Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3933: Mysterious abyss

Just at this time.

The main gods in the rear were getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, stop!"

"This time, I see where you are going to escape!"

"Lin Fei, get ready to die! You have no retreat!"

"Boy, today, in the eyes of the world, killing you is a sacrifice to our sword world!"

...The main gods of the four major forces, placed in a fan-shaped formation, surrounded Lin Fei, and screamed one by one.


Do you think that this time, there are a little more people.

Do you have the confidence to defeat me? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"If you have the ability, come and kill me.

Where does the light bark, does it work? "

Lin Fei looked very disdainful.

"Ma's! I don't know what's wrong! It's hard to die! Yes, Lin Fei, this time we have more people! More than you think!"

A main **** shouted angrily.

As his voice fell.

Lin Fei frowned.

Because Lin Fei perceives that in addition to the dozen or so main gods in front of him, there are more main gods coming in addition to Heaven and Earth Valley! It seems that this time, in order to deal with himself, the main gods of the four major forces have made a big move.

The group in front of them is nothing but the vanguard.

In the rear, there are also a group of main gods, rushing to it! "Hmph, the four major forces of you really value me.

In order to deal with a younger generation boy in my own way, I actually spared no expense.

It is estimated that the main gods of your four major forces, this time, come out in full force. "

Lin Fei said with a cold snort.

"Hahaha..., Lin Fei, your sharp teeth are useless.

Here is your burial place! "

"Boy, just wash your neck dry and wait to die!"

... the main gods of the four major forces laughed out loud one by one.

Just at this time.

A group of silhouettes exuding a frightening atmosphere appeared in the distance, flickering towards the world's eye, and instantly rushed into the world's eye.

Ten main gods! In addition to the original dozens of main gods, a total of more than 20 main gods! Most of them belong to the four major forces, and some of them come from other forces.

Because, in those days when they rebelled and rose up against the forces of Tianluo Jianzi, in addition to the four major forces, there were many other forces.

Now, all the forces that once opposed Tian Luo Jianzi have united and joined forces to deal with Lin Fei.

If you don't kill Lin Feitian Luo Jianzi, this is a force, and it is impossible to feel at ease.

Therefore, more than 20 main gods gathered to chase Lin Fei.

This amount is a bit scary.

You know, each of these main gods is aloof and the true ruler of the sword world.

In ordinary years, these main gods usually retreat for many years, and they rarely appear in the world.

It is very difficult for an average warrior to have a chance to meet a master **** in his life.

However, now, there are more than twenty! In order to chase and kill a younger boy, a high-ranking true god, unexpectedly dispatched more than twenty main gods.

If it spreads out, this is definitely a shocking thing.

"Everyone do it.

We killed this kid earlier.

Leave the world eye early.

Staying here always gives me a thrilling sense of insecurity! "

A main **** shouted.

Although these main gods were terrifying in strength and boundless in mana, in their bodies, like Lin Fei, most of the energy was chaotic essence.

The amount of world power contained in it is still relatively small.

When they stand in this energy zone dominated by world power, they will naturally feel a sense of oppression from higher energy.

This situation, just like Lin Fei's feeling, cannot be changed.

"Okay! Do it now!"

More than twenty main gods turned around and surrounded Lin Fei.

Facing so many main gods, Lin Fei didn't want to fight with them.

Lin Fei knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to defeat more than twenty main gods at the same time.

It's difficult even if you want to tie.

Under this circumstance, fighting with these main gods is meaningless.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't love fighting at all, and turned around and left.

"Where to escape!"

Where are these main gods willing to let go, they used all their strength to catch up.

Lin Fei used the shadowless style, in accordance with the laws of time and space, and activated the reincarnation card of the world.

With the cooperation of the three, Lin Fei's speed reached a terrifying level.

Change one step at a time, one world at a time, and a different time and space at one step! It felt as if Lin Fei no longer belonged to this time, a creature in this space.

Instead, it traveled to another piece of time and space! It's just that the retreat in the rear has been blocked by these main gods.

Therefore, Lin Fei could only run towards the abyss at the center of the world's eye.

"Huh, this kid is really slippery!"

Those main gods have a gloomy expression.

Lin Fei's speed made them feel very helpless.


Lin Fei found himself in front of the mysterious abyss in the central area of ​​the world's eye.

In the mysterious abyss, there are more world powers! Many of them are condensed into golden ribbons. In the mysterious abyss, the ups and downs are very dazzling.

"A lot of world powers!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

However, Lin Fei discovered at the same time that although there are many world powers in this mysterious abyss, they appear to be more violent and chaotic, full of a lot of impurities.

Moreover, this abyss, like breathing and pulse, exhale and inhale.

As if there was some pulling force, in this strange space, there was a breathing sound like pulling a bellows.

Before coming to the abyss, Lin Fei hesitated a little.

It's just that the more than twenty main gods in the rear have already followed closely, blocking all of Lin Fei's back roads.

In this situation, it was very difficult for Lin Fei to turn around.

"That's it, just treat it as an adventure, go in for a break! Come to the legendary world eye, and explore it! Maybe, here, I can still get some of my own luck."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and stepped into the abyss.

At this time, Lin Fei also gave up.

You know, Lin Fei's life is very against the sky. From the Yuanwu realm, a small plane like garbage and dust, a small disciple of Huayang School, has risen step by step. Today, it is already possible. Take a foothold in the highest world.

This process involved countless sweats, blood, life-and-death battles, and Jedi adventures hanging on the waist of the pants! Therefore, Lin Fei was able to get to this point and get everything he has today in exchange for his life! Therefore, facing the mysterious abyss in front of him, even though Lin Fei felt very dangerous, he still decided to go in and explore.

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