Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3989: Hit until serving

"What a terrible breath!"

"who is it?"

...In the sword world, many masters are secretly jealous, releasing their divine consciousness one after another, wanting to find out who made the roar just now.

"This must be a terrifying creature!"

"It's strange, such a powerful breath has never appeared in the sword world before.

Who is the strong one? "

...Many masters are guessing secretly.

Boom... At this moment, in the small world of Lin Fei's retreat, energy is surging crazily.

The breath radiating from Lin Fei's body is still getting stronger! Lin Fei's body became brighter and brighter.

The billowing energy, as if being ignited, danced around Lin Fei's body.

"The proportion of the world power in my body has reached 50%!"

Lin Fei muttered to himself, revealing a strong confidence.

Lin Fei's whole body was spraying the light of the avenue, a series of mysterious runes, in the flesh, automatically generated, floated out, and spread out in all directions.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei was in the small world and had been closed for a year! "The proportion of the world power in my body has reached 60%!"

Lin Fei said to himself.

However, this is not enough.

Time flew fast, in the blink of an eye, another year passed.

"The proportion of the world's mighty power in my body has reached 70%!"

In the small world, Lin Fei muttered to himself, very satisfied.

"Okay, you can go out!"

Lin Fei stood up.

This retreat practice made the proportion of the world's mighty power in the body reached 60%.

call out! Lin Fei stepped forward and left the world's eyes.

"Congratulations to the master!"

"Congratulations to the master for the great increase in strength!"

The world was crippled, and Lin Fei was first found out and came immediately.

"Well, during my retreat, nothing happened, right."

Lin Fei asked.

"As the master guessed.

Our Tianluo Sword Sect's men and horses walk around openly in the sword world, and even, sometimes, enter the territory of the four major forces, and the four major forces simply ignore them. "

Dique replied.


Lin Fei nodded.

"From now on, they dare not even care about our Tianluo Sword Sect.

Because, from now on, our Tianluo Sword Sect will rule the entire sword world. "

Lin Fei said, in his tone of voice, a strong confidence was revealed.

"Congratulations to the master for his great advancement, from now on, dominate the entire sword world!"

It was all overjoyed, and at the same time yelled.

They are loyal to Lin Fei, and Lin Fei's honor is their honor! "Okay, I'll just go and walk around."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, stepped out, towards the outside of Heaven and Earth Valley, and walked out.

boom! Lin Fei walked out of the valley of heaven and earth, walking among the various planes of the sword world, without concealing his aura, a light illuminating the entire sword world, it was too bright.

A series of special runes hovered around Lin Fei's body. These runes were related to the mighty power of the world.

An unparalleled energy, centered on Lin Fei, spread out in all directions.

"It's Lin Fei! What is he doing?

Even walking in the sword world openly, isn't he afraid of being besieged?

! "

"Lin Fei didn't hide in the valley of heaven and earth, so he dared to appear in the crowd like this, what is going on?"

In the sword world, there are many masters who stared at Lin Fei, showing a look of shock.

"What a terrible breath!"

"Could it be that this is Lin Fei's true strength?"

...In the sword world, a series of discussions continued to sound.

Boom... At this moment, Lin Fei was walking openly on a plane in the Sword Realm, and his whole body was spraying light.

This plane is exactly the plane of Ximen! The Ximen plane is where the headquarters of the Ximen family is located.

Two years ago, Lin Fei entered the plane of Ximen, broke into the ancestral land of the Ximen family, and ransacked many sacred mountains.

Now, Lin Fei is back.

Moreover, without concealment, he swaggered and squarely entered the West Gate plane.

"Report to the patriarch, the big thing is not good! The little thief, Lin Fei, suddenly appeared and broke into our West Gate plane again!"

Immediately, the Ximen family had a member of [海棠书屋] to report to the patriarch.

At this time, the patriarch is in a secret room of the family, retreating.

Generally speaking, most of the main god's time is spent on cultivating quietly meditation.

The Lord God rarely walks openly in the world.

Unless it is a special era or special circumstances.

"What, Lin Fei, here again!"

In the secret room, the patriarch retired from the state of cultivation after receiving the voice of the clansman.

"Yes! Patriarch, it is Lin Fei that little thief, I recognize him!"

The voice of the sound transmission report resounded again in the patriarch's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Roar! Little thief Lin Fei, you are deceiving too much! It's simply deceiving no one in the Simon family! He broke into the plane of my Simon again."

The patriarch's anger rose, and couldn't help but roared.

Just now.


A cold gaze penetrated time and space, looking at the patriarch.

For a moment, the patriarch of the Ximen family felt a kind of creepy, cold in his heart, feeling as if he was being stared at by a terrifying existence.

"It's you! Lin Fei!"

The patriarch of the Ximen family felt a little bit and found that Lin Fei was using his vision and supernatural powers, looking at himself from a distance.

"Not bad.

Patriarch, it's me.

I said, I will be back.

Last time, in the ancestral land of your Simon family, I was not happy enough.

So, I plan to do it again.

Hope this time, I can enjoy it. "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Then, Lin Fei strode towards the ancestral land of the Ximen family.

For Lin Fei, the sacred mountains in the ancestral land of the Ximen family have a huge attraction.

"Little thief Lin Fei, dare you!"

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the patriarch trembled with anger, his face twisted.

"Little thief Lin Fei, our Simon family is definitely not bullied!"

The patriarch of the Simon family hurried out of the secret room and shouted.

At this time, the other master **** level masters of the Simon family also dispatched one after another.


Are you dissatisfied?

It's okay, I will beat you until you are served.

This time, I will ransack the ancestral land of your Simon family from beginning to end. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly, without paying attention, strode into the ancestral land of the Ximen family.

"you again!"

In the ancestral land, the four main gods are still responsible for guarding.


The four main gods bite the bullet and stepped forward to stop Lin Fei.

They all knew Lin Fei was great, but they couldn't avoid it because of their duties.


Lin Fei strode forward, sacred golden brilliance flowing all over his body, shining immortal, looking very domineering.

Deng Deng Deng Deng! The four main gods blocking the road in front were shocked and retreated continuously, facing the amazing energy pressure released by Lin Fei, they could not resist!

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