Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3971: Work against

"that's OK."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei intends to build Heaven and Earth Valley into his base camp in the sword world.

Next, Lin Fei entered the core zone of World Eye, in the abyss of chaos.

Here is the core of the entire sword world.

The entire sword world, all the mighty powers of the world, were born here, and then slowly spread out.

In the abyss, a huge amount of world power is surging, exuding amazing energy pressure.

Even a master of the main **** level, coming here, will feel trembling and cautious.

However, after Lin Fei had practiced the Secret of World Power, he entered here again without any discomfort.

On the contrary, it is a very invigorating feeling, like the freedom of the birds returning to the sky and the fish returning to the sea.

"Okay, next, strive to absorb more refining world power!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

In the battle just now, Lin Fei single-handedly defeated more than fifty main gods and fled.

However, Lin Fei understood that that was not his real combat power.

It's just that it temporarily took advantage of a large amount of world power in the eyes of the world.

It's not your own power.

Now, the energy composition in Lin Fei's body, the world's mighty force, only accounts for one-tenth! In the chaotic abyss, Lin Fei sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Boom... An energy vortex appeared in Lin Fei's body, slowly rotating.

In the surroundings, the mighty powers of the world that were surging around, had a reaction, and began to gather towards Lin Fei's body.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, a year passed.

In this year's time.

In the sword world.

The branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect began to rebuild.

Moreover, the number is still increasing.

All branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect exist in the form of cities.

The unified name is Tianluocheng.

Heavenly Deprivation and Earth Despair, sent a large number of gods to build Tianluo City everywhere in every plane and interface of the sword world.

At the same time, it also announced to the entire sword world that it would recruit talented young disciples.

For those disciples who have successfully joined the Tianluo Sword Sect after examination, they are given very generous treatment.

It can be said that the Tianluo Sword Sect has become more and more high-profile.

However, it is strange that the four major forces did not make any response.

Let the Tianluo Sword Sect flourish.

On the contrary, some sectarian forces with the second and third line of strength have conflicts with the Tianluo Sword Sect from time to time.

All sectarian forces that dare to provoke the Tianluo Sword Sect, and the world is incomplete, will send a large army to directly kill the door, ranging from murder and arson, to destroying the faction! You know, Lin Fei's subordinates have more than 10,000 **** slaves.

Now, these gods slaves are all commanded by heaven and earth.

More than 10,000 gods, this is a very terrifying force.

In the sword world, those sects with second- and third-tier strengths simply cannot resist.

Let alone more than ten thousand gods.

Even if it was a few thousand gods, swarming them would be enough to wipe out most of the forces in the sword world.

Gradually, no one in the sword world dared to provoke the Tianluo Sword Sect.

The Tianluo Sword School developed very rapidly.

In just one year, it developed into a super big sect.

The scale catches up with the four major forces! Even faintly, it has already affected the dominance of the four major forces! Originally, all affairs in the sword world were determined by the four major forces.

The four major forces have absolute authority.

Give orders, the world dare not follow.

However, it is different now.

The Tianluo Sword Sect does not buy the accounts of the four major forces at all! Among many planes and interfaces, the Tianluo City established by the Tianluo Sword Sect not only did not obey the orders of the four major forces.

On the contrary, it is dedicated to fight against the four major forces and sing opposing dramas! The four major forces rule the sword world and are deeply rooted.

Almost every plane, every interface, there will be strongholds of the four major forces.

The four major forces control the sword world through these sub-bases throughout the sword world.

Now, the Tianluo Sword Sect has also established a stronghold in most planes and interfaces.

Faintly, there was a taste of resisting courtesy with the four major forces.

"It's weird, the Tianluo Sword Sect is constantly developing and growing. Why haven't the four major forces moved at all?"

"The development of the Tianluo Sword Sect is obviously aimed at the four major forces.

How can the four major forces bear it? "

"It is also possible that the four major forces feel that the time is not yet ripe.

When the time was right, he took a shot and sent the Tianluo Sword to annihilate! "

"It's not easy to destroy the Tianluo Sword Sect! You forgot, even the heaven and earth in the Heaven and Earth Valley have turned to Lin Fei and became the two great hermit elders of the Tianluo Sword Sect."

... Countless creatures talked and speculated.

time flies.

Before I knew it, another year passed.

The scale of the Tianluo Sword Sect is even greater.

In the sword world, Tianluo City exists everywhere.

Every Tianluo City has developed very prosperously.

The people of the Tianluo Sword Sect appear to be more and more powerful in the sword world.

Once you encounter the four major forces, you will not evade, even **** for tat! Therefore, the people of the Tianluo Sword Sect and the four major forces began to have various contradictions and conflicts.

The four major forces have ruled the sword world for a long time, and their behavior has always been very domineering. They are used to shouting and drinking to other forces, feeling high.

Now, a Tianluo Sword Sect appeared suddenly, with various targets.

This made the sword world begin to lively.

Basically, every once in a while, there will be conflicts between the Tianluo Sword Sect and the four major forces.


Due to the overall strength of the Tianluo Sword Sect, it continues to increase.

At the beginning, many young creatures came to apply and wanted to join the Tianluo Sword Sect.

Because the treatment given to the disciples by the Tianluo Sword Sect is very generous, and every young creature who passes the examination and enters the Tianluo Sword Sect will be vigorously cultivated.

Every disciple will receive a large amount of cultivation resources, enough to use.

This is Lin Fei's order.

The news spread, attracting more and more young creatures to come and apply.

Suddenly, the Tianluo Sword Sect began to get higher and higher among the younger generation.

This situation was unimaginable before.

You know, before, all young creatures only yearned for the four powers.

The young creatures in the world, dreaming, are thinking about joining the four major forces.

Now, there is one more choice, Tianluo Sword Sect.

In short, the Tianluo Sword Sect began to work against the four major forces in various fields.

The Tianluo Sword Sect, and the four major forces, formed a state of full competition.

In fact, this is what Lin Fei meant.

Before the retreat, Lin Fei ordered the crippled world to prepare to compete with the four major forces for the sovereignty of the sword world.

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