Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3957: Practice

The name of the cheat book is called the Secret of World Wealth! As soon as you look at the name, you know that this is a secret book dedicated to explaining the world's great power! "Great, I finally got it!"

Lin Fei browsed this complete secret book in the sea of ​​knowledge, and his emotion was beyond description.

"The nature is disabled, the land is lacking, you two are fine.

Don't worry, you follow me, and I will never treat you badly in the future. "

Lin Fei said to Tianwandiqian.

You know, Lin Fei's **** slaves, although there are already very many, reached tens of thousands! There are even a batch of **** slaves at the half-step master **** level.

However, so far, for Lin Fei, the most effective thing is undoubtedly the crippling of heaven and earth.

This time, Lin Fei's gain was too great to conquer the incompleteness.

Too big to imagine! "Thank you for the master's appreciation! Master, rest assured, the two of us will definitely be loyal and serve the master!"

Hearing what Lin Fei said, he was flattered and grateful, and shouted in unison.

"Well, well.

Next, I will retreat and meditate.

Land shortage, your injury is still very serious, go to retreat for recuperation.

Tiancan, during this time, you can maintain the order of Heaven and Earth Valley.

If the four major forces in the sword world, as well as the sword world, if you come again, you can stay away. "

Lin Fei said to Tian Can.

After conquering the incompleteness, Heaven and Earth Valley became Lin Fei's territory.

"Master, I understand.

Don't worry about practicing in seclusion. "

Tian Can replied immediately.

Therefore, Lin Fei was near the world's eye, using his magical powers to open up a small world.

With Lin Fei's current strength, it is easy to open up a small world.

You know, Lin Fei's body has more than one hundred human worlds.

Each of these more than one hundred human worlds belongs to a complete world suitable for living and living! In the small world.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, studying the secret book in detail and repeatedly in the sea of ​​knowledge.

I'm completely caught in it, like an old monk participating in Zen.

"World Power, really amazing."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing after reading every passage in the secret book in detail.

Time goes by day by day.

In the days of cultivation, Lin Fei had no idea of ​​time.

One month, two months, three months...In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

In the small world, the breath radiating from Lin Fei's body became more and more prosperous, and the runes of the laws related to the mighty power of the world, like blossoming golden lotus flowers, floating around Lin Fei.

A suffocating aura was slowly released from Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's two sides formed weird handprints from time to time, extremely mysterious.

at the same time.

Not far from Lin Fei, in the eyes of the world, those chaotic world powers seemed to have some kind of induction, and they lightly flapped in the direction of Lin Fei's retreat.

Then, the mighty force of the chaotic world, the movement became bigger and bigger, and it began to surging, boiling, and even roaring and roaring.

at the same time.

There are also many world powers, and they started to move toward the small world of Lin Fei's retreat, seeming to be attracted by something.

In the small world.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, motionless.

The breath emanating from the body became stronger and stronger, shaking the surrounding time and space, as if it could not bear it! Lin Fei discovered that as he continued to practice, the surrounding time and space were condensing into special marks, and then carved into his own body.

These marks are purely condensed by the laws of the surrounding time and space.

With these special imprints, they continued to flow into Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei found that his body began to merge with the surrounding time and space.

The body was trembling, the laws within the body were roaring, and the special imprints from the outside continued to merge into the body.

These special imprints that entered the body, combined with the chaotic origin law that he cultivated in Lin Fei's body, became a whole, regardless of you and me.

All this made Lin Fei feel an unprecedented sense of joy.

At this moment, Lin Fei realized that his body, and the surrounding time and space, were completely integrated and integrated.

There is a feeling of physical transformation, I am time and space, and time and space are me.

Between the gestures, they all seem to be controlling and commanding the hundreds of thousands of miles around.

Because, the original law of the chaos in his own body has been integrated with the law of the surrounding time and space! "This feeling is too powerful."

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised secretly.

World power is a more advanced energy.

If you want to cultivate this kind of energy, you must first understand all the laws and avenues related to the great power of the world.

And these avenues of laws related to the mighty power of the world brought Lin Fei into a whole new world of laws.

Let Lin Fei's vision widen! time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed.

This year, in the heaven, earth and valley, there was generally calm and no major events.

Tian Can led the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards and personally came forward to preside over the overall situation of Heaven and Earth Valley.

During this period, the four major forces in the sword world and the sword world sent some spies to enter the valley of heaven and earth to inquire about news.

The four major forces of the sword world, and the men and horses of the sword world, are still unwilling to give up on Heaven and Earth Valley, thinking about the mighty powers born in the eyes of Heaven and Earth Valley World.

Especially those main gods of the knife world, in the heaven and earth valley, suffered a huge loss and suffered heavy damage.

These masters in the sword world led a large army to invade the sword world and lay down half of the world.

Each one is a man of great military merit and pride.

Unexpectedly, in the valley of heaven and earth, after suffering such a big loss, how can they swallow this breath.

Therefore, the main gods of the knife world, all swear to take revenge! The men and horses of the four major forces in the sword world, after personally witnessing the terrible power of the incompleteness of the heavens and the earth, and the combination of the two swords, they will never forget.

They want to get the special techniques they have mastered.

Therefore, whether it is the four major forces of the sword world or the sword world, they have not given up.

"I don't know, how is the master's cultivation."

Tian Can's eyes would look at Lin Fei's small world in retreat from time to time.

Rumble! Suddenly, Tian Can saw that there was a large amount of chaotic world power in the eyes of the world, drifting out, and moving towards the small world where Lin Fei was practicing in retreat.

"It seems that the master's cultivation is about to succeed!"

Tian Can couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this.

"What a terrible breath!"

At the same time, Tian Can also felt that in the small world of Lin Fei's retreat, there was an astonishing breath that constantly permeated.

Although there is too much time and space, it can be clearly felt.

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