Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3930: Chaotic abyss

Rumble...The black and white long sword was so fast that it slashed in front of Lin Fei.

With this blow, the crippled body was also integrated into the long sword, transformed into a sword with the body, and all the energy of the whole body was blessed in this sword.

The real oneness of the body! Do your best! No reservations! Lin Fei felt the deep crisis and let out a long roar.

At this moment, Lin Fei tried his best.

The shadowless style, various clever rules related to speed, and the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms, are displayed at the same time, retreating extremely fast.

At the same time, the flying sword, the original ultimate heart sword style, and other various martial arts secrets were also used to block forward.

At this moment, the more than one hundred human worlds in Lin Fei's body were boiling turbulently at the same time, billowing in chaos, that scene, like hundreds of millions of volcanoes, erupting at the same time.

Lin Fei's body was completely ignited by infinite energy, and it burned.

Rumble... the attacks from both sides collided again.

The terrifying fighting energy spread out in all directions, like a deep sea.

Click! The black and white long sword rushed past, cutting Lin Fei's body in half.

The blood splashed, and the two halves of the remnant were thrown out to the left and right.

A large number of weird black and white runes were nearby on the wounds of the stump, constantly squirming, eroding and destroying Lin Fei's flesh and bones.

"Haha, boy, now, you know it's amazing!"

It's all overwhelmed and crippled, and laughed wildly.

"Take his life while he is sick!"

Tian Can shouted sharply, rushing towards the two halves of Lin Fei's stump.

Shoo... the two halves of Lin Fei's remnant reorganized in an instant, and all the blood and bones that splashed out flew out.

Then, Lin Fei's body returned to its original shape.

I have to say that the lack of cooperation is truly terrifying.

However, Lin Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The crippled attack, although terrifying, the most important thing is the energy of kendo.

Contains a lot of sword energy and sword intent.

As long as it was the attack of Jian Qi and Jian Yi, Lin Fei was not very afraid.

Because the true meaning of the five swords in the body and the world of swords can absorb a lot of sword energy and sword intent.

The advantages are more than the disadvantages! Therefore, the sword just now caused a relatively large amount of damage to Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei also sent a large amount of sword energy and sword intent to become the nourishment of the sword world in his body! While causing damage to Lin Fei, it also improved Lin Fei's strength! This is where Lin Fei is against the sky.

All sword repair attacks, although, could also cause damage to Lin Fei.

However, at the same time it will bring benefits to Lin Fei and increase his strength! "Ahem..., yes.

Come again! "

Lin Fei kept coughing up blood, his face was pale, and his breath was lethargic, but the breath on his body was quickly recovering.

And, better than before, roared and rushed forward again.

"how is this possible!"

The world was incomplete, and they were all very shocked and couldn't believe it.

What they have just performed is the secret technique of kendo that has been practiced for a long time, which is regarded as the bottom card of the box.

Unexpectedly, he slashed Lin Fei's body with all his strength, but could not cause much damage.

Lin Fei has nothing to do.


The world was crippled, and he roared and killed Lin Fei again.

"Haha, miss me dead, do you have this ability!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly and greeted him.

Boom...In the cosmic starry sky of heaven and earth, smoke and dust were everywhere, time and space collapsed and swayed.

Lin Fei and Tianchou Diqian did not flinch, and they were inextricably fought.

"Awesome! The legend is true.

Heaven and earth are incomplete, and there is a reason why he is so fierce and powerful in the sword world. "

Lin Fei could not help but secretly admire.

Lin Fei estimated that the four major forces in the sword world, any one of the main gods, would not dare to provoke the destitute.

Unless, a large number of main gods come and embrace them, it will be possible to defeat the crippled world.

"Impossible! How could a junior kid, a high-ranking true god, possess such a perverted combat power!"

The world is crippled, they are very unwilling, but very helpless.

"Thank you, I finally understand.

Why are the main gods of the four major forces willing to pay such a high price? Please move the two of us to deal with the Tianluo Sword Sect and Lin Fei.

That's because, this kid, the combat power is too weird and too difficult to entangle.

It is estimated that the main gods of the four major forces want to [] to kill this kid, it is not so easy.

Therefore, they simply pulled us into the water and let us take action against Lin Fei.

In this way, the two of us, and Lin Fei, fight each other, and you will die.

But the old guys of the four major forces can stand by and watch.

In the end, it is estimated that no matter which side wins or loses between the two of us and Lin Fei, the old guys of the four major forces will all take action, clean up the mess, and catch it all.

To put it bluntly, the four major forces are playing conspiracies! "

Dique suddenly said to Tian Can's Transmission, his tone of voice contained billowing anger.

"It's possible! Why didn't I think of it! The four powers are too despicable! They even used conspiracy against us!"

Tian Can was furious upon hearing this.

At this moment, the world was incomplete, and finally figured out that the two of them were being pawns by the four major forces.

"It's just that the Liangzi between us and this kid has already been formed, and I am afraid it will be difficult to resolve.

For this plan, this kid must be killed.

Otherwise, the troubles are endless. "

Dique said.

"Yes, this kid must die."

Tian Can also nodded.

"Well, let's just bring this kid, and the old guys from the four major forces, into the abyss of chaos! Hey, as long as they enter the abyss of chaos, their combat power will be weakened.

But our combat power will be blessed and become stronger.

It can be said that as long as we enter the abyss of chaos, we can easily control the situation.

At that time, we will look for a good opportunity to attack this kid and the old guys of the four major forces, even if we can't kill them all, we will have to make them suffer a lot of injuries! At that time, they will understand that we are crippled and not easy to provoke. "

Dique said.

"Chaos abyss?

In the chaotic abyss, there is a large amount of world power, and it has always been a place for us to retreat.

Now, it's not good to bring them in.

In this way, isn't it, exposing the chaotic abyss. "

Tian Can hesitated.

"What are you afraid of.

Even if they enter the abyss of chaos, what will they have?

Chaos Abyss, only for the two of us, is the treasure of cultivation.

For them, it is harmful and not helpful. "

Diqian replied.


Not bad.

In the chaotic abyss, although there is a huge amount of world power, all of them are miscellaneous and contain various impurities, which are harmful and useless.

It is only useful for both of us. "

Tian Can nodded.

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