Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3959: Drive tigers and wolves

"Not bad.

I think so too. "

Immediately, there was a main **** who agreed with the Tao.

"It makes sense.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed possible.

If the world is incomplete, the two swords are combined, the power is really so terrible.

How would they be willing to stay willingly in the valley of heaven and earth, and have long walked out, and our four major forces, contend for the world! "

Another main **** said.

"Okay, all of us, let's play together and deduct the true situation of those two guys!"

The red-faced main **** suggested.

"it is good!"

The other main gods all nodded.

As a result, a group of main gods began to show the secret technique of deduction that they had cultivated one after another, and deduced them seriously.

After a while.

"Sure enough! Heaven is incomplete, and only in the abyss of the world's eyes, the combination of two swords, the combat power is the strongest.

If it is in the outside world, the power of the two swords will be greatly reduced! "

Every main **** has deduced this result.

"So, if we want to kill everything, we must ambush them!"

An old man with a clear face, as if thinking of some strategy, said in a loud voice.

"As long as we are not in the eyes of that world, and are incapable of doing things, we don't need to be afraid of them in other places.

Therefore, when the time comes, we will sneak into the heaven and earth valley quietly, and take a surprise attack to siege and kill the disabled.

As long as we don't let them get close to the eyes of the world, we may kill them. "

The old man added.

"Yes, this method is good!"

The other main gods nodded in agreement.

"Well, since everyone agrees.

Then, to deal with the deficiencies of nature, use this method.

Sneak into the Heaven and Earth Valley quietly and launch a surprise attack on them.

The most important point of this action is that they must not be allowed to approach that world eye! "

The red-faced main **** said loudly.

"As for Lin Fei, I think it's easier to deal with than the deprivation.

After all, no matter how strong Lin Fei's strength was, it would definitely not be able to match the combination of the two swords that was incomplete and incomplete.

At that time, we will gather dozens of main gods to intercept Lin Fei and try to kill him in one fell swoop. "

A main **** said.

"Hey, I got the message.

The knife world once sent an envoy to solicit Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, not only did Lin Fei disagree, but instead clashed with people in the knife world, and forged enmity.

It is said that those guys in the knife world also want to kill Lin Fei.

I have an idea, that is, we simply join forces with people in the knife world to deal with Lin Fei.

You know, the main gods of the knife world are only stronger than us.

If you join forces with them, it will not be difficult to kill Lin Fei. "

Suddenly, a thin and cold-eyed main **** said in a loud voice.


Team up with people in the knife world to deal with Lin Fei? "

The other main gods were all taken aback.

For a while, everyone did not know how to decide.

After all, the sword world and the sword world, the creatures of the two worlds, are already in the same situation and regard each other as life and death enemies.

Now, suddenly want to cooperate, a bit abrupt.

"Well, you can try it.

Everyone must understand that, now, what affects the ruling foundation of our four major forces is not only the people of the sword world, but also Lin Fei, who is incomplete.

It can be said that the sword world, Lin Fei, and the incompleteness, these three are the enemies of our four major forces.

We must all find a way to get rid of it.

However, we can be flexible.

Simply, let's join hands with the people in the knife world to deal with Lin Fei, who is crippled.

The best is to let the three of them beat you to death.

Consume their strength.

This is a good thing for our four major forces.

This trick is called driving the tiger out of the wolf! "

The red-faced main **** said loudly.

"Of course this method is good.

However, I don't know, the people in the knife world are willing to cooperate with us and deal with Lin Fei together. "

A main **** asked.

"According to the news I received, Lin Fei and the main gods of the knife world once had a fight.

The main gods in the knife world seem to have suffered a lot.

Therefore, I think that people in the knife world will agree to jointly deal with Lin Fei. "

The thin, cold-eyed Lord God said in a loud voice.

"That's good.

We immediately sent envoys to communicate with the main gods in the knife world. "

The red-faced old man said loudly.

"From now on, the most important thing for our four major forces is to kill Lin Fei, and the world is disabled.

However, our actions must be hidden and low-key.

Don't let Lin Fei and Heavenly Deprivation know.

Otherwise, when the time comes, Lin Fei hides in the Divine Sword Mountain, and hides in the eyes of that world.

We have no chance to deal with them.

Therefore, the action must be hidden to avoid leaking any wind! "

The old man added.


The other main gods also nodded their heads in agreement.

This is a secret meeting held by the senior officials of the four major forces.

at the same time.

In the valley of heaven and earth.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, another three years passed.

In short, Lin Fei has been practicing for five years in this small world.

However, this kind of cultivation time is very short for the main god.

It's equivalent to a snap.

In the past five years, the heavens and the earth have been crippled, and they have been protecting the Fa for Lin Fei.

The small world of Lin Fei's retreat was tightly sealed by the petaflops around him.

No creatures are allowed to enter.

Heaven is incomplete, and in the valley of heaven and earth, with the supreme dominance, it is naturally easy to do this.

With an order, the twelve heaven and earth guards under him will do so.

"Report to the two adults, during this period of time, we will find strange faces from time to time, sneaking into our heaven and earth valley, seeming to be spying on something."

A heaven and earth guard came to report to the heaven and earth.

"Hey... don't ask.

It must be the four major forces in the sword world, or people in the sword world.

The owner is right.

They have not given up yet.

Don't be afraid of death, just come on, I haven't done it for a long time, my hands are itchy. "

Tian Can said with a sneer, and a bloodthirsty cold light appeared in his eyes.

"The master once said before practicing in retreat, let us not act rashly.

Therefore, in all matters, wait for the master to leave the customs before making a decision. "

Dique said.

"OK then."

Tian Can replied.

at the same time.

In the small world.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, forming a mysterious seal with both hands.

Huhu... a large amount of world power, flowing continuously, was sucked into Lin Fei's body from all directions.

"The secret of the world's mighty power, I finally have to cultivate successfully!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

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