Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3997: Bliss sword school

"What happened?"

The movement that Lin Fei made was really too great, and it agitated many powerful men, turning their eyesight and supernatural powers one by one, looking in this direction.

Rumble...Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and walked step by step without any hurry.

The horrible energy fluctuations poured out from the body surface.

Endless time and space are all in turmoil, and the sky is full of law runes, permeating everywhere.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect, those high-level officials were also watching Lin Fei closely.

And, finally, I recognized Lin Fei.

"It's Lin Fei! Lin Fei is here!"

A master **** of the Bliss Sword Sect shouted, both angry and with a hint of panic.

"Lin Fei is coming to our Bliss Sword Sect!"

All the high-level figures of the Bliss Sword Sect had their eyes twinkling, staring at Lin Fei through the distant time and space.

The mood of every high-level person is very heavy.

"It's Lin Fei! Lin Fei went to the Bliss Sword Sect.

It seems that Lin Fei intends to do something against the Bliss Sword Sect! "

"Oh my god, a year ago, Lin Fei single-handedly smashed into the ancestral land of the Simon family.

Could it be that today Lin Fei is planning to challenge the entire Bliss Sword Sect single-handedly! "

...In the sword world, countless powerful men are paying attention to Lin Fei, constantly exclaiming.

A year ago, Lin Fei broke into the ancestral land of the Ximen family alone, very low-key. Afterwards, the news spread.

This time, Lin Fei deliberately made a high profile, and he hadn't reached the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect.

At this time, the entire sword world was completely sensational.

"Something big happened! Lin Fei single-handedly tried to challenge the entire Bliss Sword Sect!"

This news quickly spread throughout the sword world at an astonishing speed.

Suddenly, I don't know how many creatures, from every corner of the sword world, set off one after another, toward the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect, to see the excitement.

The Bliss Sword School is one of the rulers of the sword world.

Lin Fei is even the hottest figure in the sword world in recent times.

You must watch this kind of excitement! All creatures want to know what the outcome of the confrontation between the two sides will be.

"Elysium Sword Sect, hehe..." Finally, Lin Fei came to the headquarters of Elysium Sword Sect.

The plane of bliss! Lin Fei traveled through time and space, and stepped into the plane of bliss with one step, standing in the starry sky of the universe.

This is a powerful plane.

In the plane, coming and going are all strong swordsmen.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are so bold, you dare to intrude into the stronghold of our Bliss Sword Sect without permission!"

As soon as Lin Fei entered the plane of bliss, a loud shout sounded, alarming the stars of the universe.

"What's so great about the powerhouse of the Bliss Sword Sect. In my eyes, it's worthless. If I want to break, I don't need to get the consent of others."

Lin Fei sneered.

Rumble...a lot of world mighty powers were released from Lin Fei's body, endless runes of the law, one after another, floating everywhere.

"Little thief Lin Fei, at a young age, with a little strength, so rampant and domineering, be careful not to end well!"

In the distant starry sky, a main **** appeared, raging and yelling at Lin Fei.

It is the Fairy Boy of Bliss! His eyes were fixed on Lin Fei.

He remembered that when Lin Fei first appeared in the sword world, he was still a very weak fellow.

Unexpectedly, it has risen today.

Moreover, he also rushed to the headquarters of the Bliss Sword School.

What a madness this is! For the Bliss Sword School, this is the biggest provocation and the most serious insult.

"Lin Fei, if you do anything wrong, you will die!"

The Fairy Child of Bliss gritted his teeth and said, looking at Lin Fei, very bitter.

"Lin Fei, you dare to be so arrogant, break into our headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect, take you first today, and suppress it forever! Let you pay a heavy price for what you did!"

In the starry sky of the universe, a main **** spouting sharp sword light appeared.

"You are the head of the Bliss Sword School, right."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Little thief Lin Fei, let you come and go today!"

"Little thief, your death date is here!"

...The high-level figures of the Bliss Sword Sect appeared one after another, shouting at Lin Fei one by one, murderously.


In the starry sky, there appeared a large army, all holding sharp blades and magic weapons, like pieces of steel jungle, cold and cold, shaking weapons, rolling up murderous aura.

"Little thief Lin Fei, come and die!"

A large army, shouting in unison, shook the entire plane.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, turning a blind eye.

Except for those masters at the main **** level, no matter how large the number of other creatures is, to Lin Fei, they are all in vain.

With Lin Fei's current combat power, he could easily destroy an army with every gesture.

"It's useless to say more, be happy, fight if you want.

Otherwise, just like the Simon family, let me enter your stronghold and choose some treasures.

In this way, I will leave. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

"It's so arrogant!"

At this moment, in the distant void, the creatures watching the excitement had already been gathered, all of them were stunned, they were all silly, very surprised.

He even spoke like this, asking to enter the powerhouse of the Bliss Sword Sect and choose treasures.

This is reminiscent of what happened in the ancestral land of the Ximen family a year ago.

"It seems that Lin Fei intends to deal with the Bliss Sword Sect like the Simon family! Too overbearing!"

"A group of important places, how can they allow outsiders to enter and pick treasures at will.

What's more, it is the center of the Bliss Sword School.

In the world, it is estimated that Lin Fei is the only one who dares to make such a request.

At this moment, after hearing Lin Fei's words, all the creatures were shocked and in an uproar.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are deceiving too much. Today, our Bliss Sword Sect will accompany you to the end!"

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect roared, and the sound was rolling, shaking the stars of the universe.

"In that case, stop talking nonsense and do it."

Lin Fei sneered and stepped forward. The mighty power of the world was released, causing the universe to shake violently, as if it could not bear it, and it was about to explode.

Rumble...With Lin Fei's movements, tens of thousands of big stars in the universe were cracking and bursting into pieces. The scene was horrifying. This was impacted by Lin Fei's breath.

"Hugh will destroy my Bliss Sword Sect headquarters!"

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect roared, his hands formed a strange seal, and a powerful law of time and space was released.

The other main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect also bear the same Dharma Seal as the headmaster.

The monstrous time and space rune laws, one after another, filled the starry sky.

next moment.

The sky is full of stars, all the dust of the universe, recombined, gathered together, and become complete stars.


Unexpectedly, among the Bliss Sword School, there is such a clever space-time secret technique. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

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