Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3950: Fight again

Because of Lin Fei's roar, a large number of fierce masters came out of the universe starry sky in Heaven and Earth Valley, murderous, and surrounded Lin Fei.

Of course, these masters are all sword repairers.

Moreover, everyone who lives in the valley of heaven and earth is a wicked person.

At this moment, one after another fierce eyes stared at Lin Fei.

It's like a pack of evil wolves staring at their prey.

It's just that Lin Fei ignored these people at all, strode forward, and walked towards the space where the world lacked retreat.

Shoo... dozens of gods appeared one after another, and fell in front of Lin Fei, blocking Lin Fei's path.

"Boy, I'm asking you what you are! Just now, was it you? Call the two ancestors directly!"

A brutal man with a sturdy body and a full face sternly asked.

This is a half-step main god, on the body, there are thick sword lights rolling, with a violent and rough temperament.

"A **** little character, why bother talking nonsense with him, just kill him with one sword!"

A tall and thin man looked at Lin Fei with contempt, and looked very disdainful.

"I thought it was a terrible character, it turned out to be a stinky kid.

Just kill it. "

"It's just a high-level god.

I dared to yell here, and even called the two ancestors directly.

It seems that it is a Lengqing head with a brain problem. "

... the other masters, after seeing Lin Fei's cultivation level, all showed disdain.

"Haha, kid, you hear me, everyone wants you to die.

So you go to die. "

The brutal man with a face full of flesh said with a grinning smile.

Huh! He waved his hand and slashed in the air, a thick sword light, mighty, violently slashing towards Lin Fei.

This sword light contains terrifying kendo energy, wherever it goes, it cuts time and space in half like tofu.

Lin Fei did not evade at all, letting the thick sword light cut it.

For Lin Fei, Jian Xiu's attack was a kind of cultivation, and he couldn't ask for it.

boom! The thick sword light, carrying violent kendo energy, struck Lin Fei's body.

"Haha..., too weak.

I can kill dozens of such ants with one move! "

The brutal man slashed Lin Fei with a sword, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

He used to be a murderer who specializes in robbing homes and robbing his home.

Later, too many enemies were forged, and they had to flee to Heaven and Earth Valley and take refuge in the destitute.

The other masters, seeing Lin Fei Zhongjian, all felt very happy.


All people are dumbfounded.

Because they found that after Lin Fei hit the sword, nothing happened.

It seemed that the sword light cut out by that brutal man was just a light breeze gently blowing across his body.

"how is this possible?

! "

The brutal man stared at Lin Fei, unable to believe it.

"How is this going?

This kid was hit by a sword, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Are we dazzled? "

All around, the other gods were dumbfounded.

You know, this brutal man is a half-step master god, and he is a recognized master of the same rank.

"Boy, you hit me with a sword, are you really okay?

You are not trying to hold on. "

The brutal man asked Lin Fei.

"Yes, Not Bad.

These guys, one by one, are fierce and vicious, it seems that each of them has killed countless people and has experienced many battles.

Take them all into slaves. "

Lin Fei glanced at the surrounding masters in Heaven and Earth Valley, nodded and said to himself.

"Boy, I'm asking you!"

The brutal man, seeing Lin Fei from start to finish, ignored him, and even, without looking at him directly, couldn't help but grow angry and shouted.

Huh! The answer to him was a plain sword light.

Click! The plain sword light swept across, and the brutal man's body was cut open and divided into two.

what! The brutal man screamed, and at the same time he was so scared that he couldn't think that the seemingly weak young man in front of him was so terrifying.

Lin Fei waved his sleeves, rolled up the brutal man, and sent it into one of the human worlds.

"Run away! This kid is terrible!"

The gods around, one by one, were so scared that they flew away desperately.

call out! A faint sword light slashed out again.

Click and click...A crisp sound, plain sword light, wherever it passed, the flesh of one **** after another was cut to pieces, and flesh and blood flew across.

In less than two breaths, in the void around Lin Fei, all the gods, more than a hundred, were all killed.

Lin Fei swung his sleeves, and rolled up all the remains of the gods, including the souls, and then sent them into the human world inside his body.

Then, the cosmic starry sky of Tiandi Valley began to completely quiet down.

The combat power displayed by Lin Fei shocked all those masters who had not yet appeared in Heaven and Earth Valley.

More than a hundred gods were solved with just one move.

Among them, there are two and a half-step main gods.

Such combat power is simply shocking! The entire Tiandi Valley was dead silent, as quiet as a tomb.

In the distant void, Di Que watched this scene and couldn't help but his eyelids jumped.

"This kid is too evil.

We must never fight him head-on.

He must be led into the abyss of chaos.

Otherwise, we would rather avoid him! "

The ground said openly.

Lin Fei's strength once again shocked him.


Tian Can nodded and said.

Tiancan naturally hopes that he can do it quickly and cooperate with Lin Fei to subdue the lack of ground.

Reluctantly, Diqian had already developed a deep fear of Lin Fei.

It is estimated that he was willing to fight Lin Fei only when he entered the abyss of chaos.

Otherwise, he would keep avoiding Lin Fei and would not show up.

"Heaven is crippled, you two old guys, don't hide.

I have found you. "

Lin Fei strode forward, changing step by step, changing time and space, and quickly walked towards the position of the crippled world.

"Go, let's go to the abyss of chaos!"

Dique said, after finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and rushed in the direction of the world's eyes without looking back.

The chaotic abyss is in the eyes of the world.

Tiancan also showed his departure method and followed Dique's back.

"Haha, where to escape!"

Lin Fei laughed, speeded up, and caught up.


Diqian and Tiancan rushed into the world's eye, and then directly entered the center of the world's eye, into the chaotic abyss.

call out! Lin Fei followed closely and walked into the eyes of the world.


Don't you run away? "

Before Lin Fei came to the abyss of chaos, he looked at the broken world and smiled.

"Lin Fei, if there is a kind, just roll in and fight us again!"

In the chaotic abyss, Di Que stared at Lin Fei, gritted his teeth and cried.

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