been drawn away a lot of energy and vitality by the big formation, and each of them is in low state and the situation is not good.

If this continues, the loss will be even more severe! Withdrawal in time is the best choice! With an order, the troops of the four major forces, and those of the affiliated forces, began to retreat on a large scale.

at this time.

The big formation above Shenjian Mountain has been completely cracked.

Boom... With a loud noise, the big array suddenly exploded, broken into more than a dozen pieces, and tossed out in all directions.

More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces shot at the same time, and received one piece separately.

In the void, all the white line pipes disappeared.

"Haha, starting today, the world of the sword world will change.

Today’s battle is the beginning of the decline of your four major forces! "

Lin Fei suddenly burst into laughter.

The billowing sound shook the void violently for hundreds of millions of miles.

"Boy, what are you talking about!"

"Arrogant, our four forces, in the sword world, divide and conquer, and have ruled the sword world for a very long time.

You are such a small kid, how can He De, dare to speak up, you want to change the world of the sword world! "

... The main gods of the four major forces shouted angrily after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Hey, you old guys, every time I enter the sword world, I am chased by you, right?

From now on, I will settle this account with you. "

Lin Fei sneered while looking at the dozen or so gods of the four major forces.

"Now, charge some interest first."

Lin Fei shouted.

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