Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3909: Sword old man's treasure

"Haha, I want to leave, it depends on you, can I stop it!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

Amidst the laughter, Lin Fei's figure continued to travel through time and space, as if one step at a different time, and within less than two breaths, it disappeared.

"We really can't stop him!"

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect couldn't help but feel bitter. Looking at Lin Fei's fast-distance back, they knew in their hearts that even if they caught up, it would be useless.

Boom... Just after Lin Fei left, huge figures with a terrifying aura appeared one after another.

More than a dozen main gods are coming at the same time.

Rumble...The Heavenly Wind Realm, under the horrifying aura of a dozen main gods, was finally completely shattered and disintegrated.

The entire plane blasted to pieces, like a big watermelon smashed by violence.

"Tianfeng Realm, it's over!"

In the distance, the people of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, looking at the completely destroyed homeland, looked depressed and sad.

"Lin Fei!"

The dozen or so main gods who had just arrived, as soon as they arrived, they released their divine consciousness and looked for Lin Fei.

When they received the sound transmission from the four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect, they immediately rushed over at the fastest speed.

The dozen or so main gods come from the other three major forces.

"You are a step late."

The four main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were downcast.

Just now, in a great battle, their arrogance as the main **** was wiped out.

The four main gods beat a junior kid from the family for most of the day, but in the end, the family escaped calmly.

They can do nothing.

They are embarrassed to mention such a shameful thing.

"What exactly is going on?

The four of you actually let Lin Fei go? "

"Yeah, why don't you stop him, how can you let him go.

You know, that kid is related to Tianluo Jianzi, to the old man Jian, it really matters! "

... The dozen or so main gods who just arrived are a bit dissatisfied and questioned.

As soon as they received the transmission, they rushed over.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei left.

"You Changle Sword Sect, shouldn't it be, you have already captured that kid.

So, make an excuse to say that he escaped, come and fool us. "

Some people even doubt it.

"Everyone, it's useless to talk more.

If you want to know why, just figure it out for yourself. "

Changle Fairy Boy said dejectedly.

"it is good!"

The dozen or so main gods who had just arrived immediately began to perform their own practice of deduction secrets, began to reverse time and space, and began deduction.


Under the deduction of these main gods, what happened in Tianfeng Realm began to repeat scene by scene in the void.

"How is it possible! How could Lin Fei's combat power be possible, so perverted! A high-ranking god, true god, can actually fight against the four main gods!"

"Four people, are these, what happened in the Heavenly Wind Realm, is it true?

! "

"I don't believe it, isn't it, this time and space has been touched by people, so that we have put forward these absurd and impossible things?"

...Almost all the main gods cannot believe the results they have deduced.

"Everyone, in fact, we don't want to believe it either.

However, it is true.

That kid's combat power, indeed, is so abnormal. "

A master **** of Changle Sword School sighed.

"Put it this way.

If you want to deal with Lin Fei, you can't rely on our four main gods.

At the very least, there must be more than seven or eight main gods who can take action together to have absolute certainty against that kid. "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"Not bad.

Indeed it is. "

The other three main gods of the Changle Sword Sect also nodded in agreement.

"How could a creature from the lower realm, and a junior kid, possess such a perverted combat power.

This is an impossible thing.

I suspect that Lin Fei is not from the lower realms at all.

I suspect that he should come from a certain ancient dao tradition that has been hidden for a long time in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

Suddenly, a main god's face was solemn, and he said slowly.

"No way.

if so.

We really want to weigh it up. "

When other main gods heard this, their hearts sank.

Legend has it that some ancient Daoist traditions that are too old to be old are hidden from the world, enter the sea of ​​absolute space, and build a world of their own orthodoxy.

No longer in contact with the creatures in the ordinary world, almost no contact with each other.

However, these ancient great tracts, occasionally, some members will leave their world, unintentionally, come to the outside world, into the world of ordinary creatures.

Now, these main gods in the sword world suspect that this is the case with Lin Fei.

"Hmph, even if Lin Fei is from the ancient Dadao lineage in the sea of ​​absolute space, his grievances with us are already deep and extremely difficult to resolve.

What's more, I heard that there is generally a very strict and demanding rule in those ancient great tracts, that is, all members of the great tract must not participate in the fights between ordinary creatures in the world.

This Lin Fei, as soon as he entered the sword world, he fought endlessly with the forces of us and forged enmity.

This approach, this style, is not like it at all. It is a person who has come out of those ancient traditions.

So, I think we are thinking too much. "

Suddenly, a main **** analyzed and said.

"Yes! Have you forgotten, Lin Fei, but he is the descendant of Tian Luo Jianzi.

How could it be possible for a person who came out of the ancient avenues of the Absolute Space Sea to worship Tian Luo Jianzi as his teacher. "

The other main **** said.

"Yes, not to mention, we have all seen with our own eyes, that kid Lin Fei, twice penetrated the space barrier between the sword world and the lower realm, traveling between the sword world and the lower realm.

How could it be possible for a person from the ancient line of the Absolute Space Sea to repeatedly enter the lower realm.

Therefore, we don't have to worry about it at all.

That kid Lin Fei should be someone from the lower realm.

As for why he has such a perverted combat power.

The only explanation is that he got the true biography of Old Man Jian.

He even got the treasure left by the old man sword.

Don't forget that when Lin Fei first entered the sword world, he didn't have the kind of perverted combat power.

He should have found the treasures left by the old man sword, and his strength will advance by leaps and bounds! "

There is another main **** who analyzes the Tao.

Sword old man's treasure! When the other main gods heard it, they all showed hot and greedy eyes, and even their breathing became a little heavy.

The prestige of the sword old man suppressed the sword world for several times.

Even now, in the sword world, the old sword man is still recognized, the first person in all ages! No sword repairer can surpass his achievements! "Not bad.

Why didn't I think of this.

Lin Fei must have found the treasure of Old Man Jian.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why his combat power has increased by leaps and bounds! "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed, his eyes radiated an extremely greedy look.

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