Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3902: Don't waste time

"Lin Fei, you dare to move my Qinglin Sword Sect, those masters of the Changle Sword Sect, you will definitely not let you go!"

Tian Sheng moved out of the Changle Sword School.


Lin Fei has no patience anymore.

laugh! A faint sword light swept across.

Click! Tian Sheng's body was cut in half on the spot, and blood was thrown across the sky.

Ah... Tian Sheng screamed.

Originally, even if the body of a half-step main **** was cut with a sword, it wouldn't hurt much.

However, Lin Fei's kendo level is terrible.

The sword light that was slashed contained extremely bold kendo laws, acting on Tian Sheng's body, making him painful and unbearable, and the soul body was also split in half.

"Do it."

Lin Fei said lightly.


Chu Bi took the lead, landed on the Qinglin Star, and started to attack the people of the Qinglin Sword Sect.

Lin Fei's more than a thousand slaves of gods, one by one, were full of energy, like a wolf like a tiger, and they entered Qinglinxing.

The Qinglin Sword Sect is comparable in strength to the Purple Cang Sword Sect. The strongest master in the Sect is the six and a half step master gods.

And among the **** slaves under Lin Fei, there are five and a half step master gods.

Na Tian Sheng was cut in half by Lin Fei, losing his combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the half-step masters of both sides, with the same number of people, fought hard.

In contrast, the Qinglin Sword Sect has a large number of people, reaching hundreds of millions.

However, all of Lin Fei's slaves were gods, and each one stood alone, and their combat effectiveness was very strong.

Therefore, during the war, Lin Fei's slaves to the gods had the upper hand.

Lin Fei carried both hands and walked into the battlefield step by step.

"Flee! No one is allowed to love war, run away immediately!"

At this time, Tian Sheng was already reorganizing his body and roared.

He knew that with the strength of the Qinglin Sword Sect, he was not a rival at all.

"That's too late!"

Lin Fei Zhan started, and came to Tian Sheng's body with a fist, knocking Tian Sheng dizzy and throwing him away.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, the dense red puppet's thread, Johnson rushed into Tian Sheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and entangled his soul body.

Lin Fei already had experience in subduing the half-step main god.

"Ah...what the **** is this, get out!"

Tian Sheng discovered that there were so many strange red threads in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he was so scared that he felt too dangerous because of these threads.

"Don't make noise!"

Lin Fei stepped forward and slapped Tian Sheng into a fat head and face.

Poor Tian Sheng, in front of Lin Fei, there is no way to fight back, just like a child of two or three years old facing a strong adult! "No, the boss is in danger.

We save the head! "

The other five and a half-step master gods of the Qinglin Sword Sect saw that Tian Sheng was firmly suppressed by Lin Fei, and couldn't help but become anxious. They stretched out and rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Good job."

Lin Fei waved his hand, a sword light cut it out.

Click... a series of crisp sounds, the five and a half steps of the Qinglin Sword Sect's main god, all of their bodies were chopped in half, blood was thrown, and the scene was very bloody.

Shoo... Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a large number of puppet threads were thrown out like a red rainstorm, drowning the five and a half steps of the main gods.

"Ah... what are these red lines! Get out!"

Immediately, the five and a half step master gods also screamed.

The attack on the soul body is the most terrifying and uncomfortable for a warrior.

"Give me rules!"

Lin Fei scolded.

At the same time punches like electricity.

Boom... He beat every half-step main **** with a few punches, and the attack was very heavy. Each of these main gods was covered in flesh and wounded seriously.

Lin Fei's fists contained terrifying sword energy, which penetrated into their bodies and caused very serious damage.

This is Lin Fei's experience.

Half-step master god, not very easy to subdue.

It's much easier to get them seriously injured first.

Sure enough, after being severely injured, the half-step master gods of the Qinglin Sword Sect were all quieter.

Because they are simply powerless to struggle.

They also finally understood that in front of Lin Fei, they had no possibility of resistance.

"Master, the battle is over.

Qinglin Star has been occupied by us.

The people of the Qinglin Sword Sect, kill those who kill, descend, and flee. "

Chu Bi came to Lin Fei's side and reported to Lin Fei.

The six and a half-step master gods of the Qinglin Sword Sect were the most powerful, but Lin Fei was alone.

The rest of the people, Lin Fei's slaves to the gods, can easily deal with them.


Lin Fei was satisfied with the performance of these slaves.

"See the master."

Finally, the six half-step master gods of the Qinglin Sword Sect, including the head Tian Sheng, were all subdued and became Lin Fei's slaves, standing in front of Lin Fei respectfully and saluting.

In this way, there are eleven and a half master **** slaves under Lin Fei! Next, Lin Fei conquered all the surrendered gods among the Qinglin Sword Sect with the secret technique of puppet thread and became slaves.

There are hundreds more slaves of gods! In addition, most members of the Qinglin Sword Sect saw that almost all the high-level members of the Sect had surrendered, so they also surrendered one after another, expressing their desire to follow Lin Fei.

Lin Fei naturally welcomes.

Before, most of the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect had already surrendered to Lin Fei.

Now, the people from the Qinglin Sword Sect are added.

Lin Fei's men already had a considerable army.

"Chu Bi, the next goal."

Lin Fei said to Chu Bi.

"Master, the next target is the True Feather Sword Sect!"

Chu Bi replied loudly.

The True Feather Sword Sect is also a well-known subsidiary force of the Changle Sword Sect.

"set off!"

Chu Bi leads the way, majestic and prestigious.

He felt that this was Lin Fei's trust.

After a while.

"People of the True Feather Sword Sect, listen, my master is here! From now on, the True Feather Sword Sect must submit to my master, otherwise, kill without mercy!"

Abruptly, a loud roar sounded in the headquarters of the True Feather Sword Sect.

Then, a large army, aggressively, entered the headquarters of the True Feather Sword Sect.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it!"

Lin Fei waved.


Lin Fei's eleven and a half-step master and **** slaves, with their men and horses, directly rushed over.

Eleven and a half step master gods, more than a thousand gods, plus a large army, in terms of overall strength, already surpassed the True Feather Sword Sect.

Therefore, the war went very smoothly.

After a short while.

"See the master!"

All the gods of the True Feather Sword Sect were subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves.

Including five and a half steps of the main god! In this way, the number of half-step master **** slaves under Lin Fei reached seventeen! This made Lin Fei very satisfied, a bit of a good soldier.

"Master, do you want to take a break?"

Chu Bi asked Lin Fei, eager to try. He was very excited. After only half a day, he had subdued the two sects, which made him feel very exciting and a sense of accomplishment.

"No need to rest, go on.

I still want to conquer the sword world, no time to waste. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

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