Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3936: A fierce battle

"This is..." The Fairy Boy of Bliss stared at the four Divine Soul Secret Treasures around Lin Fei's head, his eyes were extremely hot, and he trembled with excitement.

The snow-white monster beside him also kept roaring, wishing to rush to **** Lin Fei's four soul treasures.

"Haha..., these four babes, I'm going to order them!"

The Fairy Boy of Bliss suddenly screamed, seeming to be extremely excited.

Roar! The snow-white monster beside him suddenly leaped into the air and rushed towards Lin Fei.

The speed of this monster can reach the speed of mind! In the void, the vast white mist flooded Xiang Lin Fei.

Lin Fei felt that his soul body felt dizzy and confused.

Huh! A snow-white bone sword came quietly and cut it in front of Lin Fei.

It's just that Lin Fei's spirit energy is also extremely powerful, and he has maintained a very sober state without being affected.

when! Feijian spouted from Lin Fei's mouth, blocking the snow-white bone sword.

Huh! At the same time, Lin Fei performed the ultimate heart sword style of the origin, and cut off at the snow-white monster.

The four secret treasures of the souls released the power of the souls to protect Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness from being violated.

"Lin Fei, present these four secret treasures, maybe I can protect you from death!"

At this moment, Fairy Boy of Bliss was like an upright giant, condescending, strode towards Lin Fei and shouted sharply.

In fact, he was eager to seize the treasure, so he didn't hesitate to speak, trying to bring down Lin Fei's guard.

Today, these many main gods gathered here, with the determination to kill Lin Fei, how could it be possible to let Lin Fei go.

"Hehe, if you want my baby, you have to see if you have this ability."

Lin Fei was smiling, not afraid.

"Lin Fei, die!"

The other main gods were not idle either, and took advantage of this opportunity to besiege from all directions.

Shoo! Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure changed from one to three.

Three identical Lin Fei formed a triangular formation.

At the same time, in every Lin Fei's body, more than a hundred human gods rushed out, and at the same time they screamed up to the sky, shaking the sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

Three Lin Fei, more than 300 human gods, each performed different martial arts secrets, and together they fought against the attacks of the main gods around them.

This scene stunned all the main gods around, including Heaven and Earth.

"What kind of human body secret technique is this! Actually, the body can be developed and utilized to such an anti-sky level!"

These main gods, each with their eyes like a torch, are knowledgeable, and naturally they can see at a glance that the three Lin Fei and the more than 300 human gods are all the fruits of a certain kind of human body secret technique and condensed.

Especially the three Lin Fei, with a strong breath of time, one representing the past, one representing the present, and one representing the future.

Every Lin Fei's body surface is covered with densely packed time runes.

Time, space, cause and effect, reincarnation, these most mysterious and difficult laws in the world, at this moment, are all reflected in Lin Fei's body.


The three Lin Fei, with rich runes of time and time flowing in their bodies, were mysterious and unpredictable, and seemed to be gestating the profound meaning of the endless road.

At this moment, Lin Fei was passionate about fighting.

All the secret techniques of martial arts that have been practiced in the past are all displayed to the full.

Three Lin Fei, and more than three hundred human gods, faintly connected with Qi, echo each other, seeming to form a battle formation! At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly realized that he seemed to have a new insight and a new understanding of the Tai Zhou Tian Induction Chapter.

It is as if this kind of human body secret technique suddenly opened another window! "kill!"

One of them, Lin Fei, moved in a shadowless manner, changing step by step, rushing to the Fairy Child of Bliss.

The billowing sword light sprayed out from every pore of Lin Fei, like hundreds of millions of feathers, like a sacred garment.

"Eat my sword!"

Lin Fei yelled, and a sharp sword appeared in his palm.

This sharp sword is exactly the flying sword made by Tian Luo Jianzi's help Lin Fei. It can be used as a flying sword or used to perform other sword tricks, doing whatever you want.

Huh! Lin Fei swiped his sword, thousands of the world's most wonderful swordsmanship, and at the same time, oscillated from the long sword. In a vaguely sound, there was a long and phoenix sound, like a Kunpeng spreading his wings, and a large void was cut apart.

"Lin Fei, if you don't hand over the four soul treasures, you will die without a place to be buried!"

Bliss Fairy yelled, his greedy eyes staring at the four secret treasures.

Huh! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand stabbed the Fairy Boy of Bliss.

The Fairy Boy of Bliss stretched out his hand, and his white bone sword blocked it.

when! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand collided with the white bone sword.


The fairy boy of Bliss was so angry that he was shocked, backed up a few steps, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth! This move, head-to-head, he actually fell in love.

Among them, there are reasons for his underestimation and negligence.

At the same time, it also shows that Lin Fei's combat power is only higher than him! There is another reason, that is, the long sword in Lin Fei's hand was refined from the tens of millions of famous swords in the old man's collection. The power is beyond description.

Huh! Lin Fei's second sword was cut again.

With this sword, Lin Fei worked with all his strength, and all his kendo cultivation skills were blended into it, making this long sword seem to be ignited, extremely bright.

"Boy, I did it with you!"

Bliss Fairy yelled, he roared, full of resentment and unwillingness.

So many main gods together besieged a junior boy, but he was still injured, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding! What a shame this is! This makes him, who has strong self-esteem, crazy.

At this moment, he is standing upright, his whole body is burning, turning into layers of **** fire, hideous and fierce.

"Brother Bliss, we will help you!"

At this time, the other main gods were all killed.


Lin Fei yelled up to the sky and kept making moves.

This abyss was turned upside down! Boom... Soon, finally, three Lin Fei were hit at the same time, his body was smashed and began to hurt.

More than twenty main gods are working together to attack, which is a very terrifying combat power.

Lin Fei's combat power, although powerful, was always in the dark.

After a long period of time, it slowly began to lose ground.

"kill him!"

"Everyone, don't keep it! Today, this one must be killed!"

...... Each of the main gods used the most powerful secret technique in their lives.

A variety of different Chaos Origin Laws released the Rolling Law runes, dancing wildly in this space.

In this space, blood and light continued to emerge, roaring, endlessly fighting and fighting.

This battle is terrifying.

It's too intense.

Lin Fei, and the more than twenty main gods, all succumbed to life and fought with each other.

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