Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3897: Blademaster

As soon as the voice fell, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, a large number of puppet threads shot out, throwing out in all directions.

咻咻咻... the endless red thread, like a heavy red rainstorm.

Lin Fei's goal is the four major forces, as well as the gods among those affiliated forces.

Those gods, who had been drawn by the big formation just now, had almost half their energy and vitality, and now they are in very poor condition.

Resistance is very weak.

Facing Lin Fei's line of puppets, there was not much resistance.

Shoo...the red silk thread forcibly penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of those gods and wound around their soul bodies.

Soon, many gods were subdued and became Lin Fei's slaves.

"See the master!"

Those gods who were subdued respectfully saluted Lin Fei.

"Boy, dare you!"

"Boy, what kind of insidious secret technique did you use against my people!"

"It seems that this kid has performed some vicious soul secret technique!"

...... The main gods of the four major forces, seeing the gods of their own sect, unexpectedly bowed to Lin Fei and called their masters, they couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"This kid, there are so many methods, one after another."

The five sword spirits laughed blankly.

For the four major forces, five of them have no good impressions.

Therefore, they just couldn't ask Lin Fei to subdue those gods and become slaves.

"Haha, this is just a little interest.

I still have to settle the account with you. "

Lin Fei laughed.

Amidst the laughter, more puppet lines were thrown out and dived into the sea of ​​consciousness of gods.

"Hurry up!"

"Run away, as fast as you can!"

...... More than a dozen main gods of the four major forces, personally protect their sects, and evacuate in embarrassment.

After a while.

The surrounding area of ​​Shenjian Mountain was empty.

All the men and horses escaped.

Only a group of gods who had been subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves were left, following Lin Fei's side.

The four forces attacked Shenjian Mountain and returned in defeat! Soon, this astonishing news spread quickly throughout the sword world.

It was like thunder on the ground, making the entire sword world boil over.

You know, Shenjian Mountain has always been the most sacred mountain in the eyes of Jian Xiu in the world.

It is the spiritual sustenance of sword repair in the world! Unexpectedly, the four major forces organized an army to attack Shenjian Mountain.

This practice has caused many sword repairmen to have great dissatisfaction with the four major forces.

However, the fiasco of the four major forces made the sword repairmen of the world feel very happy secretly, and they applauded.

at this time.

Above the Excalibur Mountain.

"Lin Fei, good job.

This time, you have contributed the most to those who can defeat the four major forces. "

The five sword spirits were full of praise for Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, it seems that you have not only made a breakthrough in your realm, but you have also advanced by leaps and bounds above the level of kendo, reaching a very high level."

The old man in Huangpao felt Lin Fei's breath, found something, and asked.

"My kendo level has indeed improved."

Lin Fei replied.

Indeed, this time, Lin Fei's kendo level has improved greatly.

It is a qualitatively huge breakthrough! It can be said that Lin Fei's current level of swordsmanship is complete, and it can be compared with the main gods in the sword world! Moreover, the kendo world in the body has evolved into a real world that is visible and tangible.

It is no longer the illusory state before.

Lin Fei felt that having a world of swordsmanship had greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the quality of the true meaning of the five swords in the body has also been greatly improved.

In short, this time, Lin Fei was a big profit.

"Well, very good.

We did not misunderstand you.

Lin Fei, you are indeed a kendo wizard.

In a short period of time, such a great achievement was achieved in Kendo. "

Huangpao old man praised.

"In fact, the most important thing is the cultivation of me by the five seniors."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

The true meaning of the five swordsmanship was passed on to Lin Fei by the five sword spirits.

In that world of swordsmanship, five sword spirits taught Lin Fei to practice.

Just now.

"Hmph, you **** in the knife world, don't hurry up! Don't be sneaky, when you see you, it makes you sick!"

Suddenly, the white-robed old man among the Five Sword Spirits screamed coldly toward a void near the Divine Sword Mountain.

"Hey... old guy, what a big temper."

There was a violent rippling of time and space in the void, and then several huge figures slowly emerged.

Are six main gods.

On the body surface of each main god, there is a layer of dazzling sword aura, and the aura is frightening.

Obviously, these six main gods are the main gods of the sword world.

In fact, as soon as the war began, the main gods of the knife world came quietly and kept watching.

"Hmph, you clowns in the sword world, ran to our sword world to dominate.

I advise you to go back as soon as possible.

Go back and tell the old fellow Daoba to restrain him a little bit and don't make trouble everywhere.

Otherwise, he will regret it later. "

The yellow-robed old man stared at the six main gods in the knife world and said coldly.

"Give up! The prestige of the ancestor Blademaster is something you can blaspheme! Are you impatient to live!"

"Dare to be rude to the knife tyrant ancestor, this is a capital crime!"

... The six main gods of the knife world couldn't help getting furious after hearing the words of the old man in yellow robe.

It turned out that Daoba was the number one master of the knife world and the ruler of the knife world.

In the sword world, the sword master is the sky and the earth, and all masters must bow to him.

In fact, the army of the sword world invaded the sword world, which is also the meaning of the sword tyrant.

"Haha, that old fellow Daoba, is he so prestigious? Mention the name, what's wrong.

If the old fellow Daoba came to me, I would still slap him. "

The old man in yellow robe laughed.

"How dare you insult the ancestor of the knife tyrant like this, and look for death!"

The six masters in the knife world were so angry that they felt that their authority had been tainted.


Immediately, there was a main **** who waved his hand.

A huge sword energy slashed towards the yellow robe old man.

Rumble... That sword aura continued to magnify, and in an instant, it filled the entire void, releasing a domineering and devastating aura.


Before the Five Swords could move, Lin Fei had already stepped forward and waved his hand.

Huh... a plain sword light flew out and greeted the huge sword energy.

The sword energy and sword energy collided together.

Boom... At the center of the impact, the endless impact energy burst out instantly.

Massive mushroom clouds of energy continue to rise.

That piece of time and space was directly destroyed and turned into a dark vacuum area, shocking.

Endless sword energy and sword energy flow turbulently, centering on Shenjian Mountain, rushing out in all directions, surging violently.

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