Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3955: You know it's great

Two long swords of different colors continue to enlarge, like two sacred mountains, slashing across the sky and rumbling.

Immediately, in the chaotic abyss, all the mighty forces of the world were sensed and began to riot.

Rumble...The mighty world of mighty force is beating frantically, roaring, roaring, releasing a terrifying pressure.

In the void, infinite sword light emerged, and every sword light was incredibly powerful.

Great turmoil in time and space! The black long sword and the red long sword echoed, and the two sword auras were surging, almost destroying everything.

The most terrifying thing is that at this moment, a large amount of world power in the surrounding space is flowing continuously, pouring in back into the blades of these two long swords.

This makes the energy contained in the two long swords terrifying to the extreme.

Chi Chi! The two swords are combined, and the two divine rainbows come out from the sky, letting everything fall, and the cry of the gods and demons makes the scalp numb.

Rumble...The terrible world power, vast and magnificent, terrifying and terrifying, following the two long swords, slashing towards those masters in the knife world.

puff! On the spot, a master of the knife world was cut, his body was torn apart and his flesh and blood flew across.

what! The soul body of the master of the knife world, wrapped in a large mass of flesh and bones, desperately fled to the distance.

"All are going to die!"

The world is unstoppable, the killing intent is amazing, and he roars forward to kill.

"The combination of two swords is really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Okay! I'll help you again, and give some more painstaking swordsmen a taste."

Lin Fei smiled maliciously.

Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed his heart sword.

Shoo...Heart swords continuously attacked those masters in the knife world.

The speed of the heart sword is very fast.

It takes almost the same time to attack one object and attack more than a dozen objects.

Ahhh... immediately, these masters in the knife world began to cry out in pain.

The attack of the Heart Sword is not deadly enough for a master of the master **** level, but it can cause pain to the flesh.

"It's crippled, let's join hands! Whichever I attack, you attack that one!"

Lin Fei's moving shadowless style activates the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms, and then simultaneously displays various laws related to time and space speed to make his speed reach the peak state.

call out! Lin Fei appeared strangely behind one of the masters of the knife world, holding a flying sword in his hand, and slashed it violently.

At the same time, the ultimate heart sword style of the source was also displayed, a plain sword light, instantly cut to the head of this knife world master.

The secret method of the puppet's thread has also been displayed, and thousands of red puppet threads are densely packed, rushing to the sea of ​​knowledge of this knife world master.

When Lin Fei shot, he was extremely fierce and attacked in all directions.

Huh! The world was crippled, and he also stared at the master of the knife world, the red long sword and the black long sword, cooperated with each other and attacked at the same time.

what! The poor master of the knife world, facing the joint attack of Lin Fei and Tianchou, there was no power to fight back, and he screamed.

puff! His divine body blasted to pieces and turned into a cloud of fog.

The world is incomplete, and the two swords are unmatched in power.

And Lin Fei is also a ruthless character, a person who can play against more than twenty main gods.

Now, Lin Fei, Tiancun and Diqian, working together to deal with a main god, there is no difficulty at all.

"Ah! Save me!"

The soul body of the master of the sword world appeared in the void not far away, calling for help.


The world was crippled, and he waved his swords and cut the past.


The other masters in the knife world, one by one, rushed to help.

I have to say that each of these knife world masters is a powerful generation.

The true combat power is slightly higher than those of the four major forces in the sword world.

It is no wonder that these masters in the sword world, with their men and horses, invaded the sword world, and could occupy half of the sword world, and compete against the men and horses of the sword world.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Fei's figure was fast, and he was out of sight, and suddenly appeared behind another master of the sword world, and let out a loud roar.

Tianchou and Diqian had long received Lin Fei's voice transmission, and the two swords rotated, and attacked the sword master.

It can be said that Lin Fei and Tianma Di are missing three, and they attacked together and cooperated very tacitly.

It's as if it was drilled beforehand.

Because of the deprivation of nature and the lack of land, the orders to Lin Fei were unconditional and completely executed.

Therefore, the movements of the three people are highly coordinated.

"No! Save me!"

The master of the knife world who was attacked instinctively felt a fatal sense of crisis, and screamed in fright.

However, it was too late.

The attacks made by Lin Fei and Tiandiqian were too powerful and too fast.

Huh huh! A flying sword, two long swords of different colors, cut at the same time, the brilliance is bright, shining eternal light.

puff! The body of this master of the knife world was strangled to pieces by the three-handed sword.

It's just that it's too difficult to kill a main god.

Because a master **** has a deep understanding of the laws of the origins of chaos in the world, and it is close to a state of Tao.

The soul body can quickly blend into the surrounding time and space and become one body anytime, anywhere, in the most perfect way.

It is very difficult to completely obliterate the soul body of a main god.

call out! The soul body of the master of the sword world used a very clever secret technique, blended into the surrounding time and space, instantly escaped and appeared in the distance, shaking with fright.


Lin Fei continued to kill the other masters in the knife world with the helpless.

Wherever he went, he killed those masters in the knife world, and one individual turned his back on his back, screaming again and again.

In a moment.

Almost every knife master who entered the abyss of chaos was crippled or injured! Moreover, there were two main gods, who were cut into pieces dozens of times by the cooperation of Lin Fei and Tiancandiqi, and also injured the soul body, and suffered serious injuries! These two main gods, although there is no life worry.

However, his breath was extremely sluggish, and he didn't know how much time and energy it would take to recover to its peak state afterwards.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately!"

At this moment, those masters in the knife world began to panic, and one by one began to flee beyond the abyss.

"Haha, you clowns in the knife world, know how amazing it is!"

Tian Di Que played very freely, and laughed wildly.

The two of them, known as the two most wicked villains in the sword world, are cruel in nature. Although they have become Lin Fei’s slaves, they are still very interested in this kind of fighting, bloodshed, murder and arson. .

"Master, we can't chase it!"

With the cruel and bloodthirsty gaze, he asked Lin Fei.

"Forget it, so many Lord Gods, with our current strength, we can't kill them temporarily.

If you have a chance in the future, teach them again. "

Lin Fei said.

Just kidding, after conquering the natural and terrible deficiency, Lin Fei is still in the mood to pay attention to those masters in the knife world.

There are more important things waiting for Lin Fei to do.

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