Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3988: Strength once again

Boom...Five huge and incomparable sword lights, leading Lin Fei, broke through the air.

Dozens of main gods had no time to stop them, so they had to watch Lin Fei disappear into the distant void.

"Damn! It's the five sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain! Those five old guys are helping Lin Fei!"

The master roared anxiously.

Every main **** is furious with anger.

Seeing that Lin Fei had been surrounded by groups, he could almost kill him.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Lin Fei broke through the air and fled.

Roar... Uncontrollable roars continued to sound.

Overwhelming anger is permeating this void.

There is violent coercion on every main god, which is poured out.

Let this piece of emptiness sway unbearably.

The atmosphere at the scene was very depressing and dull.

These dozens of main gods are very unwilling and feel extremely aggrieved, but they have nowhere to vent.

However, no matter how angry these main gods are, Lin Fei has disappeared without a trace.

Dozens of main gods, staring at the direction Lin Fei was leaving, their expressions were uncertain.

"Fine, you can't kill Lin Fei today, and there will be more trouble in the future."

A main **** sighed.

"From now on, we want to kill Lin Fei, it's very difficult."

The other master shook his head and sighed.

Every main **** thought about the consequences.

They knew that with Lin Fei's terrifying combat power, if he seeks revenge in the future, it is simply impossible to guard against! Therefore, at this time, every main god, including the main **** of the sword world, felt very heavy.

Even these main gods began to regret why they provoke Lin Fei, a little evil star in the first place.

Now, it's hard to ride a tiger! After a long time.

These main gods finally accepted the facts, shaking their heads and sighing.

"Let's go."

Finally, these dozens of main gods, one by one, dejected, left one after another.

In less than a breathing time, the void was restored to silence.

at this time.

In the valley of heaven and earth.

Boom... Five sword lights, wrapped in Lin Fei, constantly traveled through time and space, and returned to Heaven and Earth Valley.

Then, the five sword lights slowly became illusory and light, as if their energy was exhausted and began to disappear.

"Thank you five seniors for their help."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

Lin Fei naturally knew that it was the Five Sword Spirits who were helping him.

It can be seen from this point that the Five Sword Spirits have been paying attention to themselves in secret! Once you find yourself in danger, you will help.

"Well, Lin Fei, be careful about everything.

If you encounter a difficult crisis, please contact us immediately. "

The voice of the old man in yellow robe sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Okay, I remembered."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Master, you are back!"

"Master, are you okay!"

Lin Fei had just returned to Heaven and Earth Valley, and he was greeted by the depleted nature.

"I'm fine."

Lin Fei nodded slightly.

"Next, I will practice in retreat.

During this time, the affairs of the Tianluo Sword Sect will be managed by you two.

Everything will be discussed when I leave. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, during this time, the four major forces in the sword world have suppressed our Tianluo Sword Sect everywhere.

In order to ensure safety, do you want to withdraw all the people from the branch points?

Staying in the valley of heaven and earth is the safest. "

Dique said.

"No! Our Heavenly Luo Sword Sect's men and horses can walk around in the sword world.

I believe that the four major forces will no longer dare to easily deal with the people of our Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Although Lin Fei was defeated in this battle, he was forced to flee.

However, this battle also gave those main gods a deeper understanding of Lin Fei's combat power.

There must be deep fear! Lin Fei believed that from now on, those main gods would no longer dare to provoke themselves easily, nor would they dare to provoke the Tianluo Sword Sect casually.

Because once Lin Fei was angered, no force could afford it.

Even the main gods of the knife world had a deep fear of Lin Fei.

I don't want to provoke Lin Fei casually! This point, Lin Fei's heart, naturally wanted to understand.

Therefore, Lin Fei rest assured that the Tianluo Sword Sect would continue to move around freely in the entire sword world.

"Master, we understand."

Desperately replied at the same time.

"Ah, very good."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei came to World Eye and directly entered the core area of ​​World Eye, in the abyss of chaos.

"When I leave the customs again, I hope that I can really kill the Quartet in the sword world! After conquering the sword world, I will return to the boundless chaos sea.

Go to meet Dijiang! "

Lin Fei said to himself, revealing a sense of confidence.

Then, Lin Fei began to enter the cultivation state.

Rumble...In the abyss of chaos, the mighty power of the world like the vast ocean has a feeling and it starts to boil.

In Lin Fei's body, an energy vortex appeared, generating huge suction.

Boom...The endless power of the world gathered towards Lin Fei and was sucked into his body.

These worlds are powerful, chaotic, and mixed with many impurities.

However, the secret of world mighty power can remove these impurities and make these world mighty powers extremely pure.

Then, these pure world powers were truly absorbed by Lin Fei and became the energy in Lin Fei's body.

As a result, the amount of world power that Lin Fei possessed began to gradually increase.

The breath released from Lin Fei's body began to slowly increase! Time passed day by day.

Boom...In the abyss of chaos, the mighty mighty world slapped frantically.

Inside Lin Fei's body, an energy vortex was spinning frantically.

Rumble... Lin Fei's body burst out with dazzling light, it was too bright, even more gorgeous than the sky.

Lin Fei felt that the energy he possessed was getting stronger and stronger.

There is a powerful sense of supernatural power, boundless power, and control over everything! At this moment, in Lin Fei's body, more than one hundred human worlds were all glowing.

These human body worlds were already loaded with massive amounts of chaotic essence.

Now, there are a large number of world mighty forces, pouring in continuously.

Boom...The inside of Lin Fei's body was roaring to the sky.

Every human world is dazzling, like burning.

Lin Fei discovered that not only the energy he possessed was increasing rapidly.

Moreover, his physical quality is constantly improving.

This is an improvement in all aspects, from the energy, to the physical body, and even to the soul body, all aspects are upgrading.

The extremely flaming energy is like a billowing flame, setting Lin Fei against it, as if bathing in firelight! Roar! An indescribable feeling surged into Lin Fei's heart. Lin Fei couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, his voice spreading everywhere.

Not only Heaven and Earth Valley, but the entire sword world is vaguely audible.

At this moment, the entire sword world, countless masters, were shocked.

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