Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3899: Conquer the sword world

"The two hands are hard to beat the four punches. We find the right time to carry out a surprise attack on him. It should not be difficult to catch him.

What's more, that kid, and the main gods of the sword world, are also incompatible with fire and water. They are weak and not difficult to deal with.

There are many mysteries in this kid, we must catch him and interrogate him. "

Another main **** said in a loud voice.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Other senior leaders in the knife industry also agreed.

Excalibur Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, in the palace of the old man Jian.

Ten days in a row.

Lin Fei always sat cross-legged, comprehending kendo.

The endless bright sword light whizzed and danced around Lin Fei's body, and the scene was magnificent.

"The world of kendo in my body is a preliminary evolution."

Lin Fei looked inside, a little excited.

Within the body, a magnificent world of swordsmanship, suspended in the void.

Everything in this world evolved from things related to kendo, such as sword aura, sword intent, and kendo laws.

This world, completely, belongs to the world of swords.

Hundreds of millions of transparent and pure sword auras, densely packed, surging in this world, pure and filthy, fierce and cold, mysterious and mysterious, containing the most powerful kendo law, which is unpredictable.

When Lin Fei's body moved casually, sword energy would gush out from the pores, cutting the surrounding time and space very slowly.

In Lin Fei's eyes, there was a violent storm of swordsmanship. With a random stare, it is estimated that an ordinary **** can be stared to death.

"Sword, kendo..." Lin Fei's heart, at this moment, his understanding of kendo reached an incredible level.

A brand new, almost complete height! Chi Chi...The five true meanings of swordsmanship in different colors lurked in the depths of Lin Fei's body, occasionally releasing amazing sharp auras.

Fifteen days later.

"Haha..., my kendo level has completely stabilized!"

Lin Fei laughed long.

Endless sword energy, with laughter, whizzing wild dance, soaring into the sky.

The surrounding time and space were directly cut open, and the chaotic air rolled over.

Lin Fei stood up long, and on top of his body, layers of dazzling sword light curtains continued to rise, setting off Lin Fei's majesty.

There is no one without me! Between the gestures, it seems domineering.

Lin Fei stepped out of the palace.

"Senior Tian Luo!"

Lin Fei saw at a glance, in front of the palace, a faint figure, standing there, was Tian Luo Jianzi.

"Senior Tianluo, why have you also entered the sword world."

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted, and quickly greeted him.

The Tianluo Jianzi in front of him is the main body.

"Dijiang has already paid attention to me. I can't stay in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

So, I had to run into the sword world to look for you. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei, it seems that your kendo level has been greatly improved. "

Tianluo Jianzi felt the breath released by Lin Fei, couldn't help but praised, very satisfied.

"I can achieve something in kendo, and I have to thank Senior Tian Luo for his guidance."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"You are Welcome.

What you should be most grateful for is your own kendo talent.

It is your enchanting talent that allows you to achieve your current achievements. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Lin Fei, with your current strength, in the sword world, you don't need to be afraid.

I estimate that even the four strongest forces in the sword world may not be able to do anything to you. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded, with a sense of pride.

At first, when Lin Fei had just entered the sword world, he was chased and killed by the four major forces very embarrassed.

Now, Lin Fei has enough self-confidence, he doesn't need to be afraid of people from the four major forces anymore.

Even if he encounters those main gods, he has the power to fight.

"Senior Tianluo, do you want to rule the sword world again."

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"Re-dominate the sword world?"

Tian Luo Jianzi was taken aback.

"Lin Fei, you mean, do you want to help me rule the sword world again?"

Tian Luo Jianzi asked.

"Yes, Senior Tian Luo, that's what I meant."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Only the two of us?

It is easier said than done alone. "

Tian Luo Jianzi shook his head and smiled.

"Senior Tianluo don't worry, we are not alone."

Lin Fei waved.

Almost a thousand gods stood neatly behind Lin Fei, respectfully.

These gods were all slaves conquered by Lin Fei.

"See the master!"

More than a thousand slaves simultaneously saluted Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, your Divine Soul Secret Technique is really terrible."

Tianluo Jianzi looked at the more than 1,000 **** slaves behind Lin Fei, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

These are all gods, but now they are willing to serve Lin Fei as slaves.

Not ashamed, but proud! "Senior Tianluo, believe me, I will soon build a team of my own.

Those forces in the sword world have not only betrayed you, but they have also colluded with other people in the highest world to invade the sword world, which is really hateful.

I will help you with this account. "

Lin Fei said.

"In fact, over the years, my ambitions have faded, and I don't have much thoughts of contending for world hegemony.

However, Lin Fei, if you are interested, just let it go.

Young people should be a bit passionate. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.


Senior Tianluo, don't worry, I will take back the rule of the sword world for you. "

Lin Fei said.

After entering the sword world, the four major forces have repeatedly chased and killed Lin Fei. With Lin Fei's character, naturally they would not stop like this.

"It's time to change the world of the sword world."

Lin Fei's gaze penetrated the void, looking out from a distance, showing a sneer.

"So, Lin Fei, how do you plan to start.

The current situation in the sword world is a bit complicated.

You not only have to face the forces of the sword world, but also the people of the sword world. "

Tian Luo Jianzi asked with interest.

"I plan to be straightforward.

Quickly cut the mess.

Go straight to the door, and if you disagree, fight until you are satisfied. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei is not joking, this approach is indeed Lin Fei's style.

"However, before that, I plan to build an army of my own.

Then, go to war directly.

Senior Tianluo, don't worry, I have confidence. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, Lin Fei, I am waiting for your good news."

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Senior Tianluo, during this time, you should stay at Shenjian Mountain first.

It's safer here. "

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei, don't worry, I am more familiar with the sword world than you.

You don't need to worry about me. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Then I can rest assured."

Lin Fei nodded.


Let's conquer the sword world! "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei walked out of the Divine Sword Mountain with more than a thousand **** slaves.

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