Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3966: Invincible

This sword light was purely driven by the mighty power of the world, and it contained Lin Fei's highest level of kendo.

Like the first light before dawn! The first dawn! The highest level of energy, combined with the most sophisticated level of kendo, makes this sword look refined, without any brutality or murderous intent.

Some are just great roads, great ideas, the essence of kendo! The sword light flashed, Yun used the supreme kendo mental power fluctuation to kill one of the main gods.

This is the strongest sword that Lin Fei can kill so far.

However, it seems rather dull.

Even, very slowly.

Time seemed to become longer, and the plain sword light slowly slipped through the void, like a fish swimming towards the main god.

This sword made everyone see so clearly.

The main **** who was attacked, watching this plain sword light with his own eyes, slowly hit him.

He wanted to dodge.

However, he has not had time to act.

puff! The seemingly flat and slow sword light had already struck his body strangely and inserted it through his chest. Then, the sword light squeezed, causing his body to burst into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

what! The soul body of this main **** appeared in the void and screamed.

At that time, a huge unwillingness and terror enveloped him.

He couldn't understand it. It seemed that it was a flat and slow sword. He saw it very clearly, but he couldn't dodge it.

"Lin Fei, you are looking for death! I will not let you go!"

The soul body of the main **** gritted his teeth and roared at Lin Fei.

At the same time, he began to reorganize his body.

"Let's do it together and kill this kid!"

"Kill this son, just today."

...Speaking of late, then soon, the other main gods around started to do it one by one.

A series of domineering blade lights swept across the sky, exuding power to destroy the past and the present, suppress the sun and the moon, and sweep the wilds.

A series of sharp sword lights, like a broken bamboo, are extremely sharp, cutting this piece of time and space into shreds.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei held a long sword and cut it out suddenly.

The mighty power of the world, frantically poured into the sword.

Boom... As the long sword was cut out, in all directions, there was a terrifying sound of time and space disintegrating and energy explosions.

Where Lin Fei's long sword went, terrible destructive power was produced, and huge mushroom clouds of energy continued to rise.

The sword light and sword light that had been slaughtered by Lin Fei all around couldn't get close to Lin Fei at all, and were directly annihilated! Lin Fei fights against more than fifty main gods with one sword and one man! Not only is it undefeated, but on the contrary, it is invincible! The five energy vortexes behind Lin Fei kept spinning frantically and continuously, absorbing the massive world power in the eyes of this world.

The world's mighty forces absorbed by these five energy vortices were concentrated and blessed on Lin Fei's body, making Lin Fei's every move, even a breath, full of terrifying power.

The time and space around it was shocked, explosions continued to occur, roaring loudly and endlessly.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that he was too strong.

The body is filled with a sense of invincible joy.

I just want to have a great battle! "kill!"

Lin Fei roared and took the initiative to attack.

The long sword in his hand, like a dazzling dragon, slaughtered forward.

boom! Lin Fei's body surface and every pore burst out to illuminate the terrifying sword light of ancient and modern times. Within the body, a large number of world powers are surging like the Yangtze River.

Huh! The long sword sprang out, locking a main god.

"Ah! Everyone help me!"

The main **** only felt cold and cold, and he couldn't help but roar in panic.

As a main god, foresight is very powerful.

He felt that it was too dangerous to fight Lin Fei.

Click! The long sword swept across, cutting the main **** in the middle, dividing it into two.

"How is it possible! This kid's combat power suddenly increased so much, it's terrifying!"

"Be careful, this kind of combat power seems to be stronger than the combination of two swords, which is incapable of heaven and earth!"

...The other main gods were all frightened and angry, screaming in fear.

"Fairy Bliss, you are so bold. Last time, I didn't kill you. This time, I dare to come!"

Lin Fei stared at the Fairy Child of Bliss, roared, and chased after him.

"Boy Lin Fei, dare you!"

Bliss Fairy was shocked when he saw Lin Fei rushing towards him, and backed quickly.

However, in the eyes of this world, with the blessing of a large number of world powers, Lin Fei not only soared his combat strength, but also increased his body speed accordingly.

call out! In an instant, Lin Fei broke through the distance of time and space, and did not need any time at all to appear directly in front of Fairy Child Bliss.

Rumble...The mighty power of the world, blessed on the body, makes Lin Fei's whole person, like an invincible God of War, dominate the world, look around blankly, seemingly unable to find an opponent who can fight! "Lin Fei, you are too mad! Be careful not to break easily!"

Where did the Fairy Boy of Bliss dared to fight, screamed and backed desperately.

Boom... The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was cut out, towards the Fairy Child of Bliss.

With a single sword, the ghosts and gods are destroyed, and the sword light contains terrible energy, tearing everything and destroying everything.

At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the heart sword, the ultimate heart sword style of origin, the secret technique of the puppet line... all kinds of the most powerful secret techniques, while bombarding the past.

what! Bliss Fairy screamed.

Lin Fei's attack power is too strong, and the attack speed is too fast. He has no resistance at all and no chance to evade.

puff! The body of Fairy Boy of Bliss was directly crushed by sword light, like a brilliant blood-colored flower.

"Master is invincible!"

"Haha, dare to provoke my master, now you know how great it is!"

"The talent of the master is much better than the two of us.

How long has it been since then that I have achieved such an achievement! "

...The Tianchou and Diqian two people were surprised and delighted.

The two of them were severely injured by the **** sword beam just now.

Therefore, Lin Fei told them not to do it again.


Lin Fei yelled and yelled, and took the initiative to kill.

Click! During the fierce battle, Lin Fei cut off half of the shoulder of an old man with a sword.

boom! With another punch, he smashed his head.

what! The old man's soul body, screaming, appeared in the void not far away.

"Boy, I swear, I will never let you go! I'll be entangled with you forever! Until death!"

The old man's eyes were very bitter.

At the same time, his body is rapidly reorganizing.

A main **** can be killed not so easily.

"Then you go to die!"

Lin Fei stepped forward, came to the old man's soul body, and cut it away with a sword.

This old man is reorganizing his body, and there is no resistance at all.

Moreover, Lin Fei's speed was beyond his expectation.

puff! His body, which was being reorganized, was cut to pieces by Lin Fei's sword and exploded into a cloud of blood.

"Old guy, you want to kill me, then I will kill you now!"

Lin Fei sneered.

"I don't know, my puppet's thread secret method, used to deal with the main god, will there be any consequences, can it subdue the main **** level master?

Anyway, give it a try first! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

So, Lin Fei thought.

A large number of puppet thread secrets, densely packed, shot out from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and threw them toward the old man's soul body.

"Ah! Everyone, save me!"

The old man cried out sorrowfully.

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