Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3914: War is back

More than a dozen main gods locked Lin Fei's figure for the first time.

However, what surprised them was that Lin Fei didn't have any intention of evading at all, so he walked straight out without any hurry.

Lin Fei had already noticed the main gods lurking outside Shenjian Mountain, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone, don't hide, I saw you."

Walking out of Divine Sword Mountain, Lin Fei stood still, looked at the dozen or so main gods, scanned the past, and said lightly.


Lin Fei's actions caused the dozen or so main gods to be taken aback, feeling a bit surprised.

You know, before, whenever Lin Fei met them, [Bequgex]'s first reaction was to escape.

This time, he took the initiative to walk in front of them.

"Lin Fei! This time, see where else you can escape!"

More than a dozen main gods appeared at the same time, distributed in all directions, and surrounded Lin Fei from a distance.

"I said I want to escape."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do it!"

A main **** shouted loudly.

Huh! He shot directly and slashed at Lin Fei with a palm. There were endless kendo laws in that palm, which could make the Star Dou rotate and the universe to burst, seeming to be opening up.

This is a very domineering supernatural power of swordsmanship. It has evolved into a sword country, forming a universe, and can refine the enemy alive.

laugh! Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed, and a plain sword light flew out, cutting through time and space, and shattering eternity.

boom! That palm exploded on the spot, turning into a dazzling sword energy, and the universe of the sword kingdom in the palm was destroyed.

"Small bugs, don't show your ugliness."

Lin Fei sneered.

Facing the attack of the Lord God, Lin Fei was able to lift weights lightly, sway freely, and unhurriedly.

It seems to be facing peers.

"Humph! Boy, I see how capable you are!"

The Lord God has an ugly face.

A young man speaking to him in this tone made him very uncomfortable.

boom! The main god's eyes were cold, his palms shot continuously, and the universe of Sword Kingdom roared to the sky, suppressing Lin Fei.


Lin Fei let out a soft drink, and displayed the ultimate heart sword style, and a sword light cut forward.

With the continuous improvement of the level of kendo, the ultimate heart sword style that Lin Fei displayed has become more and more powerful.

Boom boom boom... As Lin Fei took out his sword, the Sword Nation universe continued to shatter one after another, and the endless sword energy flowed turbulently, rushing into this void.

Lin Fei did not move, his face was calm, and he cracked the opponent's offensive one by one, appearing very calm.

Seeing this, the other gods couldn't help but secretly marvel.

A true **** of the upper god, a kid of the younger generation, possesses the power of the master god.

Such a thing is simply unheard of, unseen.

Even if they don't like Lin Fei, they have to admit that the young man in front of them is indeed a monster that is rare in the world! "Lin Fei, take my life!"

Another main god, quietly came behind Lin Fei, suddenly appeared, screamed, and killed Lin Fei.

The fighting power of this main **** is very powerful, with hair flying and roots like a sword. He holds a long sword in his left hand and a sword art in his right hand.

The long sword in his hand and the body were enlarged at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, it filled the void, like a giant that opened up the world, very scary.

Boom... The giant sword in his hand spurred a strong time and space power, like a long river of years, and waved towards Lin Fei.

boom! The void continued to collapse, and the long river of time was cut by a sword.

Behind this main god, numerous phantoms of sword repair emerged, each of which was once the mark of the top sword repair in this piece of heaven and earth.

Captured by his insight, the power is terrible when it is cultivated into the long sword.


Lin Fei suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed.

call out! A sword light that was so dazzling that it was indescribable suddenly flew out and greeted the huge sword that had been cut.

Boom! A huge impact shocked people's hearts.

The endless aura of birth and death permeates, the cycle of years continues to flow, and all kinds of bizarre time and space visions are constantly being staged.

This void of fighting was completely destroyed.

All energy, laws, and matter are constantly exploding, just like a series of firecrackers.


The main **** roared.

He found that the giant sword in his hand was actually full of cracks.


Boom... The huge sword exploded into pieces and turned into sky fragments.

And this main **** who had worked with Lin Fei was shocked to retreat again and again.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei first tried the flying sword and felt very satisfied.

"Be careful, this kid's combat power is very strange, not worse than ours.

Don't fight him alone, go together! "

An older master **** shouted loudly.

Shoo...a dozen main gods move their bodies at the same time to form a combined attack.

"Then come together!"

Lin Fei shouted loudly.

Not only is it not afraid, but on the contrary, it is like a chicken blood.


Lin Fei took the initiative, showing his shadowless gesture, and slammed forward.

Swish...On Lin Fei's body, hundreds of millions of dazzling sword lights were released, each of which can easily cut through the universe and become eternal.


More than a dozen main gods, at the same time, make moves, the mighty kendo energy and the endless sword aura, filling this void.

The fierce battle is terrifying! This battle shocked the entire sword world and shocked endless creatures.

I don't know how many masters have come quietly, standing in the distance, using magical powers, paying attention to the specific situation of the war.

"A junior kid, fighting a dozen main gods at the same time! This kind of record is simply shocking and unheard of!"

"Even if Lin Fei loses in the end, it is enough to be proud! There is absolutely no junior in our entire sword world who can compare to him!"

"What is even more unbelievable is that this kid named Lin Fei is from the lower realm!"

...... All creatures talked in shock, feeling very dreamy.

"In the knife world, we can't find a young man who can match this Lin Fei!"

"More than the knife world, I guess, even if you search all the highest worlds, it will be difficult. You can find a young man to compare with him."

"It is indeed a unique evildoer!"

...A large number of masters in the knife world also came, lurking in the distant void, quietly watching this battle.

"However, this is a good thing for us.

At best, they will lose both.

Finally, we pick up the bargain. "

"Not bad.

Let's not say anything, let them play enough.

Finally, we show our faces again! "

...The main **** of the sword world is quietly discussing.

Above the Excalibur Mountain.

"Well, the power of Feijian did not disappoint me."

Tianluo Jianzi naturally has been paying attention to this battle.

He spent a lot of effort on this flying sword. Now, the power of the flying sword made him very satisfied.

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