Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3951: Team up to deal with land shortage

"That's as you wish."

Lin Fei's expression was flat, and he stepped straight into the chaotic abyss.

Rumble...In the abyss of chaos, an astonishing amount of world power is surging, releasing terrible energy pressure.

Even Lin Fei was secretly frightened.

Fortunately, the mighty power of the world in this chaotic abyss, although chaotic, will not actively attack the incoming creatures.

Otherwise, Lin Fei would have to run away with so many world mighty forces.

"Lin Fei, you dare to come in!"

When Dique saw Lin Fei without hesitation, he walked in directly, but was a little surprised.

"Aren't you afraid that we will kill you here!"

Di Que's gaze toward Lin Fei began to become dangerous, with a biting killing intent.

As soon as he entered the abyss of chaos, his mentality changed.

Here is his home court! Any creature, as long as it enters here, its combat power will be more or less suppressed.

However, it is just the opposite.

After entering this chaotic abyss, the two swords that are missing from the heavens and the earth are combined, and their power is multiplied! Therefore, at this moment, Dique no longer felt jealous of Lin Fei.

Instead, faintly, there is a condescending sense of superiority.

"If I'm afraid, I won't come in."

Lin Fei's tone is very peaceful, with his hands on his back, it seems very leisurely.

"Hey, you're too conceited.

It's no wonder that at a young age, with a little achievement, he is so arrogant, I don't know how high the sky is.

However, you will soon know that you regret it. "

Dique's tone became more and more fierce.

"Oh, is it so.

Maybe you regret it. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Lin Fei, when his death is approaching, his mouth is still stiff, is it interesting! Come on!"

Diqi yelled angrily and shot decisively.

Huh! With a wave of his hand, a red long sword slashed out, clanging, piercing the void, and spraying kendo runes on the sword.

Huh! At the same moment, Tian Can also acted, and a black long sword appeared in his hand, with runes lingering and overwhelming.

Rumble...the amazing amount of world mighty forces in the abyss began to boil and roll.

Huh! The black long sword and the red long sword form a sword formation and cut forward, bursting out a terrifying energy coercion, causing the time and space in front to explode continuously.

Lin Fei was secretly surprised, did not dare to take it hard, unfolded the shadowless pose, and retreated quickly.

Huh! One red and one black, two long swords, traversed the sky, chasing Lin Fei.

"Haha..., boy, you can't escape death!"

Dique laughed wildly.

"Thank you, ready to do it!"

At this moment, Lin Fei secretly communicated to Tiancan.


Tian Can replied.

"Tian Can, what are you waiting for? Let's move the sword formation together to kill this kid.

Now is a great opportunity! "

Di Que shouted to Tian Can.

He found that Tiancan had reservations and didn't try his best at all.

"it is good!"

Tian Can nodded.

Boom... Tian Can pinched the sword art, and a rapidly rotating energy vortex formed in his body, continuously absorbing the mighty power of the world around him.

Boom... The energy aura released by Tian Can suddenly increased.

"Okay! Let's work together to kill this kid!"

Dique found that Tiancan was starting to be serious, and couldn't help being overjoyed.


The red long sword in the hand of Diqi drew a large amount of world power, the sky broke and the earth broke, and with supreme pressure, it slashed towards Lin Fei with murderous aura.

"Haha, you want to kill me, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Lin Fei did not evade, stepping forward, facing the lack of ground.

Of course, Lin Fei did not dare to neglect.

boom! Lin Fei used all his strength, the flying sword, the original ultimate heart sword style, and the heart sword, all of which were used, and he slammed forward.

At the same time, within Lin Fei's body, the solid world of kendo was boiling, releasing a lot of kendo energy, blessing above Lin Fei's various attacks.

The endless dazzling sword light, like a vast ocean, flooded forward.

Suddenly, the sword energy vibrated horizontally and horizontally, killing everything.

Lin Fei's goal is to attract the attention of Diqian and create opportunities for Tian Can.

Tiancan is waiting for the best opportunity, ready to miss the ground.

"Boy, I have to admit that your combat power is indeed too enchanting.

However, in this chaotic abyss, no matter how strong you are, it is useless.

Because no matter how strong you are, it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than us.

Hey, what a pity, today, here, you, a young genius, will be killed. "

Dique said with a grinning smile.


next moment.

Something unexpected happened to him.

Huh! A black long sword suddenly pierced through the missing body, and the **** tip of the sword stretched out in front of his chest.

Then, the black long sword violently stirred, leaving the missing body torn apart.

This sword was stabbed by Heaven! Taking advantage of Lin Fei's full attack to absorb the lack of attention from the ground, Tian Can suddenly attacked and launched a surprise attack.

"Ah... God Can, what are you doing!"

Dique screamed.

On Tian Can's black long sword, there is a lot of rich world power, which has caused huge damage to his body.

"Take his life while he is sick!"

Lin Fei transmitted to Tiancan.

Huh! The black long sword in Tian Can's hand was cut out again, to the ground that was reorganizing his body.

when! Dique's red long sword appeared and blocked the black long sword.

Shoo... Lin Fei began to use his heart sword.

A series of heart swords continuously hit the body and soul body that were lacking in the ground.

Shoo... Thousands of red puppet threads shot out from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, throwing them over the divine soul body, and drowning it.

Ah...The ground shortage screamed again and again and felt very painful.

His true state is, in fact, only a half-step master god.

His soul body is not too powerful.

Even, it is not as powerful as those of ordinary main gods.

Therefore, Lin Fei's attack caused more damage to his soul body.

at the same time.

Tian Can swung his black long sword, igniting a large amount of world power, and continued to slash towards the ground.

The two have been working together for a long time, and they are very familiar with each other's strength.

Dangdang... While reorganizing his body, Dique wielded the red long sword and fought fiercely with Tian Can.

"Tian Can, what the **** is going on! Why are you helping this kid to deal with me!"

The ground was short of breath, trembling with anger, and roared at Tiancan.

"Haha, land shortage, I advise you not to struggle.

Obediently surrender to my master.

Only by surrendering to your master can you have a chance to live.

Otherwise, a dead end! "

Tian Can laughed and said.

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