Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3908: Hard work

"This son is terrible, and it has unlimited potential.

Let it grow, and in the near future, no one in the entire sword world can stop him! The sword world will be his world! "

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect looked at each other, their eyes solemn, and thought of this at the same time.

Their intent to kill Lin Fei became even stronger.

"No matter, he must be killed! Otherwise, in the future, he will kill us!"

The four main gods communicate secretly.

"Do everything, no matter the cost, we will kill him!"

The four main gods reached an agreement.

Boom boom boom boom! The four powerful and unmatched breaths of the main gods broke out completely, and each main **** released all of its energy without any reservations.

Chi Chi... In the void of the entire Sky Wind Realm, the sword energy is violent, and the densely dense sharp sword lights are rampant, all strong.

These sword lights are too scary, and they have shredded large expanses of time and space.

Looking around, the entire Tianfeng Realm was completely destroyed and completely turned into ruins.

In fact, this level of damage is considered minor.

The battle at the main **** level, a little bit fierce, can destroy a world.

"Lin Fei, today, you must be here!"

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect approached Lin Fei from four sides and shouted coldly.

boom! A serpentine sword aura rose to the sky and slashed towards Lin Fei. This sword cut all the time and space directly open, and the chaotic aura rolled over and was domineering.

The other direction.

Huh! It is also a peerless sword light, traversing everything, and coming out of the sky.

This sword, blessed with the sword energy of the main **** level, is extremely domineering. There is no reason to say that it is a domineering dominance that kills all enemies! "Look at my Tianlei Chaos Sword!"

In the other direction, a loud roar sounded.

A billowing sword light slashed over, and it coincided with the trajectory of the Heavenly Dao, causing thunder in all directions, opening and closing, and endless lightning snakes, accompanied by the sword light.

"Lin Fei, look at my bone sword!"

In another direction, Changle Fairy Boy's figure emerged, opened his mouth and sprayed, that snow-white bone sword suddenly cut out again, and the monstrous spirit energy turned into a vast sea of ​​fog.

The four main gods all displayed their most powerful kendo supernatural powers, and they attacked Lin Fei without reservation.

"Sure enough!"

Faced with the combined attack of the four main gods, Lin Fei did not dare to neglect, and shouted, using the shadowless style to the extreme.

Coupled with the law of time and space, the law of reincarnation, the law of causality,...At the same time, Lin Fei activated the reincarnation card of the world.

All kinds of hole cards are out! call out! Lin Fei's body swiftly flashed, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time.

Rumble...A series of kendo magical powers rolled up the monstrous and splendid sword light, tearing time and space to pieces, and drowned towards Lin Fei.

Chi Chi...A series of plain sword lights flashed past.

This is Lin Fei fighting back.

Plain is the kendo that Lin Fei is pursuing at this stage.

Boom... In the sky wind realm, there are endless horrible sword lights everywhere, and it has completely become a kingdom of swords! The time and space of this world has been destroyed.

Space and time, laws, energy, and all matter have been crushed by the terrifying sword light and turned into a hurricane of time and space.

The Heavenly Wind Realm was completely destroyed.

After this great war, it can no longer be rebuilt.

"Our Tianfeng Sword Sect is over.

The Heavenly Wind Realm is also over.

Why, this is why, my Heavenly Wind Realm will suffer this catastrophe! "

Outside of the Heavenly Wind Realm, many creatures were sobbing silently to ask the heavens.

at this time.

Lin Fei faced the attacks of the four main gods and fought for most of the day. Most of the time, Lin Fei avoided [3Q Chinese].

Because these four main gods cooperate very tacitly.

When making moves, the four of them almost all made a concerted effort at the same time.

With the strength of one person, Lin Fei fought head-on with the four main gods and tried several times, each time it was a miserable defeat, and his body was shattered to pieces.

"The Lord God of the Highest World, really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"How is it possible, this kid is too abnormal.

One, beat the four of us, and persisted for so long! "

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were more shocked than Lin Fei at this moment and couldn't believe it.

The four of them are the Lord God! The four main gods worked together to fight a junior boy. After such a long period of time, they were still in a stalemate regardless of the outcome.

If this kind of battle were to be spread out, what face would they have for the four main gods?

However, no matter how they attacked or even used some taboo secret techniques, they couldn't do much damage to Lin Fei.

At most, that is, blow Lin Fei's body to pieces.

With Lin Fei's abnormal physique, it was not a problem at all that his body was shattered, and he immediately returned to the original state.

Moreover, the sword moves displayed by these main gods slashed on Lin Fei's body, and some of the sword aura and sword intent were directly absorbed by Lin Fei.

The true meaning of the five swords in Lin Fei's body, and the world of swordsmanship, are very eager for all the sword aura and sword intent, and they will not refuse! Lin Fei's attacks on Jian Qi and Jian Yi already had a certain degree of immunity.

And these four main gods, it happened that they were mainly practicing swordsmanship.

Therefore, Lin Fei has a certain advantage against these four main gods.

If there are four other gods who are not the main gods who practice swordsmanship, Lin Fei may not dare to fight them at the same time.

"This kid is a freak! Could it be that he has developed some kind of undead physique?

! "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

He thought of the legendary, some abnormal physique that would never die.

It is said that the creatures with the undead physique in the legend are extremely difficult to kill and can live a very long time.

"Boy, what on earth are you from?

How could your perverted combat power come from the lower realm.

Are you from a certain ancient tradition in the sea of ​​absolute space! Hmph, you old Daoist traditions, living in seclusion, why enter the world and participate in the struggle of the world! "

A master **** asked Lin Fei.

The other three main gods looked at Lin Fei with a bit of jealousy.

They all suspected that Lin Fei's origin must be extraordinary.

How could the creatures in the lower realm possess such a perverted combat power.

Can actually leapfrog and fight them! "Smug old guy, I don't know what you are talking about."

Lin Fei laughed blankly.

"Boy, even if you come from an ancient great stratum in the Absolute Space Sea, you will be killed today! After I kill you, I will erase all traces!"

A main **** roared.

Circles of sword lights spewed from his body, like a human thorn, dazzling.

"Shoot together!"

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

Swish Swish! Four huge sword lights, the emperor like a pillar, shattered eternity, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei ran backwards quickly.

Chi Chi Chi...! Several sharp sword lights passed by, and several blood holes appeared on Lin Fei's body, arousing a stream of blood.

From the beginning of the fight, to the present, Lin Fei's body, I don't know how many times he was chopped.

"It seems that with my current combat power, it is still a bit reluctant to fight the four main gods of the highest world at the same time.

It's pretty good to be able to persist until now. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Just now.

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

"It seems that there is another main god, who is coming! I have fought for most of the four main gods, and I can't fight hard.

A few more, I'm afraid, I am no match.

Well, thirty-six counts, take the best plan! "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei no longer hesitated, her figure flashed, and she kept backing away.

"Stop him, this kid wants to escape!"

Changle Fairy Boy roared.

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