Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3972: Keep getting stronger

Before I knew it, another year passed.

In the sword world, undercurrents are raging, and the conflict between the Tianluo Sword Sect and the four major forces is becoming more frequent.

From time to time, there will be small battles.

The people of the Tianluo Sword Sect, under the inadequacy of the heavens and the earth, whenever they have the opportunity, they will specifically confront the people of the four major forces without giving in.

Therefore, the people of the four major forces were gradually angered.

Originally, the main gods of the four major forces were all injured in the battle in Heaven and Earth Valley a few years ago.

In recent years, I have been recovering from injuries.

Therefore, the four major forces acted very low-key. Faced with the rapid development of the Tianluo Sword Sect, they temporarily opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

Unexpectedly, the Tianluo Sword sent step by step, deliberately provoking, and even looking for various opportunities to suppress the four major forces.

This made the four major forces very annoyed and could hardly bear it.

You know, they are the rulers of the sword world! Since Tianluo Jianzi left the sword world, the four major forces have united to take over the rule of the sword world and have absolute authority.

People from the four major forces, walking in the sword world, are used to being aloof and majestic.

Now, the practice of the Tianluo Sword Sect is undoubtedly a serious challenge to the ruling foundation of the four major forces! "The four major forces were run by the Tianluo Sword Sect everywhere, but they couldn't make an effective counterattack.

Could it be that the four major forces really fail? "

"The Tianluo Sword Sect has developed rapidly, and its strength has long since caught up with the four major forces.

The Tianluo Sword Sect, clearly, is to challenge the rule of the four major forces! "

"It is said that behind the Tianluo Sword Sect is Tianluo Jianzi.

The reason why the Tianluo Sword Sect provokes the four major forces everywhere is because Tianluo Jianzi intends to regain control of the sword world! "

"Speaking of it, Tianluo Jianzi, but the disciple of the old sword man, he also ruled the sword world for a period of time. The strength he possessed cannot be underestimated! It seems that the rule of the four major powers has encountered serious challenges. !"

...In the sword world, the creatures of all factions and races have speculated.

I don't know if I think it is that the influence of the four major forces has begun to decline.

No longer have the supreme majesty of the past and absolutely no blasphemy! "No! If this continues, what position do our four major forces have!"

"The Tianluo Sword Sect is becoming more and more excessive. It is clearly aimed at our four major forces.

If this continues, how can our four major forces rule the sword world? "

......The senior figures of the four major forces, one by one, are extremely angry.

"Everything is because of Lin Fei! He must have done it deliberately! And behind Lin Fei is Tianluo Jianzi.

Obviously, Tianluo Jianzi intends to compete with our four major forces for dominance in the sword world! "

The senior leaders of the four major forces gritted their teeth one by one.

The thought of Lin Fei made me angry! I can't wait to kill it soon! However, their scalp numb when they think of Lin Fei's terrifying combat power.

In the eyes of the world, Lin Fei single-handedly defeated more than fifty main gods and won a complete victory! That battle is still vividly remembered.

Therefore, although these main gods of the four major forces hated Lin Fei, they still felt helpless.

Everyone knows that Lin Fei is in Heaven and Earth Valley.

However, no one dared to find Lin Fei in Heaven and Earth Valley.

That is to die! "Hateful! A junior kid actually made us so embarrassed! Could it be that the rule of our four major forces really wants to be destroyed in the hands of this kid!"

The senior figures of the four major forces felt very aggrieved.

"It can't go on like this.

If the Tianluo Sword Sect is allowed to continue to develop like this, our four major forces will sooner or later lose the dominance of the sword world! "

"Tianluo Jianzi, and us, are enemies that don't share the sky.

Lin Fei is the descendant of Tianluo Jianzi.

In other words, our four major forces have an endless relationship with Lin Fei.

Even if we voluntarily give in, Lin Fei will not give up.

Therefore, between our four major forces and Lin Fei, it is destined that only one side can survive! "

"Yes, so we can't give in anymore! Take the initiative! Do all we can to get rid of the Tianluo Sword Sect!"

... The senior officials of the four major forces have made a decision after some discussions.

"Lin Fei has already obtained a special technique that is incomplete.

In Heaven and Earth Valley, Lin Fei can use the chaotic world power in the eyes of the world to increase his combat power just like Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, Lin Fei has such terrible combat power.

Therefore, there is only one way we want to deal with Lin Fei, and that is to draw Lin Fei out of Heaven and Earth Valley.

I believe that as long as Lin Fei leaves Heaven and Earth Valley, his combat power will definitely drop sharply.

At that time, we were concentrating our staff to siege him.

The chance of success will be greatly increased! The best way to draw Lin Fei out of Heaven and Earth Valley is to use the Heavenly Luo Sword Sect.

As long as we kill the people of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

With Lin Fei's character, he will definitely come for revenge! "

A main **** said slowly.

"Yes, this method is feasible! What to do, do it to the Tianluo Sword Sect!"

The other main gods agreed.

at the same time.

Heaven and Earth Valley, within the eyes of the world.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, still practicing.

It has been several years since I retreat this time.

Such time, of course, is nothing for a god, it is equivalent to a few seconds.

Rumble... Inside Lin Fei's body, a huge energy vortex was slowly rotating, Ruixia transpiring, dazzling.

Through this energy vortex, a steady stream of world power was absorbed into Lin Fei's body, and then refined into Lin Fei's own energy.

Strands of pure and rich world power flowed in Lin Fei's body.

These world powers have been refined, without any impurities.

The coercion of energy released by Lin Fei's body is constantly increasing.

At the same time, Lin Fei's physical quality has also been greatly improved! Brilliant brilliance was flowing all over, and golden runes related to the mysteries of the flesh wandered among Lin Fei's flesh and blood, bone marrow, and meridians.

It seems that Lin Fei's body is shining, shining on immortality, cutting through eternity! At the same time, a large amount of world power entered the body, making Lin Fei's soul body also evolve! In Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Soul Body gleamed, sitting in the middle of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, swallowing the rain of energy, seemingly impervious to rules and order, and seemed extremely sacred.

"The world power in my body accounts for almost 40% of the total energy!"

Lin Fei felt it, an unprecedented power! "The world's mighty power is really amazing! Now I, with this kind of combat power, can crush most of the main gods!"

Lin Fei said to himself.

"My combat power, at least, has risen hundreds of times!"

Lin Fei's tone was a little excited.

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