Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3960: Successful practice

During this period of cultivation, Lin Fei's body stored a considerable part of the world's mighty power.

This higher level of energy already occupies a certain proportion in Lin Fei's body.

Above Lin Fei's body, an unpredictable aura was released, and his strength continued to grow stronger in the midst of skyrocketing.

The flesh burst out with dazzling divine light, sacred and solemn.

A series of mysterious runes, as if there is life, wandered everywhere among the flesh and blood meridians in the body, shining brightly.

This is a vision that appears after the body has been developed to an extreme degree.

"Sure enough, a lot stronger!"

Lin Fei felt for a moment, the vast power in his body was surging, almost endless, like a vast ocean, "I feel as powerful as never before!"

Lin Fei muttered to himself, very confident.

"Of course, I am only considered as successful in my initial practice.

My goal in the future is to replace all the energy in the body with World Power! "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

Over the past few years of retreat practice, Lin Fei now accounts for about one-tenth of the world's mighty power in his body! Before, Lin Fei had the most power of the world, which was only one ten thousandth! Therefore, in the past few years, the energy composition in Lin Fei's body has equaled a qualitative leap.

Lin Fei's goal is to replace all the energy in his body with World Power.

Lin Fei knew that he could not rush for success.

"Well, this time I will practice, for now."

Lin Fei stood up and stepped out of the small world.

"Master, you are finally out!"

In the distant cosmic starry sky, heaven and earth disappeared immediately. Under the great joy, it turned into two streams of light, and instantly came to Lin Fei's body and saluted him.


Lin Fei nodded lightly.

"What a rich world power!"

Naturally disabled and earthless, feeling the powerful aura released by Lin Fei, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because the two of them are too familiar with the world's mighty force.

"Master, there are so many world powers stored in your body.

Before, Tiancan and I could arouse and use those chaotic world powers to confront the enemy, but it was very difficult to refine them into energy in our own body.

Otherwise, the two of us would not have to stay in the valley of heaven and earth all the time, and we would have gone out to dominate the outside world long ago. "

Dique said.

"Yes, Not Bad.

I understand your situation. "

Lin Fei nodded.

After practicing the Secret of World Power, Lin Fei naturally understood this method very well.

What is cultivated is only a part of it, and it is not complete.

Therefore, they are the most, that is, to temporarily use those chaotic world powers to increase their power against the enemy.

It is very slow and very difficult to truly refine and turn into energy in one's body.

Therefore, Tianmu and Earthquake have been staying in the valley of heaven and earth.

Because only in Heaven and Earth Valley, there are a lot of chaotic world powers.

Once they left the environment of Heaven and Earth Valley, the two of them would have no way of being prestigious.

Lin Fei is different.

Lin Fei practiced a complete method! In just a few years, Lin Fei absorbed and refined a large amount of world power.


Naturally disabled and terribly lacking, standing in front of Lin Fei, they felt a powerful and unmatched energy pressure, oncoming.

"This kind of method can finally be carried forward in the master's body, and the two of us are very pleased."

Tian Can said.

"Not bad.

If the host is good, we are good. "

Land shortage also nodded.

"By the way, Master, during this time, more and more strangers have appeared in Heaven and Earth Valley.

It should be a member of the four major forces in the sword world, or a member of the sword world.

It seems that they still don't give up. "

Tian Can suddenly said to Lin Fei.


They will certainly not give up.

However, there is nothing terrible about soldiers coming to stop and flooding the earth.

Let them come. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"How about the overall strength of Tiandigu, tell me about it."

Lin Fei asked.

After conquering the incompleteness, Heaven and Earth Valley will become a stronghold for Lin Fei.

"Master, the overall strength of Heaven and Earth Valley is not weak.

It's just that, most of the creatures in Heaven and Earth Valley are vicious, bloodthirsty, and rebellious people.

Each of these wicked men is desperate who is not afraid of death and is difficult to control.

The two of us, although sitting in the valley of heaven and earth, are revered as the ancestors of the evil men.

On the surface, it rules heaven and earth valley.

However, under normal circumstances, we open our eyes and close our eyes, and don't want to control those evil people.

Heaven and Earth Valley, a bit loose.

There are many creatures who just took refuge in Heaven and Earth Valley, not counted as the two of us. "

Dique said.

"Well, that's how it is.

That's easy.

From now on, I want to rectify Heaven and Earth Valley and turn this place into my territory. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei planned to turn Heaven and Earth Valley into a base in the sword world.

Heaven and earth valley is guarded by the decay of nature and the lack of earth, which is as solid as gold.

It is a very safe place.

"Master, we must cooperate fully!"

Desperate immediately declared its position.

"Well, from now on, you call all the gods in Heaven and Earth Valley in order, one by one, and I want to see them."

Lin Fei said.


Heaven and Earth replied, and then ordered the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards to do it.

Soon, all the gods in Heaven and Earth Valley received orders and were asked to come and accept the summons of a certain mysterious adult.

In the starry sky of the universe, Lin Fei stood with his hand in hand.

"This young man..., are you?

Where is the adult who summoned me?

Where is he? "

A middle-aged man in silver robe came from afar, looked at Lin Fei with a puzzled look, and asked.

This is a true **** of the upper gods.

He received a fragile order and came to the designated place, ready to accept a call from a big man.

Unexpectedly, I only saw a junior kid standing here waiting.

As for Lin Fei's true strength, with his level, it is impossible to see through.

"It's me who will summon you."

Lin Fei said lightly.


Young man, you..." The middle-aged man in the silver robe didn't believe it at all.

"Without further ado!"

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a large number of red puppet threads splashed over, and instantly, the silver-robed middle-aged man was drowned in it.

With Lin Fei's current strength, it is naturally very easy to subdue a real **** from a higher level.

"See the master."

Soon, the silver-robed middle-aged man became extremely docile and bowed to Lin Fei.

Next, in Heaven and Earth Valley, gods came one by one and were taken into slaves by Lin Fei.

In Heaven and Earth Valley, there are probably more than 10,000 gods, including ordinary gods and true gods.

In the end, they all became Lin Fei's **** slaves.

In this way, the entire Heaven and Earth Valley belonged to Lin Fei! "Well, from now on, Heaven and Earth Valley is the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect!"

Lin Fei sent out all the slaves of the gods, densely packed with a large starry sky, and announced loudly.

Before, when the Tianluo Sword Sect was just established, Lin Fei set up the headquarters in the Purple Cangjie.

However, the geographical location of Heaven and Earth Valley is much better than that of Zi Cang Realm.

Therefore, Lin Fei decided to move the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect to Tiandi Valley.

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