Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3983: Continue to grab treasure

With a buzzing sound, all the magic circles on that sacred mountain were shaking, all the immortal Dao patterns were glowing, and the blazing sword light like the vast ocean was suppressing Lin Fei.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and above his body, a wave of energy like landslides and ocean vents was released, and the whole body was full of bright light, looking terrifying.

The terrifying energy, coupled with Lin Fei's invincible physical body, made Lin Fei look like a dragon with teeth and claws, galloping horizontally and horizontally.

The sacred mountain was trembling, desperately blocking Lin Fei's progress, but it could not stop Lin Fei's enormous energy pressure.

Bang, bang, bang... Above the sacred mountain, all the defenses continued to explode and were destroyed, with a series of explosions, just like setting off a long series of firecrackers, shaking hundreds of millions of miles of time and space.

Lin Fei successfully set foot on the sacred mountain.

Then, the old technique was repeated, and three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Each is responsible for different tasks and starts to act.

The movements of the three Lin Fei were indescribably fast.

Less than four breaths.

Another sacred mountain was looted by Lin Fei.

Including, on the sacred mountain, those complicated and inexplicable ancient patterns were all recorded by Lin Fei, wait until there is time, and then slowly study.

The Ximen family can rise up in the sword world and become one of the four major forces that dominate the sword world. It has a profound background and the ancient heritage collected in the ancestral land is very precious.

"Lin Fei, stop!"

"Little thief Lin Fei! How dare you steal things from my Simon family, you deserve to die!"

...Finally, the four main gods came, all of them were furious and frantic, shouting sharply.

In such a short period of time, there were actually two sacred mountains that were looted by Lin Fei! "Haha, your Simon family, in the sword world, dominating the king and looting so much property, I will take some, it's nothing."

Lin Fei said loudly, such words seemed a bit rascal.

However, in the world of warriors, this is a very normal thing.

Whoever has a strong fist deserves more resources! The powerful will use all means, including seizures, to occupy more resources.

There is no reason at all.

Now, Lin Fei's strength is terrifying, and he directly rushed into the ancestral land of the Ximen family. Seeing these treasures, he would naturally not let it go.

"Boy, die!"

The four main gods all tried their best to prevent Lin Fei from continuing to rob the property in this ancestral land.

Swish...the boundless sword aura flooded towards Lin Fei.

These four main gods are masters of the Ximen family, and their kendo level is naturally very high.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei did not evade, letting those sword auras slash directly on his body.

Sneezing...a sharp and incomparable sword aura, cutting Lin Fei's flesh incessantly, turning the flesh and blood, revealing the thick bones.

Then, the bones in Lin Fei's body were also cut off.

Many sword auras cut through Lin Fei's body, making Lin Fei's body rags and terrible.

Even Lin Fei's head and limbs were continuously cut off and thrown away.

The internal organs were cut into pieces.

After all, it was the attack of the four main gods. Although Lin Fei's physical qualities were great, he still couldn't do it in the face of the main god's attack, nothing.

However, Lin Fei was still satisfied.

"Well, not bad.

The attack of the Lord God did a great deal of harm to my flesh.

However, it is not fatal. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

In fact, Lin Fei's strength was already at the level of the Lord God.

A main **** is hard to be killed.

What's more, Lin Fei's physical quality can be called abnormal. How could it be possible that his life would be in danger if it was so easy.

"However, the sword intent and sword aura contained in the main **** level attack are too strong and too advanced.

To me, it is invaluable.

Well, if you endure the pain, it's equivalent to let these four old guys accompany me to practice. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Although, the flesh is constantly being destroyed, and the pain goes into the bone.

However, Lin Fei gritted his teeth to hold back.

Because the harvest is so great! In just such a moment, Lin Fei absorbed a large amount of high-quality sword intent and sword energy.

These main god-level sword intent and sword aura are too precious to Lin Fei, they can't be met! Of course, what Lin Fei dared to carry with his body was the sword energy released by the four main gods.

As for the other attacks performed by these four main gods, Lin Fei did not dare to carry them hard with his body.

Otherwise, there is no need to fight again.

Lin Fei could stand there and let these main gods fight, but he couldn't kill him.

For the time being, Lin Fei was not as good as that.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you took my Excalibur Sword and stole the things from the ancestral land of our Ximen family! Return all of them!"

A main **** appeared, holding a big bronze sword, and hacking towards Lin Feili.

The bronze sword is brilliant and its strength is unparalleled.

when! The big bronze sword was shaken open by the long sword in Lin Fei's hand, and the murderous aura was filled with energy.

laugh! At the same time that Lin Fei shot, a small dark sword shot out from the sea of ​​consciousness, exuding a strange and dangerous aura, and chopped off towards the head of the main god.

Ho Ho... This Lord God was simply outraged.

This Divine Punishment Sword, originally one of his most powerful cards, is now in the hands of others, but instead is used to deal with himself! Click! Lin Fei took advantage of his violent rage and his breath was floating, and with a cross sword, he cut him at the waist, separated his upper and lower body, bloody.

laugh! The pitch-black Divine Punishment Sword changed its direction midway and quickly cut it off towards the head of another main god.

The main **** had to back down and avoid, because he knew the terrible sword of this sword.

"Haha, four old guys, for the time being, I won't fight you.

I'll finish my serious business first, and then I will fight you slowly when I have time. "

Lin Fei smiled, moving his body, releasing violent and unmatched energy, rushing towards a nearby god.

Bang Bang...Under Lin Fei's strong crush, the defense on the sacred mountain began to crumble.

"Stop him!"

"Little thief Lin Fei, you don't want to be mad.

Other masters of our Simon family are coming.

No matter how strong you are, your hands are hard to beat the four punches! I advise you not to go too far! "

A main **** shouted.

"Haha, I know, I have long discovered that the masters of your Simon family are coming.

So, my time is very precious.

Don't waste it on you for the time being. "

Lin Fei laughed loudly, strode forward, and rushed towards a sacred mountain. In the end, he successfully set foot on the sacred mountain and began to grab the treasure.

Behind, the four main gods, frightened and angry, desperately caught up.

However, Lin Fei was not afraid of their attacks.

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