Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3906: One by one

"Master, what should I do?

If the master **** master of the Changle Sword Sect is here, it is difficult for us to move the Tianfeng Sword Sect. "

Chu Bi asked Lin Fei's voice transmission.

"Don't worry, even if there is the Lord God, it is not difficult for people who want to move the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

Believe it or not, let me show it to you. "

Lin Fei smiled.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei locked several half-step master gods of the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

The strength of the Tianfeng Sword Sect was similar to that of the Purple Cang Sword Sect and the Qinglin Sword Sect, with six and a half steps of the main god.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the ultimate heart sword style.

call out! A faint sword light swept across at an astonishing speed.

The six half-step master gods of the Tianfeng Sword Sect all saw it, and there was a sword light slashing at him.

However, in the face of this seemingly plain sword light, they have no power to evade at all. They watched, the plain sword light crossed their bodies.

Kaka Kaka... the six and a half-step master gods of the Tianfeng Sword Sect were cut in half at the same time, and the gods' blood spurted wildly.

The ultimate heart sword style of the origin is composed of two parts, one is kendo, and the other is mental strength.

During this period of time, Lin Fei made rapid progress on the sword.

The ultimate heart sword style displayed on the original source is naturally more terrifying than before.

Used to deal with the half-step main god, it is simply a sledgehammer! Naturally, one cut is accurate! Moreover, Lin Fei added the brilliant kendo laws in Jianguang. After the six half-step master gods were slashed by Jianguang, he found that his body had invaded a large number of weird kendo laws, full of energy. , Was directly sealed! While Lin Fei was cutting out his sword light, he was already showing his start and stepped out.

Then, he appeared in front of the six and a half steps of the main gods, and with a wave of his sleeves, he rolled up the six and a half steps of the main gods' body fragments, including the soul body, and hid them.

The original ultimate heart sword style, coupled with Lin Fei's body speed.

With just one move, Lin Fei captured all the six and a half-step master gods of the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

Lin Fei's movements are smooth and flowing, and they are all natural, and the speed is almost to the extreme! It seems that if there is more art, there is more art! One characteristic of Lin Fei's combat power is that he is quite aggressive and domineering. Facing a warrior who is weaker than himself, he can instantly kill! For Lin Fei, the effect of beating one and a half steps of the main **** is the same as that of six and a half steps of the main god.

This scene dazzled everyone.

Even the four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were stunned.

They didn't expect that Lin Fei's combat power was so weird, and his movements would be so fast! They wanted to help, but it was too late.

Moreover, these four main gods are lurking around, and the main purpose is to find the best opportunity to carry out a sneak attack on Lin Fei and win with one blow.

When Lin Fei came out, they were still hesitating whether they were suitable for the shot.

After hesitating, there is no time to save people.

"Awesome! Master is too mighty!"

"The master takes action, there is no disadvantage, the world is invincible!"

...The slaves of the gods under Lin Fei burst out with frantic shouts and flattered, working very hard.

"Damn it! This kid is too slippery! He did it in front of us!"

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were all so angry that they almost couldn't control themselves.

In this way, Lin Fei had a clearer perception of the positions of these four main gods, because the breath they released had changed.

"Master, didn't you say that there are masters of the master **** level here?

Why don't you see them make a move? "

Chu Bi asked Lin Fei secretly.

"Hey, they can hold back their anger.

Okay, let me see how long these master gods can endure. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Then, Lin Fei started again.

call out! A faint sword light slashed out.

Kaka Kaka...a dozen true gods, their bodies were cut in half at the same time, including the soul body! Lin Fei's sleeves were almost rolled out with Jian Guang, and all the body and soul bodies of a dozen true gods were rolled up and hidden.

"Roar... I'm so angry! Let's do it!"

"Okay, do it, rescue the six highest tiers of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, otherwise, the Tianfeng Sword Sect is over."

...The four main gods lurking in the dark can't help it anymore.

"Everyone, come close to me immediately."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness found that the breath of the four main gods exploded. Obviously, he was ready to do something on himself, so he gave an order.

The **** slaves under Lin Fei had been prepared for a long time, and as soon as they heard the order, they immediately approached Lin Fei at full speed.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei sent all the slaves into the human world in his body.

Boom boom boom boom! Four violent and powerful attacks instantly blasted towards Lin Fei's position.

These four attacks appeared quite abrupt and terrifying to the extreme. The mighty energy pressure, instantly, completely suppressed the world.

Time and space are frozen, everything can't move.

However, Lin Fei was prepared long ago, and as soon as he moved, he avoided four strong attacks.

Rumble...The place where Lin Fei stood just now was completely destroyed, becoming a long and narrow black vacuum zone.

"Haha, four old guys, are they finally unable to hold back.

I thought you were going to hide forever. "

Lin Fei laughed.

"Lin Fei, it turns out that you have discovered the four of us long ago."

Changle Fairy Boy roared.

"Not bad.

As soon as I came in, I found you four old guys.

Fortunately, you still hide in seriousness. "

Lin Fei sneered.

The four main gods of the Changle Sword School became even more angry after hearing Lin Fei's words.

It turned out that they had discovered them early in the morning.

"Lin Fei, Shao poor mouth, today, here is your burial place!"

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it!"

The four main gods stretched out their bodies and surrounded Lin Fei.

The combat power that Lin Fei showed just now was too weird and too powerful.

These four main gods knew that unless they acted personally, it was impossible for the other people to deal with Lin Fei.

The four main gods shot at the same time, their energy rolled, and a strong murderous intent forced them over.

Swish Swish! Four sword lights that are as huge as a pillar of heaven, slashed towards Lin Fei from the sky, magnificent, invaded by all laws, and not bad for all! This is the ultimate skill of the four main gods, concentrating on their kendo level and kendo energy.

This kind of sword trick is too simple, too scary, and too bright! In an instant, the sword light rolled, and it was extremely gorgeous, just like that, flooding the entire world.

Around, all the men and horses of the Changle Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect were so scared that all their hands trembled.

Most of the men and horses, unable to withstand the power pressure of the main **** level, began to limp on the ground, shaking violently.

call out! Lin Fei's body shape is like electricity, shrinking back sharply, performing the shadowless pose, and at the same time cooperating with the clever laws of space, time, reincarnation, and causality, far away.

Lin Fei would not be so stupid, to fight against four main gods at the same time.

If it is the main **** in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei will also consider it.

However, the sword world is the highest world.

The four main gods of the highest world are working together to attack, even if it is Lin Fei, he must temporarily avoid the edge! "Old guys, do you want to gang fight! Come one by one!"

Lin Fei shouted.

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