Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3962: A large number of masters are coming

Facing Lin Fei's step by step, the main **** of the knife world did not dare to fight.

Huh! The bright flying sword almost wiped his body, making him startled in a cold sweat.

How keenly he feels when his cultivation reaches this level, he feels dangerous, if he continues to entangle him, the consequences may be disastrous! "Lin Fei, people in the sword world and the sword world, you have offended many times.

You are not afraid, are the consequences serious! "

He shouted, hoping to deter Lin Fei.

"Hehe, so what.

Even if the main gods of the two realms join forces, I am not afraid. "

Lin Fei said calmly.

boom! The dazzling flying sword was cut out again, the sword aura was agitated, carrying a lot of world power, and its power was terrifying.

The main **** of the sword world was shocked, and he didn't dare to fight, speeding up his escape.

Rumble... wherever the flying sword went, the void was twisted to pieces.

puff! The master of the knife world, in the process of retreating rapidly, couldn't avoid it, was hit by the flying sword on his shoulder, half of his body was blown to pieces on the spot.

Lin Fei's current energy contains a considerable part of the world's mighty power, and the power is terrifying.

"Boy, don't bully others too much!"

The main **** of the sword world exhaled miserably.

"You came to Heaven and Earth Valley with an impure motive. You must speak clearly before leaving."

Lin Fei said coldly.

boom! The bright flying sword slashed over again.

The mighty energy pressure covers forward.

The overwhelming sword light, like a vast ocean, drowned towards the master **** of the sword world.

what! The master of the sword world screamed, his body was shattered and blood splashed.

In front of Lin Fei, he appeared very weak.

There is not much power to fight back at all.

"Lin Fei, you wait, our knife world will not let you go!"

In the end, the sword master **** burned his **** body, turned into a blade of light, escaped into the depths of the void, escaped through the air, and disappeared at the same time.

Obviously, he used a very clever taboo secret method, which consumed a large amount of original blood.

"Count you slippery!"

Lin Fei sneered.

"Now I am very relaxed with the Lord of War."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

In the battle just now, Lin Fei was comfortable from beginning to end, simply, in a few strokes, he beat a master **** and fled.

"Master, during this time, all the spies from the sword world came to Tiandigu! It seems that the people in the sword world have not given up on Tiandigu."

Desperate came to Lin Fei's side.

"In the valley of heaven and earth, there is a world eye.

World Eye is the place where the world's mighty powers are born, and they certainly will not give up.

No problem, let them come.

Moreover, even if they don't come, I will look for them. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Master, Tiandigu has been set up.

And, according to the owner's instructions, it has been announced.

From then on, Tiandigu was the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Dique said.

"Ah, very good.

One more thing, those strongholds of our Tianluo Sword Sect will also reopen.

In short, from now on, the Tianluo Sword Sect will operate normally. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Before, there were many sub-bases, which were constantly destroyed.

In order to reduce the loss, Lin Fei summoned all the people back.

As a result, all the branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect were abandoned.

"Master, the branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect are basically occupied by other sects."

Dique said.

"Whoever dares to occupy my Tianluo Sword Sect's property is not to blame."

Lin Fei said coldly.

"I understand."

Ground fault head.

At this time, a piece of news caused a sensation in the sword world.

Tiandigu suddenly announced that it had become the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

This news shocked the entire sword world.

Heaven and Earth Valley, in the sword world, has been regarded as a dangerous forbidden land since ancient times.

The inadequacy of heaven and earth is even more fierce, shocking the entire sword world.

Even the master **** masters of the four major forces did not want to provoke them.

Such a dangerous place suddenly became the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

This is so strange.

In the sword world, people from all walks of life and races talked hotly.

"what happened?

Heaven and Earth Valley, isn't the heavens and the earth missing?

How did it suddenly become the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect? "

"Could it be that Lin Fei is the head of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

Heaven and Earth Valley has become the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect, doesn't it mean that Lin Fei has become the master of Heaven and Earth Valley?

What about these two villains?

Are they willing to give Heaven and Earth Valley to a junior boy? "

...Countless creatures have speculated.

After all, it involves Heaven and Earth Valley and Lin Fei, both of which are the hottest topics in the recent sword world, and they are very interesting.

The news reached the ears of the senior figures of the four major forces.

"Could it be that Lin Fei and Tianchou have joined forces?"

The main gods of the four major forces joined together to discuss.

"In any case, Lin Fei, there is still a crippled ground, and these three people cannot let them develop.

Otherwise, it will definitely shake the foundation of our four powers.

The sooner you get rid of the three of them, the better. "

A main **** said.

"Okay, contact the people in the knife world right away, ready to do something to deal with Lin Fei and the incompleteness."

A respectable Lord God said loudly.

at the same time.

In the headquarters of the knife world army.

"Lin Fei is a huge threat and must be removed as soon as possible! We are ready to go to Heaven and Earth Valley!"

A tall master **** with domineering sword light all over his body said loudly.

Heaven and Earth Valley.

Lin Feipan sat in the void, squeezing the tactics with both hands, deducing something.

This is a very old secret technique of deduction, which was taught to Lin Fei by the statue master in the Valley of Fallen God.

Contains brilliant time and space mystery.


People from the four major forces are here.

People from the knife world have also come.

Good, lest I spend time looking for them to settle accounts. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, sneered.

After a while.

A series of terrifying figures sneaked in the void, coming towards the valley of heaven and earth.

Every figure released a monstrous coercion, wherever it went, time and space suffocated and solidified.

"Master, things are not good.

There are many masters at the main **** level, coming towards Heaven and Earth Valley. "

The natural disaster and the earth shortage came to Lin Fei's side at the same time and reported to Lin Fei.

The two of them have been sitting in Tiandi Valley for a very long time.

I am very familiar with Tiandi Valley.

No matter what happened, they couldn't hide their perception.

"do not worry.

When water comes and soil is flooded, soldiers come to block. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Once a war breaks out, the main task of the two of you is to protect Heaven and Earth Valley from destruction.

Those guys, I will deal with them. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, do you want to deal with them yourself?"

It was all shocked by the incompleteness of the world.

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