Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3963: More than fifty main gods

"Not bad.

You two, take all the people and horses into the eyes of the world and avoid them.

With so many main gods, if they do it together, the destructive power is huge.

It will cause very heavy damage to our members of the Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Okay, we understand.

Master, be careful. "

The world was incomplete, and he didn't dare to disobey Lin Fei's order.

As a result, the heavens were incomplete, and all the horses of the Tianluo Sword Sect were immediately organized to enter the world's eyes at the fastest speed.

Originally, ordinary creatures cannot enter the eyes of the world.

In the eyes of the world, the energy produced by the mighty forces of the chaotic world will be crushed to pieces.

It's just that there is a crippled shelter, which allows all the horses of the Tianluo Sword Sect to enter the eyes of the world smoothly, without incident.

"Come on, I just need a big fight."

Lin Feipan sat in the void of Heaven and Earth Valley, staring at the powerful figures that were sneaking towards Heaven and Earth Valley, muttering to himself.

Originally, the actions of those main gods were very concealed, and each body surface was covered with rich time and space laws, isolating the perception of the outside world.

It's just that Lin Fei's sense of consciousness is too powerful.

Lin Fei practiced the secret method of the puppet's thread, and could extract and use the divine consciousness of those divine slaves at any time.

Now, there are more than 10,000 **** slaves under Lin Fei! This made Lin Fei's ability to use divine consciousness reached an incalculable number of horrors.

Compared with the general strength of the main god, Lin Fei's divine consciousness is much stronger! Shoo... Suddenly, a series of hidden figures moved across and entered the valley of heaven and earth.

"Is it finally here."

Lin Fei stood up with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Since it's here, let's start."

Lin Fei strode forward and greeted those figures.


Lin Fei was very decisive, and without any unnecessary nonsense, he just killed it.

Kill four or five main gods at the same time! Boom... Lin Fei's entire body erupted with dazzling sword lights, billowing like a tide, shining on immortality, cutting through eternity, and killing forward.

The mighty power of the world in the body is vast, spreading out, shaking billions of miles of time and space, the world is vast, but I am the only one! "Be careful! It's Lin Fei!"

Those few main gods were shocked and angry.

They sneaked into the Heaven and Earth Valley quietly, and they wanted to launch a surprise attack on Lin Fei and the three people.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Fei just came in when Lin Fei came head-on, aggressively.

puff! On the spot, there was a main **** who was the first to bear the brunt. Lin Fei smashed his body and screamed.

"Haha, you guys, trespass into the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect, prepare to accept punishment."

Lin Fei laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Lin Fei performed the ultimate heart sword pose, splitting the body of the other main **** and dividing it into two.

Shoo...More main gods entered the heaven and earth valley one after another.

Most of them are the main gods of the four major forces! Some of them came from the main gods of other forces in the sword world.

"Do it, kill him!"

Nearly thirty main gods rushed up and killed Lin Fei.

Boom... This place is amazing.

So many master gods, shot together, fiercely, time and space exploded one after another.

Lin Fei only felt a strong breath after another, culling it.


Lin Fei was full of the mighty power of the world, bursting out with vigorous brilliance, extremely gorgeous.

The billowing sword glow sprayed out from every pore, making Lin Fei look like it was covered with a layer of dazzling sword-shaped wings.

Now, every move and every style of Lin Fei is blessed by the world's mighty force. The same moves and the power they exert are at least ten times stronger than in the past! Simultaneously.

In Lin Fei's body, there were more than one hundred human worlds, booming.

In every human body world, there is a huge amount of chaotic essence. At this moment, it is like hundreds of millions of volcanoes erupting at the same time, boiling.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

At the same time, more than one hundred human gods also appeared.

Each is performing different secret techniques to form a tight defensive formation to fight the enemy together.

At this moment, Lin Fei tried his best.

nothing left! "kill!"

The main gods in the sword world are also fighting with all their strength.

With so many of them, it was already a very embarrassing thing to fight against a younger generation boy.

If you lose this battle again.

From then on, their group of masters at the master **** level has completely lost face.

Even, it will become a laughing stock in the sword world.

Become a stepping stone to Lin Fei's complete rise! Therefore, the main gods of the sword world all suffocated their breath, fighting desperately, trying to defeat Lin Fei and win.

This battle was so fought that the world broke, and the spirits cried.

"how is this possible!"

Soon, these main gods in the sword world were all shocked.

Because the combat power that Lin Fei showed was too powerful.

There are so many of them, but Lin Fei is one of them, but he has no advantage.

"This kid, can't stay!"

"Let him grow up again, the consequences will be disastrous! Maybe in the future, we will all be unable to escape his poison!"

...The more terrifying Lin Fei's combat power, the greater the determination of these sword world's main gods to kill Lin Fei.

Because Lin Fei grew up too fast, making them completely frightened.

When Lin Fei had just entered the sword world, they were chased and killed by these main gods and avoided everywhere.

Now, it is actually so strong.

"Lin Fei, take my life!"

Every main **** is desperate to kill Lin Fei.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have real skills!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

Facing this group of masters at the master **** level, Lin Fei had no much pressure.

"Plus us!"

Just now.

A loud roar sounded.

Boom...the void burst.

One after another, figures with strong blades of light appeared, and they came to Lin Fei.

The people of the knife world are here.

"Haha, well, today, our two circles join forces to kill this little thief!"

The main gods of the sword world are all overjoyed when they see the masters of the sword world come.

"Hey, dogs really can't change their shit.

In the past, in the era when Tian Luo predecessors ruled, you did not hesitate to collude with other supreme worlds and introduce foreign enemies in order to fight for the right to rule.

Now, in order to deal with me, he has cooperated with the knife world.

I really convinced you. "

Lin Fei sneered.

At the same time, Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the main **** of the sword world has also come more than twenty! "Lin Fei, stop talking nonsense.

Today is your death date! "

The main **** of the sword world and the main **** of the sword world, one by one with murderous aura, came to Lin Fei.

Add up to nearly fifty main gods! "Ok.

I can only retreat for the time being. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

With almost fifty main gods, Lin Fei didn't want to take risks for the time being.

"Now, in my body, the world power is only one-tenth.

It seems that I will retreat and practice for some time.

Absorb more refining world power! I believe that in the near future, when these master gods of the sword world and the sword world come together, I don't need to be afraid! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"The world is incomplete, you take action to cover my retreat."

Lin Fei said to Tianwandiqian.


The world was crippled, and after receiving the order, he immediately showed himself.

Boom! One red and one black, two long swords, rushed out from the eyes of the world.

The two swords combined, strangling the main gods.

"Be careful!"

The main gods of the two realms both recognized the incompleteness, and when they saw their two swords combined, they were all surprised and subconsciously stepped away.

call out! Lin Fei took the opportunity to show off his departure method, highlighted the encirclement, and rushed into the eyes of the world.

At the speed of Lin Fei's body technique, it was naturally an instant matter.

"Okay, I am going to practice in retreat, you two, protect the Fa for me."

Lin Fei confessed, and then began to retreat in the eyes of the world.

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