Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3929: Crippled

World power is a higher level of energy than Chaos Essence.

The sword world is a supreme world, and almost all creatures contain a trace of world power.

However, it is generally very rare.

Only those main gods will possess a considerable amount of world power.

However, in the attacks displayed by Tiancang, there are more world powers than those of the four major forces! It's just that these world powers seem rather chaotic and difficult to control.

"Block me!"

Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed, the bright flying sword cut out.

boom! The attacks of both sides collided.

There was a huge explosion.

The endless chaotic kendo energy, like a stormy wave, swept out in all directions.

In this blow, both sides will win.

"Sure enough, it's a monster! But today, you still want to die!"

Tiancang screamed ferociously.

"Let’s do it together and kill this kid!"

Tian Can shouted to Dique.

The two of them are really great together! In the sword world, it is well known that if Heaven and Earth are combined, their combat power is even stronger than those of the main gods.

This is also the reason why even the four major forces are unwilling to provoke them casually.

In the world of heaven and earth, there are so many gangsters who are able to settle down without fear of being hunted down.

It is because there is a crippled lack of being in the world of heaven and earth, and no one in the sword world dares to make trouble in the world of heaven and earth.

Rumble...the world is incomplete and the earth is incomplete, each occupying a special position, faintly, echoing each other in the distance, connecting the air machine, forming a two-person formation.

Suddenly, the aura in their bodies skyrocketed.

Dark energy runes continued to emerge, wandering around their bodies.

There are more and more dark energy runes, densely packed, and it looks very strange.

Huh! Desperate, stretched out his hand at the same time.

In the void, two black long swords appeared, roaring to the sky, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

Huh! The two black long swords, combined into one, continue to grow bigger, turning into a huge giant sword, crushing the space, making a terrible rumbling sound, and everything is wiped out! "It's really terrifying to join forces with the deprivation of heaven and earth! It's much more powerful than an ordinary Lord God!"

Lin Fei also admitted in his heart that the two masters in front of him are indeed well-deserved.

boom! Lin Fei's flying sword rushed out.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the original ultimate heart sword style, a bland sword light, also cut out.

This cosmic starry sky is filled with endless kendo energy.

The dense sword light slashed everywhere, and the scene was terrifying to the extreme.

Rumble... the attacks from both sides collided.

Once again, this piece of time and space has caused huge damage.

"What a terrible world mighty!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Fei felt that his body was slightly ached by the terrifying energy.

You know, how abnormal Lin Fei's body is, it was actually shocked.

It is conceivable how powerful the attacking power is incomplete.

Lin Fei understood that this was mainly because the world's mighty power was contained in the crippled attack.

"how is this possible!"

The incompleteness is also very shocking.

They found that they had a tie with Lin Fei and did not have the slightest advantage.

This shows that the young man in front of him has a fighting ability equivalent to a master god.

Even more powerful than an ordinary Lord God! This kind of incompleteness feels very incredible, they can't understand why a junior kid, a high-ranking god, has such a terrible combat power! This is completely beyond their knowledge! "Sure enough, it's a monster! A monster you'll never see!"

I had to admit that it was incomplete, and all sighed secretly in my heart.

"Boy, must die!"

Tian Di Que glanced at each other and spoke to each other.

Since such a young evildoer is offended, he cannot stay.

Otherwise, the troubles are endless.

Both of them understand this truth very well.

"Boy, die!"

Tian Di Que shouted at the same time, one left and the other right, and joined hands to slay Lin Fei.

Rumble...From their bodies, a large amount of black energy runes were released, like a raging tsunami, surging.

These black energy runes are manifested by the mighty power of the world! boom! The mighty power of the world is like the backflow of a river, the might of a landslide and a tsunami! Xiang Lin Fei suppressed it.

Swish...the sharp rays of sword light are densely packed, like a locust crossing the border, slashing towards Lin Fei.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei wasn't afraid at all, but instead, the fighting spirit was boiling and strode forward to meet him.

kill! There was a fierce battle on both sides! This battle was too fierce! "Boy, I don't believe it, you are just a junior, we still can't beat you!"

Tian Can roared angrily.

Rumble...a lot of world power, released from his body, shaking the sky.

"Haha..., you two old guys, in front of me, do you want to rely on the old to sell the old! It's useless, if you don't accept it, I'll fight until you take it! Don't talk nonsense, take care!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

Rumble...Lin Fei released the flying sword, dazzlingly dazzling, cut forward, gushing the endless law of swordsmanship, it seems to cut time and space.

"Deadly missed!"

Desperately roared at the same time.

Huh! Two huge sword lights were cut out by them.

One red, one black.

Like two dragons of different colors, roaring in the cosmic starry sky, unleashing terrifying kendo energy and bursting out endless kendo laws.

As the war progressed, this place broke open, the starry sky collapsed, the river of years was cut off, and time and space seemed to cease to exist.

This is a peerless battle! Destiny wanted to divide birth and death, and kill this arrogant younger boy as soon as possible.

However, Lin Fei's combat power surpassed their imagination, and head-to-head with them together, directly shook the front without flinching.

The two sides only reached a tie, and they both stayed in place! The heavens and the earth screamed with anger and shook the sky.

Lin Fei seemed very calm.

"Body and sword are one!"

In the midst of the war, the heavens and the earth shouted at the same time.

Then, their bodies turned into two sword lights, one black and the other red, entangled together, turning into a red and black long sword, slashing towards Lin Fei at an astonishing speed.


What kind of swordsmanship is this? "

Lin Fei was a little curious, and at the same time, felt a sense of danger.

This shows that this kind of swordsmanship displayed by Tianchuang seems to be very powerful.

Therefore, Tiancan's attack power was not so strong that it was outrageous.

Otherwise, Lin Fei felt that he was not necessarily his opponent.

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