Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3932: World eye

The world was incomplete, and he rushed into that strange space.

Coming here, the world is incomplete, and instead of provoking Lin Fei, he has been heading towards the central area of ​​that strange space, the mysterious golden abyss.

Lin Fei stood still outside the weird space, perceiving it with divine consciousness.

"No! This kid seems to be alert! Don't he dare to enter the abyss of chaos?"

Seeing this, Tian Can couldn't help being surprised, and said to Dique.

"Let's not look back, don't behave strangely.

Always rush into the chaotic abyss, hoping that he can relax his vigilance and chase us in. "

Dique said.

At this time, the main gods of the four major forces also rushed towards the direction of this strange space.

"In this area, the number of world powers that exist is astonishing.

However, because of the crippling nature, they seem to have been deliberately drawing me here.

It is estimated that there must be some trap here. "

Lin Fei was hesitant for a while.

You know, Lin Fei is also a well-versed, calm-headed and experienced.

In this case, if you think about it carefully, you can guess the general situation.

It's just that there are too many world powers in this weird space.

Make Lin Fei want to go, but reluctant to go.

World mighty power is a more advanced energy than chaotic essence.

It can be said that the reason why other worlds of the Supreme World are more advanced is that they have world power.

For a warrior, if he can absorb and refine more world power, he will definitely be able to greatly increase his combat power.

Therefore, for Lin Fei, this weird space in front of him has a huge allure! However, what made Lin Fei feel a little hesitant was that the world's mighty power in this weird space seemed rather chaotic and full of many impurities.

It's difficult to absorb refining for such a world power! "It's a pity to just give up like this.

Seeking wealth and danger, break in and try to absorb and refine those world powers to see if it can succeed. "

Finally, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and decided to take a risk.

This is Lin Fei's character, as long as it is conducive to cultivation and improving strength, Lin Fei will never be afraid.

It can be said that being able to possess the current strength is inseparable from Lin Fei's character.

Fearless and fearless, go forward bravely and strive to pursue what you want! Of course, on the other hand, this is also Lin Feiyi's boldness.

Lin Fei felt that even if there were any traps in it, with his own strength and hole cards, he could still manage to escape.

After making the decision, Lin Fei did not hesitate and stepped into the strange space in front of him.


Shoo...Swords of light came through the air, and stopped at the edge of this strange space.

It is the main gods of the four major forces.

"how is this possible!"

These main gods also discovered that this space was weird, all showing shocked expressions.

"This space, there are such a terrifying amount of world power! Could it be that this is the legendary world eye of our sword world?"

"It seems that you can't be wrong. The legendary hello world eye of the sword world is in the valley of heaven and earth."

"It seems that the legend is correct."

... The main gods of the four major forces stared at this strange space in front of them, feeling very shocked.

The legend of the world eye is well known in the sword world.

The world eye is the core position of the birth of World Weili.

As the sword world revolves, the world eye will slowly give birth to many world powers, and then slowly spread to other places in the sword world, and finally distributed to other areas of the sword world.

In other words, in the sword world, all the mighty powers of the world were born here in the eyes of the world.

Here is the source! It's just that the world's mighty power born here in the world eye was very chaotic at the beginning.

Then, in the process of spreading to the outside world, it is slowly transformed by the law of heaven and earth in the sword world, and finally it will become a pure world power suitable for martial artists to absorb.

In other words, the world's eyes here, although the birth of the world's mighty power, is the source of the entire sword world's mighty power.

However, the world power here is not suitable for being absorbed and refined directly! If you insist on absorbing refining, it will be harmful! About this legend, in the sword world, has always been circulating.

"We have come to the eyes of the world!"

Each of these main gods of the four major forces is extremely shocking.

Although they are the main gods, Heaven and Earth Valley is a crippled territory, and they generally seldom set foot in it, let alone come here.

Since it is said that the world power of the Eye of Heaven and Earth is not suitable, it is directly absorbed. Therefore, these main gods have not cared much about Eye of Heaven and Earth for a long time.

Only today, came here by accident.

"Lin Fei is really here!"

These main gods of the four major forces discovered Lin Fei.

"How to do?

Shall we go in? "

There is a main **** who asks everyone.

"What are you afraid of! Even Tianchou and Lin Fei entered.

We are many and powerful, united, and our strength is much stronger than the three of them.

They dare to go in, why don't we dare to go in! "

A main **** replied.

"Okay, let's go in together! But, don't go away, gather together.

In this way, we don't have to be afraid of anything! "

A very high-ranking main god, nodded and said.

Then, these main gods walked forward one by one and walked into this world eye filled with a lot of world power.

These master gods are also daring.

They felt that a dozen main gods united together, what a terrifying force this was.

In the entire sword world, they can definitely break through anywhere, and it is impossible to trap them anywhere! Because they are the rulers of the entire sword world.

In their subconscious, the sword world is theirs! at this time.

Lin Fei is already walking in the eyes of the world.

In all directions, there is a lot of world power, which is so rich that it turns into rain and mist, floating in the air, within reach! Ahead.

Tiandiqian was still heading toward the center of the world's eye, the mysterious abyss.

"It's dangerous here.

This is the world's mighty force, which is fundamentally unstable, brewing a kind of unstable mood.

There seems to be a riot at any time. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

You know, World Wealth is the most advanced energy that Lin Fei has come into contact with so far.

At present, most of the energy in Lin Fei's body is chaotic essence.

One level lower than World Weili.

Therefore, when Lin Fei walked in such an environment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression and some thrilling.

No way, this is the oppression of high-level energy on low-level energy.

"If I could absorb and refine these world powers, what a wonderful thing it would be!"

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the rich world power around him, drooling greedily.

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