Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3956: Teach cheats

After conquering the insufficiency, what Lin Fei wants to do most is to let them teach the special technique to himself.

Then, you can absorb the massive world power in the eyes of this world! So far, most of the energy cultivated in Lin Fei's body is still chaotic essence.

And the world power is a higher level of energy than Chaos Essence.

If most of the energy in the body can be transformed into the world's mighty force, then it is equivalent to changing a shotgun, a complete upgrade! At that time, Lin Fei believed that, at least, his combat power could be increased tenfold! "Deadly, I have something to ask you."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Now Tianchou Diqian is his own slave, Lin Fei has no scruples when speaking.

"Master, please, we must know all we can say, we can say nothing!"

Tian Can and Di Que listened to Lin Fei's words, hurriedly approached, respectful to the extreme.

"I heard that you have mastered a special method that can absorb those chaotic world powers born in the eyes of the world.

is this real?

I want your special method, can it? "

Lin Fei asked directly, looking at the world with an expectant look.

"Back to the master.

The two of us do have such a method. "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Tian Can and Di Que, both hesitated, and glanced at each other.

After all, this secret method is the true foundation of the two of them for a long time to settle down and dominate the sword world.

Originally, Tiancun and Diqian were just two little characters in the sword world.

Even, the life was quite desolate, almost, it was equal to two poor dicks.

Later, inadvertently, after obtaining this special technique that could absorb the mighty power of the chaotic world, he ran into the valley of heaven and earth to conduct meditation.

Finally, the strength greatly increased, and the entire sword world became the two most wicked villains.

Therefore, the world is incomplete, and the reason to have today's reputation and status is completely based on this special method.

This kind of method is too precious and too important to them, as if it were life! It is impossible, passed to outsiders! But now, the situation is different.

Lin Fei is their master. In the depths of their souls, everything they think is based on Lin Fei's interests.

In a word, Lin Fei is their heaven, their land, and their soul's sustenance.

Therefore, there is no hesitation for a long time because of the declining nature and the lack of earth.

Soon, they figured it out.

At this moment, Lin Fei had his hands on his back, with plain eyes, looking at the crippled world, waiting for their reply.

"Master, you want our special method, of course it is possible.

All of our lives, even our lives, belong to you, the master. "

Finally, Di Que answered Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Master, I mean the same. "

Tian Can also nodded and said.

Although the two of them experienced a moment of hesitation, they still decided to dedicate the most important and precious things to themselves for the master! "That's good! Give it to me right away."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Master, listen to us first.

About half an epoch ago, the two of us, by accident, entered into the sea of ​​absolute space, and discovered a very old cave.

The two of us entered the cave and found a secret book.

That ancient cave house looks very extraordinary, and the secrets in it are of course not trivial.

At that time, both of us wanted to swallow the secret book alone, so we fought.

We played for more than half a month, and the cheat book was robbed of half by the two of us.

Therefore, the secrets we both practice now are incomplete, and they are only half of what we have gained through our cultivation. "

Tian Can said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case.

No wonder, according to legend, the methods you two master are incomplete.

Unexpectedly, it is because you each only master half of the secrets.

That being said, afterwards, you two have been reluctant to pass on half of your secrets to each other. "

Lin Fei said suddenly.

"Don't be afraid that the master will laugh.

The real situation is like this.

That cheat book is too precious, it is invaluable.

Each of us regards half of ourselves as the most precious thing equivalent to our lives. Where can we pass it on to others. "

Land shortage also said.

"In that case, what you two cultivate is only half of that secret book.

As long as you put your halves together, you can become a complete cheat book! The method you cultivate is complete! Haha, my luck is really good.

You two guys, I really convinced you.

I wouldn't even think about it. You two have only cultivated half of that secret book, and you have your current strength.

If, you two, be more generous, combine the two halves of the cheat book into a complete cheat book and practice together.

So, it is estimated that the two of you are already strong enough to conquer, even more, to conquer the entire sword world.

You two guys, didn't you even think of this? "

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed.

"Master, in fact, we have already thought about what you said.

However, we have concerns.

Once a complete cheat book is put together, everyone will practice together.

In case, the opponent's aptitude is stronger than his own, and his understanding is higher than his own. After practicing, his strength will be stronger than his own.

Moreover, even if everyone is so powerful, they will become the most powerful master in the sword world and reach the level of dominating the sword world.

Then, there is another problem.

If both of us have become the strongest masters in the sword world, then who will rule the sword world?

At that time, between the two of us, isn't it, we will become rivals for the dominance of the sword world again?

Therefore, after much deliberation, the two of us have never shared half of the secrets we have mastered with each other. "

Diqian replied.

"Haha..., you two guys, I really don't know what to say.

But also, people's hearts are too complicated.

Moreover, the dispositions of the two of you are also cruel and cunning. It is normal to have those concerns. "

Lin Fei laughed blankly.

"Master, don't worry.

The two of us are absolutely loyal to the master and we are absolutely undivided! "

Replied at the same time because of the declining nature and the lack of earth.

"Well, that, I believe.

Okay, now, don't hide your personal information.

Give me half of the cheats you have! "

Lin Fei couldn't wait.


Naturally disabled and terribly missing, they have already made a decision without hesitation and nodded in agreement.

Shoo! The two of them sent a message of spiritual knowledge to Lin Fei and entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Rumble! A huge flow of information spread in Lin Fei's mind.

It is a cheat book exuding ancient flavor!

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