Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3982: Treasure

Especially now, Lin Fei has entered the depths of the ancestral land.

Looking around, there are dazzling tombs and magnificent ancestral halls. These are the resting places of the ancestors of the Ximen family.

Besides, there are countless good things.

Looking up from the distance, in this cosmic starry sky, there are peaceful rays of light blooming everywhere, with energetic essence flowing, entwining there, like a dream.

There are countless sacred mountains, one by one.

On each sacred mountain, there are densely packed buildings, or palaces built by gods, or huge monuments made of god-level concentrate, or squares made of chaotic heavenly gold, and they are all engraved with complicated and difficult ancient times. Pattern.

These ancient patterns contain endless mysterious kendo laws, belonging to the Ximen family, unique kendo inheritance! In every sacred mountain, there are hundreds of millions of sword lights, sprayed out, very dazzling.

It can be said that each of these sacred mountains records the Ximen family, and all the inheritance of swordsmanship since several epochs! The children of the Ximen family, if they have good aptitude, can be allowed to enter these sacred mountains every once in a while to participate in the family’s ancient kendo inheritance.

Therefore, these sacred mountains can be regarded as one of the most precious and core assets of the Ximen family! Also, under the ground of each sacred mountain, there are a large number of earth dragons gathered, the earth is rich, and the energy essence of all directions is gathered! This makes this ancestral land a blessed place very suitable for cultivation.

However, these earth dragons have been secretly controlled by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei can destroy the qi of this ancestral land at any time, and even turn it into a place of great danger and danger! The four main gods of the Simon family did not know this.

Otherwise, they will definitely be desperately anxious, perhaps, they will fight Lin Fei desperately, suicide-style fierce battle with Lin Fei! In addition, in this ancestral land, there are various levels of magic medicine.

The magical medicine that is very precious to the outside world, but here is everywhere, on every sacred mountain, there is a magical medicine in action.

Those high-level magical medicines have transformed into various creatures, building up their wisdom, and even opening up many magical powers, just like ordinary creatures.

In addition, Lin Fei also discovered that on every sacred mountain and in every palace, there are a huge collection of god-level magic weapons, god-level spars, various other heavenly materials and earth treasures, and secret books...Although, on those sacred mountains, engraved There are many immortal Dao patterns, a large number of magic circles are arranged, and the defense is very tight.

However, with Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness, it was natural to perceive this ancestral land clearly with a glance.

It can be said that this ancestral land contains almost half of the Ximen family's heritage! Amazing value! Lin Fei's eyes glistened, drooling.

"Well, four old guys, just run away."

Lin Fei stopped and walked towards a sacred mountain nearby.

call out! With one step, Lin Fei came to a sacred mountain.

Rumble... This sacred mountain immediately felt and began to explode with a powerful aura.

On the sacred mountain, those engraved immortal Dao patterns and a large number of magic formations are activated at the same time, forming overlapping nets of heaven and earth, which are very tightly guarded.

At the same time, there were hundreds of millions of sharp sword lights that shot out, aimed at Lin Fei, and attacked.

"Huh! Can you stop my way!"

Lin Fei was very strong and walked straight forward.

Rumble...The mighty power of the world, from within Lin Fei's body, instantly poured out, roared, and rolled forward.

The world's mighty force is terrible.

Wherever he went, the time and space in front of him shattered every inch.

Basically, there is nothing that can withstand the bombardment of the mighty world.


Lin Fei held a long sword in his hand, a burst of kendo energy was released, blessed on the long sword, and cut forward.

Boom... The sacred mountain in front, swaying, confronting Lin Fei! "Break it for me!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and more than a hundred human worlds in his body were boiling at the same time.

Every human body world is loaded with a huge amount of chaotic essence that cannot be calculated.

Although, the energy composition in Lin Fei's body, the world power accounted for 40%, which is Lin Fei's most powerful trump card.

However, there is still 60% of the Chaos Essence, once it is displayed, and 40% of the world's mighty power, the power exerted is even more terrifying.

Rumble...Lin Fei took the strongest means to violently crack the defense of the sacred mountain in front of him. A continuous wave of energy rushed out of Lin Fei's body and rolled forward.

Click! On that sacred mountain, all the immortal Dao patterns and magic circles were all lit up, resisting Lin Fei's strong attack.

However, many immortal Dao patterns and magic circles shattered directly, unable to withstand pressure and difficult to fight.

As for the huge amount of sword light that was continuously beheaded on the mountain, Lin Fei did not evade, and directly took it physically.

These sword lights contain a lot of sword intent and sword aura, for Lin Fei, it is a rare big tonic! Can't ask for it! Boom... Lin Fei moved forward strongly, releasing a terrifying energy frenzy, shaking the time and space in front of him and constantly collapsing.

Where Lin Fei passed, everything was shattered and a chaotic channel was created.

Bang, bang, bang... Above the sacred mountain, one formation, one after another immortal Dao patterns, continue to crumble, and the defensive power is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, Lin Fei was like a raptor, unstoppable, and stepped onto the sacred mountain! So far, all the defenses of this sacred mountain were cracked by Lin Fei.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

boom! One of Lin Fei's sleeves rolled out, toward the sacred mountain, the magical medicine rolled up.

The second Lin Fei rushed to the palaces above the sacred mountain, moving terribly fast.

The third Lin Fei released his divine consciousness and began to record the ancient patterns that were engraved, ubiquitous, and difficult to understand on the sacred mountain.

These ancient lines contain the Ximen family's various swordsmanship inheritance since ancient times, and the value is immeasurable.

"Roar, boy, you dare to touch the treasure of our ancestral home of the Simon family! Damn it!"

The four main gods of the Simon family had already fled to a distance. At this time, when they discovered Lin Fei's behavior, they couldn't help but became frightened and roared.

They didn't expect that Lin Fei was so strong that he could forcefully break through the defenses of the sacred mountains in this ancestral land and set foot on the sacred mountains! These sacred mountains are the most important treasures of the Simon family! "Stop him!"

In a rage, the four main gods turned and charged towards Lin Fei.

It's too late to say, then soon! Lin Fei's body speed and movement are too fast.

After entering the sacred mountain, back and forth, in just a few breaths, I searched the entire sacred mountain up and down.

The three Lin Fei worked together and cooperated very tacitly.

"Haha, four old guys, I'm not interested for the time being, I'm fighting with you."

Lin Fei laughed, unfolding the starting method, and rushed towards another sacred mountain.

Now, Lin Fei has experience.

As soon as you make a move, you will do your best to attack with violence!

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