Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3903: Changlejian dispatched

In this way, in just one day, there were five sword factions, which were subdued by Lin Fei and incorporated into Lin Fei's army.

Now, Lin Fei's men have more than 20 half-step master **** slaves.

More than two thousand **** slaves.

An astonishing army! The real soldiers are strong.


The matter finally reached the headquarters of the Changle Sword School.

"Unreasonable! Too much deceiving! I'm so angry! That kid, you deserve death!"

In the headquarters of the Changle Sword Sect, a series of angry roars sounded.

The high-level members of the Changle Sword School were all concentrated in the conference hall, one by one violently roaring.

Within a day, five affiliated forces betrayed and became the people of others.

Moreover, these five subsidiary forces are relatively strong.

This is a major event for the Changle Sword School.

A shocking event! The high-level members of the Changle Sword School were furious and crazy.

This is not just a matter of face. The absence of five powerful subsidiary forces is already a thorny issue for the Changle Sword School.

"That kid, dare to dig the corner of our Changle Sword Sect! He doesn't put us in the eyes of the Changle Sword Sect! This hatred must be reported!"

"If you don't cut that kid a thousand knives, Ling Chi will be executed, you can't vent my hatred!"

... Suddenly, the hall was filled with the roar of anger from the Changle Sword Sect high-level officials.

The raging anger continued to erupt, forming a power like a stormy sea, almost overturning the entire palace.

Cracks appeared in every inch of space.

"Head! We can't wait any longer and let things go on! We must act now to stop that kid, otherwise, he won't stop!"

An elder growled in a low voice.

"Yes, this kind of thing can't happen again! Otherwise, our Changle Sword Sect will lose so many affiliated forces, and our vitality will be greatly injured! This is a major event that involves the foundation of our Changle Sword Sect, so sloppy! "

...The senior officials of the Changle Sword Sect said one after another.

"Indeed it is.

Immediately light up the men and horses, and go to the kid to settle the account.

However, the strength of that kid cannot be underestimated.

It's hard to deal with him if you send a general master.

You must be a master of the master **** level to deal with him.

Now that we, the main gods, will have to act in person.

This kid named Lin Fei is too disgusting, with sinister intentions, he actually wants to damage our Changle Sword Sect's forever foundation! "

The head of the Changle Sword Sect, suppressing the monstrous anger, said coldly.

"Also, immediately notify the Ximen family, the Tianyi Sword Sect, and the Flying Immortal Sword Sect of this matter. I believe that they are also very interested in this kid.

I always feel that this kid is weird and difficult to deal with.

You must unite with the other three forces and deal with him together to be more secure. "

The head of the Changle Sword School said.

"Well, the head makes sense.

Let the other three powers work together to deal with that kid and have a greater grasp. "

Other senior officials also nodded one after another.

"Okay, dispatch the elite troops right away!"

The head of the Changle Sword School gave an order.

After a while.

From the headquarters of the Changle Sword Sect, a large army came out, marching in the void with great strength.

There are four main gods in this army! More than 30 half-step master gods! More than two thousand gods! The overall strength of this army is terrifying! It is estimated that it belongs to the top army in the sword world.

"Master, just received the news that the Changle Sword Sect has sent a large army to deal with the master!"

Almost at the same time, a spy came to report to Lin Fei.

This is a high-level god, true god, with a very good body, and is responsible for collecting information for Lin Fei.

"I heard that there are four main gods personally leading the team.

Master, we must be more careful. "

The real **** of the upper **** said to Lin Fei.

"It's okay. Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover."

Lin Fei's eyes were cold and sneered.

Lin Fei's ultimate goal is to deal with the four major forces, so naturally he will not be afraid.

"Don't worry, everyone, just do what you should do.

The Changle Sword Sect is here, so don't be afraid. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

At this time, a large number of **** slaves were gathering around Lin Fei.

"With a master, we are not afraid of anything!"

"The master's supernatural power is invincible in the world, and there is a Changle Sword Sect in front of the master, what counts!"

"The master can beat the Changle Sword Sect with a flick of his finger!"

... A large group of slaves under Lin Fei took the opportunity to flatter and touted them very nasty.

"Well, stop talking nonsense."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Continue to the next goal, we have to rush to the Changle Sword Sect's army, before we arrive, we will conquer another sect."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took his army and set off towards the next goal.

Heavenly Wind Realm.

Tianfeng Realm is the headquarters of the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

The Tianfeng Sword Sect is also a relatively powerful subsidiary force under the rule of the Changle Sword Sect.

"Everyone, I just received the order from the Changle Sword Sect. All the affiliated forces must raise the twelve-point spirit, stay vigilant, and be prepared at all times, because that kid named Lin Fei, whenever possible, will come here. .

Moreover, once something happens, it must be reported to the Changle Sword Sect immediately. "

In the discussion hall of the Tianfeng Sword Sect headquarters, the head and all the high-level officials were almost there, and the head was speaking loudly.

"According to the news, under the rule of the Changle Sword Sect, a total of five affiliated forces have been controlled by that kid.

Therefore, the situation is very serious.

Our Tianfeng Sword Sect is also a force belonging to the Changle Sword Sect. The goal is very obvious.

Be very careful! "

The head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect said.

"The head has a point."

In the hall, other high-levels also nodded one after another.

In fact, what happened in the past two days has spread to the entire sword world at an alarming speed, and almost everyone knows it very clearly.

"Head, please rest assured, I have already sent a large number of spies to conduct close surveillance.

Once there is any disturbance, it will be reported as soon as possible. "

An elder said.

"Hey, that kid named Lin Fei is really terrible.

Within one day, he actually conquered the five affiliated forces of the Changle Sword Sect. In addition to close monitoring, what we can do now is to pray together, and hope that kid will not stare at our Tianfeng Sword Sect.

Otherwise, it will be bad. "

The head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect sighed.

Just now.

"Report! The big event is not good! That kid named Lin Fei, with a large army, is approaching our Tianfeng Realm. I believe that the goal is our Tianfeng Sword Sect!"

A true **** stumbled into the hall, panicked and yelled.


! "

The Tianfeng Sword Sect, all the high-level members stood up directly, their expressions changed drastically, and their hearts were chilling.

This is really, what you are afraid of! "Huh! This matter is not trivial! Everyone, we must be calm and don't act rashly.

First of all, immediately report to the Changle Sword Sect, and ask the Changle Sword Sect masters to come and deal with it. "

The head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart and said.

at the same time.

"Report! I found Lin Fei's trail.

He led his army towards the headquarters of the Heavenly Wind Sword Sect, the Heavenly Wind Realm. "

The Changle Sword Sect's army was searching everywhere for Lin Fei's whereabouts, and suddenly received a report.

"Very well, we will go to the Heavenly Wind Realm immediately."

A main **** laughed.

"In fact, in the headquarters of the Heavenly Wind Sword Sect, there is a large teleportation array that can be teleported over a long distance and reach it instantly.

Immediately contact the head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect and ask him to activate the teleportation formation and pick us up.

In this way, we must be able to reach the Heavenly Wind Realm earlier than Lin Fei's kid.

At that time, we were silent, lurking in the headquarters of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, making arrangements, and coming to wait for the rabbit, and when the kid arrived, we suddenly killed him by surprise! "

The other main **** said with a sneer.

"This is a good way! At that time, we will arrange more big formations and organs, so that the kid can taste it.

Arrange all our Changle Sword Sect and all the great formations! "

The other three main gods all agree.

"Hey, let's not talk about other things, our four main gods suddenly shot together and attacked that kid. I don't believe it. I can't deal with him!"

A main **** said with a sneer, appearing confident.

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