Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3928: Arrogant kid

boom! The bright flying sword exuding a terrifying aura passed across the sky, chasing the eleven heaven and earth guards.

Both the speed and the kendo energy contained are astonishing.

Swish... the bodies of eleven heaven and earth guards were swept by flying swords almost at the same time.


Puff puff puff... the body of eleven heaven and earth guards was shattered, and the sky was full of blood and bones, splashing everywhere.

"Ah..." The screams kept ringing.

Lin Fei rushed up, swung his sleeves, and rolled towards the soul bodies of the eleven heaven and earth guards, as well as the fragments of limbs, flesh and blood, and wanted to detain all the eleven heaven and earth guards.

Just now.


Rumble...In the cosmic starry sky of the world of heaven and earth, there were two dark sword lights flashing, carrying chaotic and terrifying energy pressure, shaking the sky.

Boom...Two black sword lights blasted towards Lin Fei at the same time.


Lin Fei let out a cold snort, knowing that it was a desperate lack of action.

Huh! Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed, and Feijian cut out.

Rumble...The flying sword and the two dark sword lights collided together and made a loud noise.

The terrible kendo energy, rushing and knowing, constantly exploding, and huge mushroom clouds of energy continue to flow into the sky.

This piece of cosmic starry sky was instantly destroyed and turned into a black vacuum zone.

"Well, it's depleted, it really deserves its reputation."

Lin Fei nodded secretly.

At this time, Lin Fei discovered that the eleven heaven and earth guards had disappeared without a trace. Obviously, they had been rescued.

"If you want to fight, come out and fight openly.

What a sneaky thing. "

Lin Fei sneered and said loudly, staring in the direction of Tianchuang and looking over.

"This kid is too arrogant!"

Destiny and lack of earth are furious.

Even the main gods of the four major forces have to show some face and speak very politely in the face of the incompleteness of the world.

Now, a kid actually spoke to them in such a tone.

With a cruel temperament, how can I bear it.

"It's just that the combat power of this kid is weird.

It seems that he has not yet shown his true combat power. "

Dique said.

"Furthermore, it is said that he has been undefeated against a dozen main gods.

This legend, although a bit exaggerated.

However, I think we should first find out the true details of this kid before we start. "

Dique continued.

Dique's character has always been more cautious.

"Lack of land, I think, you are worrying too much.

This kid, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to fight a dozen main gods at the same time.

The argument that the world must have added fuel and vinegar is not to be believed. "

Tian Can said.

"How about this.

Those old guys of the four major forces wanted to kill this kid and then hurry up.

We immediately contacted those old guys and asked them to come, then, we will deal with this kid together.

Then, it can be guaranteed that this kid will undoubtedly die. "

Dique said.


Join forces with those old guys from the four major forces to deal with this kid together?

is this necessary.

This is simply a fuss. "

Tian Can said.

"It's called careful sailing for ten thousand years.

This kid, in the sword world recently, has been going up and down, maybe, he really has a little ability, let's not take it too seriously. "

Dique said.

"Well, it's up to you.

You are always a cowardly character, and there is really no way you can do it. "

Tian Can shook his head and said.

Therefore, Dique immediately spread the news.

The main gods of the four major forces, after receiving the information, sure enough, immediately rushed to the heaven and earth realm.

To Lin Fei, they really wanted to kill and then hurry up! Lin Fei is already the four major forces, the biggest confidant.

If you don't get rid of Lin Fei, the main gods of the four major forces, sleep and eat restless! "You won't come out, right? I'll get you out!"

At this time, Lin Fei's power of divine consciousness was already locked in the Tiancang.

It was Tian Can's move that destroyed the five branches of the Tian Luo Sword Sect.

Lin Fei's slaves to the gods were all killed by him.

Lin Fei deduced his breath, and went all the way to the world, where he would let him go.

In the cosmic starry sky, Lin Fei strode towards the direction of Tian Can.

"Huh! What an arrogant kid!"

Tian Can's face was very ugly.

It can be said that this was the first time in the entire sword world that someone dared to offend him like this.

For the first time, someone dared to treat him so rudely! "Okay! I'll try, you stinky boy, how many catties do you have!"

Tian Can really couldn't help it, stood up, stepped forward, and greeted Lin Fei.

Diqian frowned and stood up.

He was always wary of Lin Fei and didn't dare to underestimate it.

After all, during this period of time, Lin Fei was too famous in the sword world.

Shoo! The speed is very fast.

In an instant, they looked at each other with Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's sight, two middle-aged men with black sleeves appeared, with fierce expressions and brutal eyes.

Lin Fei stared at one of the men in black.

This man in black is naturally disabled.

"It's you who destroyed the five branches of my Tianluo Sword Sect and killed my people from the Tianluo Sword Sect."

Lin Fei asked word by word, making no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

"Not bad.

it is me.

Not to mention a few branches, even if the entire Tianluo Sword Sect was destroyed, it was nothing.

But you, boy, you are so bold that you dare to break into the world.

However, it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

The world is your burial place. "

Tian Can sneered and said, his smile looked very hideous.

"If you dare to kill someone from the Heavenly Luo Sword Sect, there is only one fate for you, and that is death."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Not ashamed!

Boy, who do you think you are! Dare to say such big things! "

Tiancan scolded angrily.

"I speak, you are dead."

Lin Fei's tone was very plain, and his attitude seemed very serious.

"Boy, what are you crazy! I'll kill you now!"

Tian Can was completely enraged by Lin Fei's attitude, and roared.

Then he shot angrily.

boom! A huge black sword light was cut out by him.

On the sword light, there are countless chaotic runes engraved, crushing the void, and rolling out the space barriers.

With the cutting of this black sword light, all the time and space in all directions were crushed completely by this sword light's energy.

The law of time and space was completely out of balance, and a dense turbulent flow of time and space was born, scouring the void to pieces.

"Boy, die! Arrogance is a price! Especially arrogance without corresponding strength is equivalent to suicide!"

Tian Can was roaring, manipulating the black sword light and rushing directly towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei discovered that this black sword light contained many chaotic world powers, exuding a very dangerous aura.

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