Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3941: Lin Fei secretly tricked him

"Ah! Damn! The world is incomplete, I won't let you go!"

The soul body of the Fairy Child of Bliss, appeared not far away, fleeing quickly.

"Can you escape!"

The crippling world is a fierce and evil generation, wherever they are willing to let go, the two long swords are twisted, slashing at the spirit body of the fairy boy of bliss.


Other main gods rushed to rescue them together.

puff! The spirit body of the Fairy Child of Bliss was cut and split into two.

"Ah..., save me!"

Fairy Child of Bliss desperately asked for help. In this state, he was truly dead.

If his soul body was cut one more time, maybe it would really be over.

"Elder Bliss, come in!"

At this time, the head of the Bliss Sword Sect took out a Huang Chengcheng gossip gourd and shouted at the spirit body of Bliss Fairy.

Where did the Fairy Child of Bliss dared to neglect, with a snorting, it turned into a wisp of smoke, and got into the gossip gourd.

This gossip gourd is a high-level magic weapon, specially used to detain the enemy's soul body, very powerful.

"It's a pity, I almost killed this guy."

In the distance, Lin Fei was very sorry.

"All are going to die!"

At this time, Tian Can Di Que roared and killed the other main gods.

Rumble...the heavens and the earth are incomplete, and the fight against the main gods is very fierce.

Without Lin Fei's sneak attack, the heavens and the earth were crippled and began to gain the upper hand again.

The main gods are forced to retreat continuously.

The terrible battle has made this abyss tremble all the time.

Fortunately, in this abyss, there are a large number of world powers, protecting the time and space here without any damage.

"Well, don't waste time and mutilate these two guys.

Then, think of a way to control them, and force them to find out their law. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

The current situation is that as long as Lin Fei helps which side, which side is likely to win! Shoo... Lin Fei started to use his heart sword again.

A continuous stream of fierce heart swords penetrated into the body of the dead and the earth.

"Ah..., here again! Damn, who is attacking us! What kind of attack are these!"

The day is cruel and mad.

"I see, it's mental strength! These attacks are mental strength!"

Suddenly, Dique finally figured out.

"There is a master who is good at mental strength, is attacking us! The mental strength is the most difficult to guard against and the most unsolvable partial energy in the world! Unexpectedly, there are people who can cultivate their mental strength to this level!"

Di Que said to Tian Can.

Until now, the two of them finally figured out what attack they had received.

It's no wonder that Xinli is known as the most partial and least-seen power in the world.

There are too few creatures capable of cultivating mental strength, and too rare.

It is even rarer to be able to cultivate success in mental energy and become a master in this field, almost extinct! Sometimes, for a whole epoch, it is difficult to produce a master of mental strength.

Therefore, in most cases, the warriors in the world will forget that there is such a kind of partial power in the world.

"Yes, it must be effort!"

The days are stunned.

"However, who on earth is showing their energy and attacking us! Could it be that these main gods?

However, I have never heard of one of these main gods in front of me that is good at mental strength. "

Tian Can roared in a low voice.

"Don't forget, in this abyss, besides these main gods, there is a kid! That kid has been lurking nearby."

Dique said.

"Lin Fei! This kid is actually good at mental strength and can cause harm to us!"

Tian Can blurted out.

Although, he didn't want to believe that a junior boy was actually a master of mental strength.

However, in this abyss, apart from the two of them and the main gods, there was only Lin Fei.

Each of the twenty-odd main gods, in the sword world, is a famous and powerful person in an era.

Desperately familiar with them.

If there was a master **** who was good at mental strength, it would have spread all over the world.

"Yes, we all underestimated that kid, we didn't expect him to have such a hole card!"

Dique's face was very ugly.

Shoo... At this time, Lin Fei was quickly using his heart sword to make continuous attacks on Tianmai and Earth.

The crippled body was once again greatly damaged.

Especially the inside of the body was torn to pieces by the heart sword, **** and bloody, like a mass of paste.

It was so crippled, and felt great physical pain, and roared again and again.

The key is that they didn't know how to resist Lin Fei Xinjian's attack, and could they avoid it.

One after another heart swords continuously hit their bodies.

It was unbearable for them! "Lin Fei, get out of here!"

Tiancan's emotions began to collapse a bit.

"Boy, come out if you have the abilities, and fought it openly, so using insidious tricks like this is what a good guy!"

Land shortage is also extremely angry.

At this time, due to Lin Fei Xinjian's harassment, the crippled combat power began to plummet.


Those main gods who were fighting fiercely with the deprived of the world were surprised and happy when they discovered this.

This situation has happened just now! "Lin Fei?

Could it be..." "Could it be that Lin Fei was doing a ghost in the dark..." ... The main gods, hearing the utterly broken roar, were a little surprised and speculated.

"Don't worry about so much, take advantage of this opportunity to kill these two guys first.

If this opportunity is missed, it is very difficult for us to kill them in the future. "

An older master **** spoke to other master gods.

"Yes! Whether or not that kid Lin Fei is doing a ghost secretly, and no matter what Lin Fei's purpose is, let's kill Heaven and Earth first!"

The other main gods nodded one after another.

At this time, the combat effectiveness that was deficient in nature was declining.

It's a great opportunity! "kill!"

More than 20 main gods shouted to kill in unison, surrounded the sky and the earth, fought wildly, beat the sky and the earth, and the void was annihilated.

"That's right, I'll help you!"

Lin Fei was very satisfied with the performance of those main gods.

Shoo...the heart swords were continuously displayed by Lin Fei, hitting the heaven and earth.

"Unfortunately, mental strength is too difficult to practice.

I have made little progress above my mental strength.

The heart sword I am using now can only barely cause physical damage to the main god.

In actual combat, the most is to cause harassment and containment to the main god.

This is far from enough.

In the future, I must work hard to cultivate my mental strength and strive to turn my heart sword into a powerful trump card for defeating the enemy! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

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