Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3952: The master of the knife world is here too

"what did you say?

the host?

When did he become your master?

No, maybe you have been controlled by him? "

Dique was taken aback by what Tian Can said.

After all, Dique is a veteran master who has lived a very long time. Hearing Tiancan's words, he knew that something was wrong.

"Stop talking nonsense, tie your hands obediently!"

Lin Fei only hoped to quickly control Diqian, and then get the special technique that Tianchuang Diqian mastered, as well as their set of double swords combined sword formation.

To quickly increase strength, this is Lin Fei's most urgent hope.

"Do it!"

Lin Fei said to Tian Can.

"Diqian, I advise you not to struggle anymore, but obediently address the master!"

Tian Can raised the black long sword in his hand, drew the mighty power of the world, and attacked towards the ground.

"Thank you, sober up.

You and I, two swords combined, there is no opponent in the entire sword world, and it can shock the world! Why should you recognize a junior kid as the master! You are committing yourself! "

Dique was surprised and angry, and shouted at Tian Can.

"Exit! In my mind, the master is truly invincible in the world. I am fortunate to be able to follow the master for three lives! If you dare to talk nonsense and be rude to my master, I will never let you go!"

Tian Can was furious and roared harshly.

Boom... The black long sword in Tian Can's hand was constantly enlarged, like a black mountain, carrying a terrifying coercion, it was cut to Dique's body.

"Tiancan, do you think I will be afraid of you! I don't know how many catties you have!"

The land can be furious.

The red sword in his hand turned into a red mountain to block it forward.

Rumble! The two sharp swords collided and made a loud noise.

Endless energy shock waves rippling out in all directions.

These energies are all world powers, extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, this place is the world's eye of the sword world, and its space-time structure is very stable.

If it is in the outside world and is impacted by such terrifying energy, it is estimated that no amount of planes will be instantly destroyed.

"Land shortage, how many catties do you have, I also know, am I afraid of you again!"

Tian Can shouted loudly.

Rumble! The Tiancang and Earthquake battles were fierce together.

Compared with Tian Can's strength, Diqian was originally slightly stronger.

It's just that the two of them, practising the kendo of combining two swords, have cooperated for a long time, and are too familiar with each other's strength.

Suddenly, it is impossible to tell the winner.

"Thank you, don't be stubborn.

You and I, the two swords combined, hit the invincible hand of the entire sword world.

One day, we have the opportunity to unify the sword world.

Why do you want to be a slave to five young boys who are still young! "

Dique is very unwilling, hoping to make Tiancan wake up.

It's a pity that Tiancang was caught by Lin Fei's secret method of puppet thread. Deep in his soul, all his thoughts were centered on Lin Fei's interests.

Where will it change because of a lack of ground.

"Less, you have repeatedly insulted my master, you can't bear it! Let's take your life!"

Tian Can was furious, and desperately attacked, all moves were desperate play.

"Roar..., Tian Can, you trash, I am mad at you!"

Dique was also driven into anger.

"Hehe, it was a lively fight."

Lin Fei stood aside, looking very leisurely.

Just now.

Lin Fei's face suddenly moved.

Under the perception of divine consciousness, Lin Fei discovered that more than a dozen figures with terrifying auras were sneaking into Heaven and Earth Valley.

It seems that each one is the main god! "Could it be that the main gods of the four major forces rushed again after hearing the wind?"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

At the same time, display the power of divine consciousness, toward those figures, perceiving the past.

Shoo... Lin Fei sensed that those figures who were sneaking into Heaven and Earth Valley quietly released many knife-shaped runes.

"It turns out to be the main **** of the sword world!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"It seems that the people in the knife world are also eyeing Heaven and Earth Valley.

It is no wonder that there are a lot of world powers in the heaven and earth valley.

It is estimated that the men and horses of the knife world are also interested in the world's mighty power in the heaven and earth valley. "

After a little analysis, Lin Fei guessed why these masters in the knife world came.

"Well, anyway.

What I want to do now is to first conquer the land and become my slave.

As long as the natural disability and the lack of the earth, it is all to me.

Then, the two of them, with their double swords, can easily deal with the main gods of the sword world. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Lin Fei immediately used his heart sword and hit the ground.

At this time, Diquezheng and Tiancan were inextricably fought, and for a while, it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Shoo...a series of heart swords, continuously attacking the missing flesh, frantically cutting and destroying his internal organs, flesh and bones.

There is no way to guard against this secret technique of Heart Sword, nor can it dodge.

You will only know if you are hit.

Therefore, there is no way to avoid the land shortage.

Moreover, the attack speed of the Heart Sword is too fast! When Lin Fei's thoughts moved, there were thousands of heart swords attacked into the body of the earth.

"Ah... boy, dare you!"

Being attacked by a steady stream of Heart Swords, Dique couldn't help it.

Although, every heart sword would not cause real fatal damage to him.

However, many ants kill elephants! "Haha, Dique, know that my master is amazing.

If you think about the friendship in the past, I advise you to obediently submit to your master.

Avoid much torture! "

Tian Can laughed loudly.

The black long sword in his hand drew a lot of world power, terrifying.

Originally, land shortage had the upper hand.

However, now that Diqian was attacked by Lin Fei's Heart Sword, he was distracted. Therefore, Tian Can began to gain the upper hand and forced Diqian to retreat step by step.

"Roar..." This situation made Dique anxious and angry.

Originally, the combination of two swords was his greatest support.

However, now, Tian Can has become an enemy, and in turn, attacked him.

"Boy, it's all because of you! I'm going to kill you!"

At this time, the land is lacking, and it can be said that Lin Fei is extremely resentful.

Suddenly, he turned and rushed towards Lin Fei, wanting to kill Lin Fei first.

He felt that Tiancang should be controlled by Lin Fei's strange secret technique.

If Lin Fei is killed, maybe Tiancang can return to normal.

Rumble...The red long sword in his hand turned into a huge red sacred mountain and slashed towards Lin Fei.

The mighty mighty power of the world crushed towards Lin Fei from all directions.

"Huh! Diqian, with me here, you don't want to touch the master with a hair!"

Tian Can Zhan set off, chased him, swung his black long sword, and slashed towards the ground.

"You can't kill me.

Tiancan is right, you should obediently surrender.

Avoid much torture. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

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