Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3998: Fight again the Fairy Boy of Bliss

However, this is nothing to Lin Fei.

Because Lin Fei is proficient in all kinds of chaotic origin laws related to time and space.

It can be said that the laws of time and space that Lin Fei mastered were only stronger than any other god.

Lin Fei can do this by himself to turn back time and reshape time and space! Rumble...Lin Fei moved forward alone, and everywhere he passed, the runes of the sky law flickered, and the sky was crushed.

"The Bliss Sword School, dare to fight."

Lin Fei stepped forward, staring at the world, and said coldly.

A person, alone challenge a super power, infinite domineering.

"Too tough!"

The creatures onlookers in the distance sighed.

"Lin Fei, you are just a junior, even if you really rise up, today I will let you fall again, your soul is scattered, you can never turn over!"

The fairy boy of bliss was extremely angry, his tone was extremely resentful, and the killing intent in his eyes was extremely strong.

He was very unwilling.

He saw with his own eyes that a weak guy, within a short period of time, quickly rose to become a strong man who could threaten the rule of the Bliss Sword Sect.

The Fairy Boy of Bliss is a narrow-minded person who can't look at others' good people. Lin Fei's rapid rise made him unacceptable! Huh! He shot it directly, and, when he shot it, he used his full strength, thousands of sword lights, bursting out, and instantly piercing the universe.

I saw that the Star Dou revolved and the universe shattered, as if opening up the world! At this moment, the dwarf body of the Fairy Boy of Bliss continued to raise his height until he became an indomitable giant.

This is his strongest fighting form! even.

Peng! His body suddenly flared up, billowing the fire of energy, burning the sky, and the heat wave.

As soon as he took the shot, he spontaneously burned the original blood, this is the rhythm of overdrawing his own potential! In order to deal with Lin Fei, Fairy Boy of Bliss is a fight! Rumble... I saw that in the cosmic starry sky, a giant with both hands turned a sword and cut towards Lin Fei.

In each palm, it seemed to hold a universe, containing the endless star battle, turning between the hands, to grab Lin Fei in, suppress it in the palm, and refine it alive.

Huh! Facing the attack of Fairy Boy of Bliss, Lin Fei swung his long sword and cut it out.

Rumble...The two big hands of Fairy Boy of Bliss directly exploded and turned into powder, a large amount of divine blood spewing out like a great river of Yangtze River, sweeping the starry sky.

"Little thief Lin Fei, take his life!"

The Fairy Boy of Bliss roared a great loss, and became angry from old shame. With a wave of his hand, two small worlds flew out of his sleeves and directly turned into two flying swords, slashing towards Lin Fei.

These are two real small worlds, refined by the Fairy of Bliss, and used as two magic weapons.

Boom...Two flying swords passed across the sky, and the sound of the sword roared, like cutting tofu, tearing the sky and cutting towards Lin Fei.

"Hmph, this kind of bug tricks wants my life too, it's just wishful thinking."

Lin Feiyu joked, letting two long swords cut through the air.

In an instant, Lin Fei’s body surface burst out with brilliant brilliance, violent energy to the extreme, gushing out from the body, such as thunder and lightning, such as flames, such as magma... This is the combination of world power and kendo energy, in Lin Fei’s body The table forms a strong protective layer.

With Lin Fei's current cultivation base, any energy can be transferred and blended.

Two long swords slashed towards Lin Fei's body.

Rumble...Here it explodes, endless waves of energy impulses, endless rules and runes intertwined, turning into a thunder waterfall, rushing everywhere.

Where Lin Fei stood, clusters of terrifying energy mushroom clouds continued to rise into the air.

In Lin Fei's body, the five true meanings of swordsmanship, and the world of swordsmanship, were activated at the same time, bursting out an astonishing suction power, absorbing all the sword intent and sword energy that came over.

Pedal... Lin Fei's body was shaken back and forth, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Lin Fei's body was injured abruptly.

"The attack of the Lord God is really terrifying."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.


impossible! "

Bliss Fairy was dumbfounded, as if he could not believe it.

He hit with all his strength, no, it was an attack that stimulated his potential, and he bombarded Lin Fei's body abruptly. It actually only caused Lin Fei to suffer a slight injury! This kind of result makes Bliss Fairy unacceptable.

"A main god's attack, the sword intent and sword aura contained in it is indeed very powerful."

While Lin Fei was injured, he also absorbed and refined a lot of sword intent and sword aura, which gained a lot.

"Come again!"

Bliss Fairy roared.

He showed the strongest combat method, and even burned the original blood, overdrawing himself, just to kill Lin Fei.

Such a result makes him really unacceptable.

Boom... He attacked again, billions of brilliant sword lights, pouring out, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the long river was about to be broken.

kill! Lin Fei screamed, strode forward, slashing the long sword in his hand, and a large amount of world power was crushed forward, terrifying.

Boom! The two collided together, and the terrible atmosphere of destruction was permeated, and the scene was amazing.

In a trance, it seemed that this universe was about to be destroyed.

After the collision, Lin Fei stood firm as a mountain.

The Fairy Boy of Bliss was constantly backing away, spurting blood, and there were many blood holes in his body, which were tattered.

The violent power of the world, like a vast ocean, flooded his body, allowing him to bear the terrifying pressure, and all the attacks that he displayed were forcibly obliterated.

"Ah! Impossible, little thief Lin Fei, how could you be so powerful!"

Bliss Fairy was defeated, but he was extremely reconciled, spurting blood in his mouth and roaring at the same time.

"Last time, I couldn't take your life. This time, see if you can escape!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Zhengzheng...Lin Fei swung his sword forward, endless sword energy surging horizontally and horizontally.

puff! Sword Qi swept across, the Fairy Child of Bliss staggered backwards, covered in blood, a circle of bloodshot appeared around his neck, and his pupils quickly stopped.


boom! His head was severed from the neck, held by a blood arrow, and flew high.

Lin Fei's long sword cut off his head.

"Little thief Lin Fei! You are so cruel!"

Bliss Fairy screamed sadly.

At the same time, he reorganized his body as quickly as possible.

Zhengzheng...It is another sword light like the vast ocean, and it cuts towards the fairy boy of bliss.

puff! The body of the poor Fairy Bliss hadn't been successfully reorganized before being crushed by the vast sword energy again.

Next, in a very short time.

Puff puff puff... Lin Fei kept swinging his sword and chopped the body of Fairy Boy Bliss to pieces a dozen times.

The speed of the two hands is too fast and too fast! "Haha, slaughter the main god, let's start with you!"

Lin Fei leaped forward and laughed loudly.

"Little thief, stop!"

The other main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect rushed forward to stop Lin Fei.

The Bliss Sword Sect, including Bliss Fairy, has a total of eight main gods!

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