Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3915: The war continues

"Lin Fei's kendo level has improved again.

This guy is really speechless. "

The five sword spirits also admired Lin Fei.

They found that Lin Fei's kendo level improved much faster than they expected.

"At the beginning, I thought he was very talented in kendo.

Now it seems that it is more than talented, it is so enchanting that people can't believe it. "

The yellow robe old man said.

The other four sword spirits also nodded one after another.

"Lin Fei, look at the sword!"

A loud roar sounded.

Swish...In the battlefield, hundreds of millions of sword lights bloomed, too dazzling, like opening up a sword country.

Above Lin Fei's head, a main **** stepped out from the depths of the void, covering his body as if covered with a layer of gorgeous wings, like a **** bird.

In fact, all these wings were transformed by the strong sword light, covering his body densely.

Qiang Qiang... I saw him shook slightly, billions of ray of sword light slashed out, pouring downward, and the world would be ruined.

call out! Lin Fei showed off the shadowless pose, evading quickly.

Facing the attack of the main god, especially the main **** of the highest world, Lin Fei would not use his own body to resist.

After all, the attack of the Lord God is too fierce and the destructive power is too terrible.


Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed, and Feijian cut out.

Dangdang... The dense metal crashing sound continued endlessly.

what! An angry scream sounded, and the main **** who appeared in the void above Lin Fei's head had blood on his shoulders, was pierced, and the front and back were bright.

This is the consequence of being hit by a flying sword.

Originally, the flying sword was slashed at his head. At a critical moment, he used his great supernatural powers to avoid it abruptly. The shoulders replaced the head and took the sword.

Even so, it made him extremely furious.

Almost, his head, still the soul body in the sea of ​​knowledge, was cut! This made him realize that the attack of this young man in front of him could completely threaten his safety and even his life! call out! In the screams of anger, the Lord God stretched out his figure, retreated quickly, far away from Lin Fei, and felt a deep sense of jealousy towards Lin Fei. Of course, there was also a deep-seated resentment.

"Haha, old guy, how did you escape!"

Lin Fei laughed, black hair dancing wildly, eyes cold like lightning, and endless sword energy spread from the body.

At this time, Lin Fei's kendo level unreservedly showed.

The brilliant sword energy circle after circle, like layers of light and rain, covered Lin Fei layer by layer.

At the same time, Lin Fei's body, every inch of pores, has a strong sword glow, which is constantly gushing out.

From a distance, Lin Fei seemed like a dazzling sun! This is a manifestation of the level of kendo reaching a very high level, and that all methods are not invaded.

All the attacks first touched the layers of sword aura on Lin Fei's body, which were gradually disintegrated and consumed.

With a weaker attack, even the sword aura in Lin Fei's body could not attack, let alone the damage.

Of course, this kind of kendo's non-invasion is also relatively speaking.

Facing the attack of the main **** level, Lin Fei still didn't dare to be too big and took the initiative to dodge.


Lin Fei went forward to kill.


More than a dozen main gods also used their full strength to besiege Lin Fei.

Rumble...This battle was too fierce and the universe would be destroyed.

"No, if you continue to fight like this, this time and space will really be destroyed by them!"

In the Divine Sword Mountain, the faces of the five sword spirits changed slightly.

"Turn on the protection function of Shenjian Mountain!"

The yellow-robed old man gave a soft drink.

Immediately, the five sword spirits simultaneously squeezed the magic formula, chanting words in their mouths.

Rumble...The Divine Sword Mountain began to sway slightly, a steady stream of peaceful and peaceful mysterious runes, released from the top of the Divine Sword Mountain, drifting out in all directions.

Where these runes went, time and space began to become stable.

Those destroyed time and space also began to quickly repair themselves and restore their original state.

Qiang Qiang... the endless sword energy surged horizontally and horizontally.

The void around Shenjian Mountain was all overwhelmed by sword light.

Like a round of scorching sun, Lin Fei spewed dazzling sword lights all over his body, billions of rays of sword light shot out from his pores, everywhere, killing everything in the world, and invincible! "Lin Fei, die!"

Suddenly, there are seven main gods, seeming to form a formation, each stepping on a special position, echoing each other, working together to spur a sharp long sword, and cut it towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was a little surprised by this sudden change.

The kendo energy of the seven main gods was poured into this long sword at the same time, making this long sword very terrifying.

Boom... The long sword crossed the sky, bright as the sky.

The speed is also reaching the extreme.

Huh! The long sword swept across, and Lin Fei staggered back, covered in blood.


puff! Lin Fei's body was directly exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

The power of this sword is too powerful.

Lin Fei couldn't bear it.

"Look, it looks like a winner.

Lin Fei was beheaded to death by a sword! "

"It's a pity, such an enchanting young man, just like this, fell.

A rare young evildoer in a lifetime! "

"This battle is actually doomed from the beginning.

This young man named Lin Fei, although indeed, is a rare young evildoer.

It's just that he is too arrogant.

Even single-handedly challenged more than a dozen main gods.

This practice is no different from suicide. "


This world will never lack genius.

What is really missing is a genius who can grow up. "

... Seeing that Lin Fei was cut to pieces by a sword, the creatures watching the excitement in the distance began to sigh one by one.

They determined that Lin Fei had already lost.

"Lin Fei will be fine, right."

On the Divine Sword Mountain, Tian Luo Jianzi was also a little worried.

"Be prepared, if Lin Fei is really worried about his life.

We will save him back.

Can't let him fall. "

The yellow robe old man said in a loud voice.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you know it's amazing.

Today, here is your burial place! "

A piercing laughter sounded, it was Changle Fairy Child.

He and Lin Fei had a deep holiday.

All eyes were staring at the place where Lin Fei's body was exploded, and wanted to know Lin Fei's life and death.

"Huh! Want to kill me.

It's not that easy.

Come out with your true ability. "

A cold snort sounded.


The sky is full of blood, flesh and bones, and instantly reorganizes.

Lin Fei reappeared in the sight of everyone.

"The attack from the Lord God is really terrifying.

However, fortunately, in my body, there are five true meanings of kendo and a world of kendo.

All sword aura and sword intent attacks, wanting to kill me, are not so easy! "

Lin Fei sneered.

The combined force of the seven main gods just now caused Lin Fei's body to explode.

However, a part of sword aura and sword intent was absorbed by the true meaning of Wudao Kendo and the world of Kendo.

Therefore, Lin Fei's injury was not great.

It is far from fatal.

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