Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3958: The concerns of the four major forces

"The master cultivates a complete secret book. After successful cultivation, it is much greater than our achievements!"

Tian Can sighed.

"Of course.

In fact, with the master's strength, he is much better than us now.

After practicing the Secret of the World's mighty power, at the very least, the combat power was increased by more than ten times.

At that time, the strength of the two of us is not enough in front of the master. "

As soon as Tian Can's voice fell, a voice sounded.

I saw that Dique came over from the nearby void.

"Floor, have you finished healing!"

Tian Can was a little surprised.

"It's better than half.

The remaining injuries will have to be treated slowly in the future. "

Diqian replied.

The physical injuries of the lack of ground, as well as the lost energy, laws, etc., have all been replenished.

The rest is the injury on the soul body, which can only rely on long-term healing.

Moreover, his soul body was not seriously injured, but was forcibly invaded by a large number of puppet threads, controlling the mind and soul.

"Although the master is young, he is invincible.

Both of us, we must be loyal to the master and do our best to serve us. "

Dique said.

"Of course!"

Tian Can quickly replied.

Heaven and earth were incomplete, they were originally the two most fierce villains in the sword world. They were fierce in character. During their life, they were unruly and rebellious and had never subdued anyone.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Lin Fei was actually subdued and became two loyal slaves. If other masters in the sword world knew or did not know, how would they sigh.

Time passed day by day.

In the heaven and earth valley, near the world eye.

In the small world, Lin Fei was still immersed in cultivation.

At this time, in the eyes of the nearby world, every moment, there are strands of incomparable world power, drifting towards the small world of Lin Fei's retreat.

These world powers penetrated into the small world, and finally, was absorbed by Lin Fei's body.

In Lin Fei's body, I don't know when, an energy vortex has been born, which is slowly rotating, producing huge suction.

Those world powers are attracted by this energy vortex.

At this time, Lin Fei's energy composition was changing.

Originally, most of the energy in Lin Fei's body was chaotic essence.

However, now, more and more World Power is being sucked into the body.

These world powers, after entering the body, began to reform and upgrade Lin Fei's body from head to toe! With the nourishment of these world powers, Lin Fei's body, flesh and blood, bones, veins, pores, every cell, are upgrading, and the quality continues to rise.

This upgrade is a qualitative change! It is tantamount to a leap in the level of life.

Lin Fei's body was originally very abnormal, almost immortal.

After experiencing this once again, the baptism of World Wealth's upgrade, one can imagine how far Lin Fei's physical quality will be! "Well, I can't think of it. This method can not only upgrade the energy in my body, but also temper my physical body. This is an unexpected gain."

Lin Fei was very surprised.

"I don't know, when I have a lot of world power in my body, how much my combat power will be.

Does it have the strength to fight Dijiang? "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

For Lin Fei, at present, the most hopeful thing is to be able to return to the boundless Chaos Sea, deal with Dijiang, and solve the crisis of the boundless Chaos Sea.

Lin Fei did not hope that the boundless sea of ​​chaos would fall into the hands of Dijiang.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, one year passed again.

In a handful of calculations, Lin Fei has been practicing in retreat for two years in the small world.

In the past two years, the sword world has been calm.

The four major forces all appear to be very low-key.

However, this is only the surface.

In fact, in the past two years, the senior leaders of the four major forces, regardless of cost, have tried their best to strengthen the monitoring of the two places, Shenjian Mountain and Tiandi Valley.

In the past two years, the main gods of the four major forces have not known how many times they have discussed how to deal with Lin Fei and the crippled world.

Moreover, the four major forces also moved many other main gods who were not part of the four major forces to prepare to join forces.

In short, after experiencing a great battle in Tiandi Valley, the senior leaders of the four major forces understood one thing.

That is, the rule of the four major forces in the sword world has begun to be severely provoked! Lin Fei, as well as incomplete, possesses the strength to fight against the four major forces! The ruling foundation of the four major forces is not as solid as imagined.

"Lin Fei, there are still deficiencies in the world, we must remove them, otherwise, one day in the future, it will become our confidant! It will seriously affect our rule!"

The senior figures of the four major forces gathered in a secret space, discussed and reached this conclusion.

"So, we must do everything possible to get rid of these three people at any cost!"

A red-faced and respected Lord God said slowly, with a worried tone.

"Hmph, I really didn't expect Lin Fei that kid to grow up so fast.

In such a short period of time, it has affected our rule. "

A main **** who was as short as a five-year-old child said sharply.

It is the Fairy Boy of Bliss of Changle Sword School.

Last time, in Heaven and Earth Valley, he was seriously injured.

Later, the Bliss Sword Sect spent a lot of material resources to heal his injuries and heal his injuries a lot.

The other main gods are silent.

They remembered that before Lin Fei, when he first appeared in the sword world, he was chased and killed by them and escaped everywhere.

Unexpectedly, now, Lin Fei's combat power is only stronger than their main gods! "Everyone must understand that whether you want to kill Lin Fei, or you want to kill everything, it's not easy.

The world is incomplete, the two swords are combined, and the power is terrible.

It is estimated that our entire sword world, all the main gods, together, are not their opponents.

It's too difficult, too difficult to kill everything.

That Lin Fei, alone, can actually fight a dozen of us, which is also very difficult. It is not easy for us to kill Lin Fei. "

A main **** sighed.

"In my opinion, the combination of the incomplete swords is conditional.

That is, it must be in the eyes of the world in Heaven and Earth Valley, especially in the abyss, to be able to display the most powerful power.

Because, in that abyss, there are a lot of chaotic world powers.

The world is crippled, and those world powers can be used, which makes their combat power so terrifying.

Once they leave that environment, I think we don't need to be afraid of them at all. "

The red-faced main **** suddenly said.

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