Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3898: Bring something to Lin Fei

With this move, the two sides were tied! "how is this possible!"

The main **** of the knife world stared at Lin Fei with an incredible look, showing an expression of disbelief.

A real **** from a higher rank actually blocked his sword aura forcibly.

You know, under normal circumstances, his sword energy can easily kill more than a dozen high-level gods! "Not bad."

Wu Jian Ling admired Lin Fei's kendo level very much.

"Come again."

Lin Fei hooked his finger at the hands-on sword master god.

"Boy, dare to underestimate me!"

The main **** couldn't help being furious.

"Don't accept it, let's have a fight."

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

The level of kendo is advancing by leaps and bounds, and Lin Fei is a little bit itchy and wants to find an opponent to fight.

"Just hit it, don't I still be afraid of you brat!"

The sword master **** felt that he was underestimated and was so angry that he immediately wanted to rush over to teach Lin Fei.

"Don't love war, let's go!"

However, another master **** of the knife world stopped by aloud.

Here is the Shenjian Mountain, the holy land for sword repair in the world, and five sword spirits are also watching.

It can be said that this is the home field of Jian Xiu.

People in the knife world do not have the advantage here.

"Huh, kid, you wait!"

Before leaving, the sword master **** who was provoked by Lin Fei gave Lin Fei a fierce look.

In the blink of an eye, the six main gods of the knife world fled into the void and disappeared.

"Seniors, I am going to retreat and digest today's harvest."

Lin Fei said to Wu Jian Ling.

Just now, Lin Fei had absorbed a huge amount of sword energy and sword intent, and gained a great deal. Until now, it has not been completely digested.

Moreover, as the level of kendo advanced by leaps and bounds, in Lin Fei's heart, many kendo principles and the mysteries of kendo were born. Lin Fei needs time to organize and understand deeply.


Go ahead. "

Wu Jian Ling admired Lin Fei's practice of focusing on cultivation.

call out! Lin Fei couldn't wait, turned into a sword light, rushed into the center of the mountain, in the palace of the old man, and began to retreat.

"This young man is really good.

Not only is the talent and aptitude extremely high, but what is even more rare is that he is not arrogant or impetuous, and he never relaxes in his cultivation. He is simply a cultivator. "

The white-robed old man praised.

"Haha, this proves that our vision is correct.

This young man is worthy of our cultivation. "

The yellow robe old man also nodded and said.

"Hehe, five sages, speaking of it, I discovered this young man first.

I also recommend it to you.

Thank you so much. "

At this moment, a laugh came.

A faint sword light flew towards Shenjian Mountain and landed in front of the five sword spirits.

"Tianluo Jianzi!"

The five sword spirits were a little surprised.

The person here is actually Tianluo Jianzi.

"Didn't you live in seclusion in the Nether?

How come back to the sword world suddenly. "

The old man in Huangpao asked curiously.

Last time, Tianluo Jianzi merely condensed a mark of the soul and followed Lin Fei in.

This time, his body came in.

The meaning is completely different.

"There has been a change in the lower realm, and there is no longer a place for me to stand."

Tian Luo Jianzi smiled bitterly.

He was referring to Dijiang.

Dijiang had already noticed Tianluo Jianzi, and Tianluo Jianzi had to hide everywhere.

"Moreover, I have something to bring to Lin Fei, so I ran into the sword world."

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Lin Fei is in retreat."

The yellow robe old man said.

"Not urgent.

I will wait for him to leave the customs, and then give him the things. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Okay, five sages, please be busy.

Shenjian Mountain, I am more familiar with it. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Be careful.

The main gods of the sword world will definitely find you trouble once they learn that you are back. "

The yellow robe old man said.

Before Tianluo Jianzi, after all, he was once the ruler of the sword world, and he was familiar with the five sword spirits.

Moreover, because of Lin Fei, the five sword spirits also have a good impression of Tian Luo Jianzi.

"Thank you for reminding."

Tian Luo Jianzi nodded.

at the same time.

The main gods of the four major forces, with their own people, returned to the headquarters in despair.

A wailing! Every force has suffered heavy losses.

Almost every member lost half of his energy, kendo level, and vitality! Strength plummeted! "Roar! Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

...In the headquarters of the four major forces, there were bursts of rage.

Those main gods, returning to the headquarters, became more and more angry, suffocating their anger, and there was nowhere to vent, they were yelling.

"It's all because of that kid!"

"That kid, that's terrible!"

......The four major forces put all the accounts on Lin Fei's head.

at the same time.

Xuanjian plane.

The profound sword plane was originally a very important plane in the sword world.

But now it has been occupied by the army of the sword world, and has become the headquarters of the army of the sword world.

In a spacious palace, in a luxurious conference hall.

More than a dozen high-level members of the knife world army are all here.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a terrible kid in the sword world!"

"Why haven't I heard of it before."

"A junior boy, at a young age, not only has the realm of the upper **** true god, but also has the combat power equivalent to the main **** level! This is simply amazing!"

... These high-level officials were talking about what happened in Shenjian Mountain today, and they were very shocked by Lin Fei's combat power.

"According to the news I got, that young man is not from the sword world, but from the lower world."

A main **** said.

"How is it possible! People from the lower realm simply cannot enter the highest worlds like us."

"That is, a long time ago, the gateway between our highest world and the lower realm was closed.

Even our main gods have no ability to open those closed doors.

A kid from the lower realm, what is it possible to come from the lower realm to our highest world. "

...The other main gods didn't believe them and questioned them.

"It's true.

That kid is indeed from the lower realm.

According to the feedback I have placed in the forces of the sword world, that kid can penetrate the space barriers of the sword world and can freely travel between the lower world and the sword world.

This incident has been witnessed by many people, and it is certainly true. "

Said the main god.

"Someone can penetrate the space barriers of the highest world! This is incredible!"

These high-levels in the knife world were shocked.

"It seems that that kid must have cultivated some extremely clever, long-lost space-time secret technique.

If we catch that kid, it is possible to get this clever space-time secret technique from him! "

These high-levels in the knife world began to look greedy.

"However, the strength of that kid is a bit scary.

It is equivalent to a main god.

It is not easy for us to catch him. "

A main **** said worriedly.

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