Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3935: Changes in Fairy Boy of Bliss

Qiang Qiang... Lin Fei's body erupted with strong sword light, as if covered with a layer of bright feathers, sharp sword aura and sword intent, killing the sky.

The original ultimate heart sword style, flying sword, constantly cut out, to meet the enemies around.

These two secret techniques are the most powerful secret techniques that Lin Fei currently masters. They are now fully urged, and they are simply unstoppable.

The void around Lin Fei was cut to pieces, time and space were completely annihilated and turned into nothingness.

Dangdang... In the surrounding area, the attacks of more than twenty main gods continuously collided with Lin Fei's flying sword, the original ultimate heart sword, like a continuous series of firecrackers.

Fortunately, whether it is Flying Sword or Origin Ultimate Heart Sword, in terms of speed, they are all approaching the extreme.

As long as it is pushed to the extreme, it is almost the same speed as Lin Fei's mind.

Therefore, even though there were more than twenty main gods attacking Lin Fei at the same time, one after another, the most terrifying attacks continued to blast towards Lin Fei.

For a while, Lin Fei could barely resist.

However, very reluctant! Because these two dozen main gods are all the top sword repairers in the world, and their attack speed is also terribly fast.

Lin Fei can barely resist, but there is not much power to fight back at all! Fortunately, Lin Fei continued to use the shadowless style, in accordance with the various speed-related laws of time and space, to activate the reincarnation card of the world, which made Lin Fei's body speed extremely fast, successfully avoiding many attacks.

Boom boom boom...In this space, the endless kendo energy exploded completely.

Just think about it, more than twenty main gods, working together, what a terrible battle scene this is.

Such a battle scene, it is estimated that how many epochs, it is also rare to see.

"It seems that Lin Fei, this kid, is almost unable to support it.

These main gods of the four major forces have the upper hand. "

Tian Can said secretly to Dique.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth were crippled, had quietly moved away from the center of the battle, did not take any action at all, and watched the battle.

"However, in my opinion, Lin Fei, this kid, is at a disadvantage.

However, looking at his expression, he is still not surprised, and there is no taste of panic.

I have a feeling that I want to kill this kid, as if it is not as easy as I imagined. "

Dique looked at Lin Fei's performance for a moment, and whispered to Tian Can secretly.

"No, this kid is too arrogant, he must die! Can't let him leave alive!"

Tiancan's gaze became fierce, and he couldn't wait to rush over to kill Lin Fei.

"Don't interfere! Wouldn't it be better?

Let them fight more intensely.

The best is to lose both.

At that time, we will reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

The ground shortage immediately stopped.

"Yeah, too."

Tiancang's mood calmed down.

"Boy, I don't believe it, so many gods will kill you today!"

When he hit the fierceness, the fairy boy of Bliss screamed, his short body actually started to burn.

Then, his figure continued to rise, like a five-year-old child, growing taller at a rapid pace.

"Brother Bliss, don't be like this! The loss is so great, you don't know how many years you will have to cultivate before you can make up for it!"

A master **** of the Bliss Sword Sect was shocked when he saw this and quickly reminded him.

As a high-level member of the Bliss School, he knows that the secret technique practiced by the Bliss Fairy is very strange. It is necessary to keep the body as a child during the extremely long and extremely long years, so as to maintain the purest and purest in the body. A little bit of essence.

Once the long years have passed, this elemental essence will ferment to the end, which will produce amazing mutations.

It is said that it is possible to take the final step.

Achieve the position of chaos! In fact, the ultimate dream of every Lord God is to be able to take this final step.

Every main **** will practice his own secret method, leading to the final step of the secret method.

Of course, there are too few master gods who can succeed in the end.

In a few epochs, or even more than a dozen epochs, it is not necessarily true that there is a master **** who can succeed.

However, this does not affect the fact that every master **** cherishes what he has cultivated, and hopes to lead to the final step of the secret technique.

In case, it succeeded.

This, but no one can predict it.

Now, this fairy boy of Bliss, in order to deal with Lin Fei, actually let his short body grow taller.

This is equivalent to depleting the secret technique of self-cultivation! The price is too great! "It's okay, as long as you can kill this kid and lose a little cultivation base, it's nothing.

It’s a big deal. I’ll spend a little more time in the future and I’ll just return from practice.

This kid, destroy our five most powerful subsidiary forces of the Bliss Sword Sect. If this revenge is not reported, our Bliss Sword Sect will have any face in the future! "

Bliss Fairy yelled.

Rumbling... I saw that as the body of Fairy Boy of Bliss continued to rise, his originally short body had undergone amazing changes.

His whole body was burning with raging fire, and his long red hair was like a fire, dancing there, emitting dazzling sword-shaped runes, and his breath was compelling.

In an instant, his law body skyrocketed and stood on top of the ground, almost full of this void.

A short man has become a giant! "Boy, I said I wanted to kill you, so I can do it!"

Bliss Fairy yelled coldly.

At this moment, he showed the most powerful posture.

Boom! In the next moment, the Fairy Child of Bliss, who had undergone an astonishing change, shot.

He used a very ancient mystery of the soul, a white monster appeared beside him, and the pressure of the soul radiated from it, which made all the main gods around him secretly startled.

"It is said that the fairy boy of bliss once entered the sea of ​​absolute space, encountered a beast, and obtained the blood of the beast, and cultivated into an ancient, long-lost mystical technique of the soul.

There is hope for this kind of psychic secret technique, and it will take that final step in the future! Now it seems that something really happened! "

Around, the other main gods were very shocked, thinking of this legend about Fairy Boy of Bliss.

Roar... I saw that the snow-white monster next to the Fairy Child of Bliss, shaking all over, released a vast white mist.

These white mists were all transformed by the purest spirit energy, and they evolved into white runes and enveloped Lin Fei.

Swish...In Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Knowledge, the four Divine Soul Secret Treasures were all rushed out automatically after being induced.

The soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus hovered around Lin Fei's head, floating up and down, releasing the energy of rolling spirits, protecting Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Fei was taken aback.

These four divine soul secret treasures all have the function of automatically protecting the master.

However, it is easy to be exposed in this way, and it will cause other people's eyes.

It is precisely because of Lin Fei's possession of these four Divine Soul Secret Treasures that his divine consciousness has been strengthened to where it is today.

Lin Fei knows too well how precious these four soul treasures are! really.

"Good baby!"

In the surroundings, the main gods, when they saw these four divine soul secret treasures, they immediately showed greedy eyes.

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