Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3943: Chasing the devil

In this way, Lin Fei and the main gods of the four major forces have a tacit understanding with each other, and they deliberately isolate the two people who are disabled.

Prevent them from joining forces.

Because once they let them join forces to display that set of sword formations, the two swords combined, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"We must join hands!"

The ground is missing to Tiancan's voice.

Both Tiancan and Diqian desperately moved closer to each other.

However, Lin Fei and the twenty-odd main gods are all experienced and experienced generations. How can they be willing to let them join together? They are all stopping them.

when! In the fierce battle, the flying sword in Lin Fei's hand and Tiancan's black long sword collided once again.

Tian Can coughed up blood, his body shape kept receding.

Lin Fei stepped forward, breaking through time and space, as if reversing time, and came directly in front of Tian Can.

Shoo...the thread of thousands of red puppets, like a heavy red rainstorm, flooded Xiangtiancan.

At the same time, more than one hundred human gods rushed out of Lin Fei's body.

Each performed a different secret technique, swarmed up, surrounded the Tianchou, and carried out cruel hand-to-hand combat.

At the same time, heart swords continuously hit Tian Can's body, cutting his internal organs.

Pupu...... Under all kinds of attacks, Tiancang's injuries were very serious and he kept coughing up blood.

Fighting alone, Tian Can was not Lin Fei's opponent at all.

If it weren't for this, there are a lot of world powers in this abyss, which makes Lin Fei a little restrained and dare not completely let go of the attack.

Ah...Under Lin Fei's various attacks, Tian Can kept screaming.

Click! When Feijian passed, one of Tian Can's arm was taken off, and he threw it out with blood.

boom! Lin Fei used his physical strength, and a fist struck Tian Can's shoulder, causing it to collapse and his bones to break.

This is the use of the Induction Chapter of Too Last Week, which can make Lin Fei's physical power terrifying.

what! Tiancan screamed again and again, his body was beaten to pieces.

"Lin Fei, **** you, I won't let you go!"

Tian Can was bloodied and his eyes flushed, staring at Lin Fei bitterly, hissing and roaring.

"Haha, it depends on you.

If you speak big words, you are not afraid to flash your tongue. "

Lin Fei laughed loudly, and had the absolute upper hand in terms of momentum.

On the other side, the lack of ground is not much better.

The combat power of the land shortage is much stronger than that of the Tianchou.

However, more than 20 main gods surrounded him and attacked desperately, making him difficult.

You know, each of these main gods is not a mediocre generation.

Each one has lived for a long time, practicing various powerful taboo secret techniques.

Now, more than 20, hit one, have the upper hand.

Lin Fei and the main gods of the four major forces are all aware of it, and they must not let the natural defect and the earth shortage join hands.

Therefore, in the course of the battle, everyone desperately prevented the two of them from getting closer.

kill! The fierce collision, the terrifying fight, in this abyss, there are constantly splashing blood, drops of divine blood, splashing everywhere, shaking the void constantly.

"Haha, God can't be fierce now!"

Lin Fei showed great power, once again, slashed Tiancan's body with a sword, and then twisted his backhand to make Tiancan's body shattered into a cloud of blood.

"Ah..." Tian Can screamed in pain.

In this battle, Lin Fei didn't know how many times he chopped his body into pieces.

Let him lose a lot of original blood.

After this battle, it is estimated that it will take him a long time to recuperate slowly before he can recover.

"Haha, what two wicked men, it turns out, but so.

In fact, the combat power of the two of you simply cannot reach the level of the main god.

You two, at best, two and a half steps of the main god! "

Lin Fei laughed and shouted loudly.

"Yes! The true realm of the two of them is actually two and a half step master gods.

It's just that because of the special geographical environment of Tiandi Valley, there are a lot of world powers, and the two of them have a special method, so that they two can squeeze into masters at the master **** level! "

"For these years, the two of them have been hiding in Heaven and Earth Valley, and they didn't dare to take a half step out.

Because they know that once they leave the special geographical environment of Tiandi Valley, the two of them are nothing! "

... The main gods of the four major forces also screamed.

It turns out that the true realm is the half-step master god.

The reason why they have such a powerful combat power is mainly because they have a special method that can absorb the mighty power of the chaotic world that exists in the Refining Heaven and Earth Valley.

Moreover, when fighting, their two swords combined can also arouse the chaotic world power and help them fight the enemy.

"Two wicked men, today Fu Zhu!"

"Deadly, die!"

......One after another loud roars, shaking the sky.

boom! Dique was hit by more than twenty main gods, and it was thrown out by a shock, half of his body was blown to pieces on the spot.

Ka! At the same time, the flying sword in Lin Fei's hand was also a sword, cutting off Tian Can's head and tossing it up, blood spattering around his neck.


Dique spoke to Tian Can.

He knew that if he didn't escape and continued to fight, the consequences would be disastrous.

As a result, the natural disaster and the terrible deficiency, both turned around and fled.

"Where to escape!"

More than 20 main gods of the four major forces chased the earth.

"Haha, can you escape!"

Lin Fei chased Tian Can.

call out! Lin Fei's moving shadowless style, with the reincarnation card of the Ten Thousand Realms, and various laws related to time and space, holding the flying sword in his hand, instantly chased Tian Can's body.

at this time.

Tian Can is already scarred, with a languid breath, and has no energy to fight again.

Tian Can is walking forward, Lin Fei is chasing behind, the battle is shocking! Both use the speed of the body technique to an extreme level.

A large number of runes related to time and space and speed are surging and flooding the world.

The time and space along the way were all knocked out by them and turned into nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, everyone rushed out of the abyss.

"Lin Fei, wait, I will never let you go.

Between us, we never die! "

Tian Can was too frustrated, and while running away, he roared sharply, venting his anger.

He has been famous in the sword world for a long time, and he is very famous.

When the name Tiancun was mentioned, most of the creatures in the entire sword world trembled with fear and did not dare to breathe.

What a prestige.

However, now, he was beaten so miserably by a junior boy.

Chased so embarrassed.

It is conceivable that today’s events have been spread out.

From then on, the name Tiancan will become a laughing stock.

Thinking of this, Tiancan couldn't accept the facts before him.

He is mad!

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