Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3965: I am stronger

Boom... That **** sword light, aimed at the crippled heaven and earth, slashed over.

Wherever he goes, every inch of time and space continues to disintegrate and collapse.

Woo...At the same time, this sword light also made a shattered sound, and the void was dark, showing signs of a doomsday natural disaster.


Two people were crippled in the world, and found that the blood-red blade light had completely locked himself in, and there was no way to avoid it, so he gritted his teeth and greeted him.

The two swords joined together to block forward.

Boom... There was a loud noise, and the torrent of sword aura fluctuated wildly, spreading out in all directions.

Puff! The sky is crippled and flies away at the same time, vomiting blood, like two broken kites.

"This kind of power is pure world power! It's terrible!"

The world was crippled, all his face was pale, his whole body trembling, and he felt very suffocated between his chest, and his blood was surging.

Even the soul body is faintly colic.

A series of devastating sword auras, entangled in the incomplete flesh, constantly invaded and destroyed.

"No, master, we are injured."

The world was crippled, they were all shocked, and reported to Lin Fei.

"Well, be careful.

I suspect that the shot was not the main god. "

Lin Fei frowned, and said to Tiandiqi.

A sword aura that slashed across such a distant time and space was so terrifying.

This is not like the combat power of a master **** level master at all! Lin Fei didn't quite believe that there would be such a terrifying Lord God in the world.


Not the main god, is it the chaos god! How can this be! Master, if the Chaos God makes a move, we won't have any resistance at all! Chaos God is invincible! "

It's all in shock.

"do not worry.

A Chaos God will not act randomly.

Otherwise, everything in this world will no longer exist.

I just suspect that the attack just now was a Chaos God level energy attack.

It's not that there is a Chaos God who is attacking us.

Moreover, this level of attack is three or two at most, which is very precious. Those guys in the knife world are not willing to use it indiscriminately.

If you can perform an attack of the same level just now indefinitely, the army of the sword world has already occupied the entire sword world, no matter how hard it is to fight. "

Lin Fei guessed.

"What the master said makes sense!"

After listening to Lin Fei's words and thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear to him that he nodded and said yes.

"You know it's great.

Now, the two of you are already injured. I think you should obediently tie your hands.

Otherwise, there is no place to die! "

The main gods of the knife world all laughed wildly.

However, these master gods of the sword world secretly admire the incompleteness of heaven and earth.

The **** sword light just now had a terrifying power and was related to the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

It was crippled, but it was only injured, not beheaded.

If it were replaced by another main **** and withstood such a blow, I am afraid that he would have fallen to pieces on the spot! "Unexpectedly, the knife world has such a hole card!"

The main gods of the sword world are all in a complicated mood, and it feels not a taste.

No master **** of the sword world was confident that he could stop the **** sword light just now.

"What are you waiting for, take their lives while they are sick!"

Suddenly, a main god, pointing to the incompleteness, shouted.

"Yes! Do it!"

The other main gods, one by one with murderous aura, surrounded the sky and the earth.

The scarlet blade light just now made the heavens crippled, and the earth was already injured, and the injuries were still serious! Until now, a series of terrifying knife-shaped runes, like the maggots of rune bones, were destroyed everywhere in their bodies.

This makes the crippled breath very sluggish.

The combat power that can be exerted is certainly greatly reduced.

"Kill these two villains first, and then kill Lin Fei. This time, I'll catch them all!"

Someone shouted.

"No, that kid Lin Fei, you can't let him die easily! He must be subjected to the cruelest punishment and torture, so that he can't survive, and can't die! In order to solve my hatred!

A main **** said viciously.

Just now.

"None of you can kill.

On the contrary, it is you who are slaughtered. Perhaps, today, there will be masters of the master **** level falling.

Today will be the darkest day in the sword world. "

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.


All of them were taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes were looking at Lin Fei.

I saw that Lin Fei was slowly standing up, in the indifferent eyes, there was a kind of domineering domineering among the heavens and the world.

"Master, don't you practice anymore?"

Desperate and surprised and delighted.

"Take these guys out first, and it's not too late to practice."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Boy, don't be ashamed! Are you alone?" After hearing Lin Fei's words, the main gods of the two realms were furious.

"Everyone, this means there is a way to heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to hell. You want to break through."

Lin Fei approached step by step, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, lightly speaking, looking very elegant.

Boom boom boom boom! Behind Lin Fei, five energy vortices suddenly formed, spinning rapidly and roaring to the sky.

Rumble...In the eyes of the entire world, a huge amount of world power, mighty, surging toward these five energy vortexes.

The pressure of energy released from Lin Fei's body was steadily increasing at an astonishing speed.

"Master, you...!"

Deprivation and lack of land are both surprises and doubts.

"You two, only half of the secrets you have cultivated, in the eyes of this world, you can defeat such a master god.

I have practiced a complete secret book, and in the eyes of this world, the combat power that can be exerted is naturally stronger than you. "

Lin Fei said crippledly.

"Yes! The master has practiced a complete cheat book, and in the eyes of this world, he will surely be able to control more world powers and fight the enemy.

The combat power exerted is naturally stronger than ours! "

It's all utterly incomplete.

The combination of the incomplete two swords is indeed very powerful.

However, you must enter the eyes of this world and use the mighty power of the world to fight against so many main gods.

And now, after Lin Fei has practiced the cheats, he also has this ability.

In fact, from the beginning, Lin Fei deliberately wanted to bring these main gods into the eyes of the world.

This world eye is not only a terrible place, but also Lin Fei's place! Rumble...At this moment, behind Lin Fei, the five rapidly rotating energy vortices had absorbed the massive world's mighty forces, releasing a momentum that would destroy the past and the present and suppress everything.

Faintly, it seems that in the eyes of the whole world, Lin Fei is respected! Huh! Lin Fei gave a soft drink, raised his hand and cut.

A plain and intimidating sword light illuminates the void of hundreds of millions of miles and cut it out!

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