Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3942: Not an opponent

"Lin Fei, get out!"

Tiancan roared, full of resentment.

Originally, in the eyes of this world, the two of them occupied all the land and were invincible, and they planned to wipe out the four major forces, the main gods.

As long as it succeeds, from now on, the entire sword world will be theirs.

The world is incomplete, it will be possible to rule the sword world! What an exciting thing this is.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's variable appeared.

"as you wish."

A faint voice sounded behind Tian Can.

Rumble...Billions of sword lights erupted, turning into a sea of ​​sword rain, pouring out to Tiancan.

However, the real killing was a flying sword mixed in the rain of swords.

Huh! The dazzling flying sword tore through the void and cut to Tian Can's back.

Shoo... a steady stream of heart swords attacked Tian Can's body, stirring frantically.


Tian Can roared fiercely, and the black long sword slashed behind him.

The mighty power of the world, like a landslide and a tsunami, crushed towards Lin Fei, making Lin Fei feel as if hundreds of millions of sacred mountains were coming from the top.

World mighty force, really terrifying! It makes heaven and earth lack, every move contains the power of terror.

However, at this moment.

Swish...At the same time, there were six or seven main gods, who took the opportunity to swing their swords and stab the sky.

A dazzling divine sword cuts through the darkness and illuminates the entire abyss.

what! Tian Can was attacked from multiple sides, his body was divided by five horses, and he screamed.

"The heavens are incomplete, you have done a lot of evil, prepare to punish you today!"

Those main gods all showed strong killing intent.

They know that if they don't kill the maidens today, there won't be many opportunities in the future.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, **** it, I will kill you all!"

Tiancun's soul body appeared not far away, using his magical powers, quickly summoning those residual limbs and shredded flesh, reorganizing his body, and let out a spiteful roar.

Dique held the red long sword in his hand to protect the Tiancan.

For Tiancang, physical damage is not fatal.

It takes some blood to reorganize the body.

However, the speed at which he reorganized his body was far inferior to Lin Fei.

For Lin Fei, reorganizing his body is very easy, effortless, and does not require much blood and energy.

Because Lin Fei's physique is almost immortal.

Lin Fei reorganized his body, and he could complete it in an instant with a thought.

But Tiancang couldn't do it.

It will take some time for him to reorganize his body.


The main gods of the four major forces swarmed up and beat the ground to retreat again and again.

However, he must desperately support and buy time to let Tian Can reorganize his body.

With the strength of the natural remnant, it would take a breath or two to reorganize the body.

"Hey, take your life while you are sick!"

Lin Fei stared at the Tian Can who was reorganizing his body.

Shoo... a series of heart swords continuously bombarded Tiancun's soul body.


Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of puppet's thread, the overwhelming red silk thread wrapped around the Tiancun's soul body.

"Lin Fei! It's you again!"

Tianchou's soul body roared.

Lin Fei's attack caused him a huge harassment.

Distracted him.

Xinjian's attack was invisible and innocent, and he could not dodge.

The puppet's thread has a huge damage effect on the soul body.

"Yes, it's me again."

Lin Fei's flat voice sounded.

next moment.

Lin Fei's figure appeared near Tian Can.

Within a short distance, Lin Fei used the shadowless style and cooperated with the reincarnation card of the Myriad Realms. It was only a matter of thought to reach any place.

call out! When Lin Fei appeared, Tian Can's body finally recovered.

After all, his strength is not to be glimpsed, and the physical damage is not fatal to him.

"Lin Fei, I want you to die!"

At this moment, Tian Can resented Lin Fei to the extreme.

It is because of Lin Fei that makes him so embarrassed.

"Want to kill me, do you have this ability."

Lin Fei disdain.


The sky was cruel and mad, with a loud roar, full of strands of hair standing upside down, eye-matching copper bells, like a world-familiar demon, radiating bursts of violent energy fluctuations.

He swung his sword frantically, and the black long sword slashed towards Lin Fei, causing hundreds of millions of black sword lights to roar like a thunderstorm.

Rumble... wherever the black long sword went, it was extremely terrifying, killing every inch of space.

"Huh! Go alone, do I need to be afraid of you!"

Lin Fei gave a cold snort, held the flying sword, and greeted him with a sword.

Swish...The billowing sword glow bloomed from the flying sword, and densely packed kendo runes erupted from the sword body, like a group of deep-sea fish.

When... Lin Fei's flying sword blocked the black long sword.

Both long swords are glowing.

Qiang Qiang... Endless sword lights agitated in this space.

Shoo... Heart swords continuously hit Tiancan's body, stirring wildly in his body.

Puff... Tian Can coughed up blood, and his body suffered heavy injuries again.

Huh...The flying sword in Lin Fei's hand was dazzling, and everything was cut forward.

when! The two long swords collided again.

Tian Can was shaken back and forth.


Tian Can is very unwilling.

He himself, fighting against Lin Fei alone, was actually lost and fell into a disadvantage.

"Hmph, I said, go alone, you are nothing."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Don't be impulsive.

The combat power of this kid is very strange.

We must join hands to defeat him! "

The ground shortage quickly reminded.

In fact, what is truly powerful is the combination of two swords.

Once the two of them join forces to display a set of mysterious sword formations, they can arouse a large amount of world power and make their combat power very terrifying.

However, if they do not join forces and separate separately, then their combat power is not worth mentioning.

It's not Lin Fei's opponent at all! Ka! Lin Fei held the Flying Sword in his hand, aggressively, slashing horizontally with a sword, cutting off Tian Can's body at the waist.

"Ah..." Tian Can screamed miserably.

His body suffered repeated injuries, not only was it extremely painful, but also lost a large amount of original blood.

"If you want to kill everything, now is the best chance."

Lin Fei said to the main gods around him.

While speaking, the flying sword in his hand was chopped away without stopping, sweeping away billions of sword lights.

"First kill everything!"

The main gods looked at each other and nodded one after another.

To kill Lin Fei, there is still a chance in the future.

However, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity to kill the world.


More than 20 main gods surrounded the ground and fought wildly.

However, Lin Fei was pressing Tian Can step by step, playing inextricably.

Tian Can's eyes were also red, desperately fighting Lin Fei.

In an instant, the two of them hit the sky and the ground broke, and time seemed to have gone backwards.

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