Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3907: The battle with the main god

"This kid is so fast!"

A main **** roared.

The four main gods of them took a full blow, so fierce and fierce, they were directly avoided by others.

"His kendo level seems to be very strong, beyond my imagination!"

The other main **** sighed.

You must know that the four main gods, who jointly displayed sword moves, released the terrifying kendo law, which has sealed this world in an instant.

However, Lin Fei moved freely and was not hindered at all.

This must have a very strong level of kendo to be possible, breaking the blockade of the law of kendo of the four main gods.

The four main gods have practiced for a very long time, are proficient in kendo, and their eyes are like torches. At a glance, they can see that Lin Fei's combat power far exceeds their imagination.

"Old guy, look at the sword!"

Lin Fei's moving and shadowless style, various mysterious chaotic origin laws, constructed various law runes, shimmering and shining light, supported by Lin Fei's feet, changing step by step, step by step.

In an instant it approached behind one of the main gods.

Huh! Lin Fei raised his hand and chopped forward. Between his palms, the sword light hesitated, and a flat sword light slashed forward.

laugh! Jian Guang turned across the sky, splitting the void in half, like two smooth bean slips.

The main **** immediately felt his horror and a crisis of birth in his heart. He discovered that the sword light that Lin Fei had cut could completely hurt him.

Roar! The main **** dodged with all his strength, and at the same time cut out a huge sword light, erupting a terrifying sword energy, blocking Lin Fei.

Boom...The attacks of the two sides collided together, causing a series of large explosions, and huge mushroom clouds continued to rise.

In this place, all matter, energy, and laws have been wiped out and clean.

Both sides retreated extremely quickly, avoiding these devastating impact energy.

"Lin Fei, unexpectedly, your combat power has reached the level of the main god.

Could it be that you dare to jump like this in the sword world! Only the upper **** true god, but has the main **** level combat power, Lin Fei, I have to say, throughout the ages, you should be the first. "

When Changle Fairy Boy saw this, his face was very ugly.

He always hated Lin Fei, always wanted to kill Lin Fei and then hurry up.

However, now, he discovered that Lin Fei's combat power had begun to catch up with him.

Want to kill Lin Fei, it seems that it is not so easy.

"Haha, thank you Mizan!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly, quite proud.

The praise of an enemy is much more precious than the praise of those slaves under his own.

"Hmph, but we stand in this realm and have been immersed for a long time, Lin Fei, even if you practice some kind of sorcery and forcibly increase your combat power, how can it be on par with us."

Changle Fairy hummed coldly.

laugh! While speaking, the fairy boy in Changle offered a bone sword that was bright and white. It was as white as jade, emitting a brilliant brilliance. It was composed of three osteotomy fingers, exuding an extremely strange aura, sliding across the sky, silently, and slashed towards Lin Fei. Come.

Rumble... Vaguely, Lin Fei suddenly felt that between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be a snow-white monster, rushing towards his soul body, savage and majestic, huge in shape, and white.

"What kind of monster is this, it seems to have a terrifying soul energy.

This kind of monster seems to be more powerful than the soul race! Very good at attacking creatures' soul bodies! "

Lin Fei's eyes were cold and faint, using his vision and supernatural powers to observe the white giant beasts, secretly surprised.

Could it be that there is another race in this world that is more proficient in the laws of the soul than the soul race?

call out! In an instant, Lin Fei quickly escaped, in the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, chaotic ice lotus, and at the same time released powerful soul energy, tightly protecting the soul body.

Boom... At the same time, Lin Fei's consciousness moved, and he displayed a heaven-defying psychic secret method, calling the psychic energy of more than two thousand **** slaves under his hands.

Boom... The spirit energy of more than two thousand gods and spirit slaves was blessed on Lin Fei's head at the same time, like a strong halo, bursting out a strong spirit of light, shining hundreds of thousands of miles in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Fei looked extremely sacred, as if a saint who taught the world was walking in the world, extremely holy.

Boom... The mighty spirit energy condensed into a huge long sword, and greeted the snow-white jade bone sword in front.

Boom... The two sides smashed into each other, shaking violently at the same time.

Kaka Kaka... the high-intensity battle made the entire Sky Wind Realm unbearable. The heavens and the stars were shaking, and the stars in the sky were about to explode.

The star space is overwhelmed by endless symbols of spirit and soul, and the breath is extremely terrifying.

It is almost going to destroy this world and reopen the world.

"If you don't want to die, immediately withdraw from Tianfeng Realm, the sooner the better!"

A main **** of Changle Sword Sect shouted loudly.

Before, in order to deal with Lin Fei, a large number of troops were deployed in the Tianfeng Realm, including the Changle Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

All of them belong to the Changle Sword Sect. If these people are affected by the battle, they will all be destroyed.

The Changle Sword School suffered a great loss.

Hehhhhhhhhhhhh...After receiving the order, all the men and horses of the Changle Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect ran out of the plane with all their strength. In fact, all of these men and horses were scared long ago. Most of them were already crawling on the ground and could not stand up.

Boom... After a stalemate, the snow-white bone sword was shaken and flew back, and the soul long sword that Lin Fei had cut back also retreated.

Rumble...The shocking spirit energy, like a roaring ocean, swept out in all directions.

Many people who had not had time to escape from the Heavenly Wind Realm were swept by the ocean of psychic energy. The psychic body and the sea of ​​consciousness were shattered on the spot and turned into straight corpses, maintaining the original escape posture, which was very strange.

With this move, Lin Fei and Changle Fairy Child drew a tie, regardless of the outcome.

Boom boom boom! The other three main gods, taking advantage of Lin Fei and Changle Fairy Child, quietly spared Lin Fei's back and launched a surprise attack. Three terrifying energies roared like oceans and burst out in an instant.

call out! At this moment, Lin Fei used the shadowless pose to the extreme, and, in conjunction with the various chaotic origin laws related to time and space, he wanted to transcend this time and space and avoid it.

The shadowless style, but it was passed down to Lin Fei by a chaos god, naturally it was extremely magical.

At this moment, Lin Fei's figure became elusive, transcending the past, the present, and the future. There is no way to stick to all kinds of causes and effects, as if they have walked out of this long river.

It seems that Lin Fei no longer belongs to this world, does not belong to this period of history, and crosses the long river of different years.

"Lin Fei, your law of time and space, the law of reincarnation, and the law of causality, you have realized this level!"

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were all screaming and dumbfounded.

They are the main gods, and the laws they practice are naturally based on the laws of chaos origin.

However, they suddenly discovered that Lin Fei was ahead of them by comprehending the law of the origin of chaos! Make them ashamed!

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