Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4103: The face of the face

Lin Fei's character is clear-cut.

"That's great, we are not his opponents! Please ancestors quickly!"

One and a half steps the main **** roared.

"Young man, you are too much.

Intruded into the territory of our face tribe, and wounded our tribe.

Our face family seems to have no grudges with you. What is your purpose in doing this. "

At this moment, suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

Then, as the space entered and exited the door, eight huge and old faces floated out.

All are masters of the main **** level.

The main **** of the face race finally appeared! "Haha, you old guys, are you willing to show up at last! I thought you would never be able to get out of it."

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan stepped forward and said with a big smile.

"Hmph, I had expected it a long time ago, it must be your wooden puppet clan making ghosts behind them.

What method did you wooden puppets use to confuse this young human being and let him do things for you.

Young man, tell me, the wooden puppet clan, is it doing you any good?

Our face clan can pay double the price and compensate you as long as you don’t do anything for the wooden puppet clan. "

One of the main gods of the face clan said in a loud voice.

The main gods of these face races felt that this young human man must have bought a lot of money for the wooden puppet race.

"The wooden puppets really promised to benefit me.

It's just that the benefits they promised to me, your face clan, can't give me.

I have no malice against your faces.

I came to Tianshou Valley just to pick up one thing, and after picking up that thing, I will leave immediately.

So, I think it’s best for you, don’t stop me.

Lest it be difficult for me. "

Lin Fei said.

"Hmph, the wooden puppets want to take the holy artifacts of our face tribe, how could we promise you! Young man, you are the best, don't force others to do it! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

A main **** of the face clan shouted loudly.


That thing is also the holy thing of your face race? "

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard this.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet tribe said that the thing in the Tianshou Valley is a holy artifact of the wooden puppet tribe.

Unexpectedly, the Face Race also said that this thing is a holy thing of the Face Race.

"Nonsense, it is clearly a holy artifact of our wooden puppet clan. It was stolen by your face clan and has not been willing to return it.

Your face clan, your face is too thick, and you actually say that it is a holy thing of your clan. Can it be shameless?

! "

A main **** of the wooden puppet clan stepped forward and pointed at the main gods of the face clan and cursed.

"Bold fanatics, blood-spitting, it is clearly your wooden puppet tribe, who wished to occupy the sacred object of our face tribe, was brazen, turned black and white, and gave such an excuse.

You wooden puppets are really shameless first-class people in the world! "

The main gods of the Face Race were also very excited, and they screamed one by one.

Suddenly, the main gods of both sides blamed each other, you quarreled and I quarreled, just like a group of middle-aged aunts were arguing, and the scene was very chaotic.

These two races have been fighting for a long time because of the sacred object. For this reason, I don't know how many large-scale wars have been launched, and they have not yet been resolved.


After a moment of quarreling, Lin Fei was really annoyed. With a loud roar, under the blessing of energy, the rolling sound made the entire time and space sway violently. Shrouded in it.

The main gods on both sides were frightened by Lin Fei's momentum and stopped.

"I don't care about that thing, it is a holy artifact of your clan.

I only know that I need it now.

I hope that none of you will stop me.

Otherwise, you are at your own risk. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

After speaking, Lin Fei waved his sleeves, took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and strode towards the entrance and exit of the space.

"Boy, stop!"

The eight main gods of the Face Clan were all furious and roared in unison.

Then they attacked at the same time.

Boom... a wave of violent energy beams sprayed out from their mouths, tearing the sky, and ramming Lin Feibao.

These energy beams were displayed by the main god, and of course they were very terrifying. Everywhere they went, the void was shattered.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei drank softly, waved the long sword in his hand, and cut it out.

Boom...a thick sword light continuously cut out.

Rumble... the attacks from both sides collided with each other, making a huge noise.

Suddenly, gun smoke billowed, the void vibrated, and endless dazzling light filled the entire space.

"How can this kid's combat power be so terrifying!"

The main gods of the eight face tribes all changed their complexions.

Lin Fei's combat power was beyond their expectations.

"Let me eat him in one bite!"

One of the face clan chief gods rushed up, suddenly opened the big mouth of the blood basin, enlarged continuously, swallowed the void with big mouths, and bit towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei felt a huge suction, pulling his body towards the big mouth of the blood basin.

The swallowing ability displayed by the face race of the main **** level is really much more powerful.

"However, wanting to eat me is not that simple."

Lin Fei smiled.

call out! Lin Fei displayed the shadowless style, in conjunction with the law of reincarnation, the law of time and space, the law of cause and effect, and the law of the origin of chaos, and went straight away.

I saw that Lin Fei's figure instantly became blurred and swayed constantly, as if walking in another piece of time and space, leaving this piece of history.

Rumble... That huge mouth, like a pitch-black bottomless pit, constantly swallows this piece of void, seemingly slow, but really fast.

Click... the space where Lin Fei stood just now was swallowed by that huge mouth.

It's just that Lin Fei had long since run away and disappeared.

"Boy, I think you can hide a few times!"

The face roared, turning his head abruptly, and rushing in the other direction.

Lin Fei's figure had already appeared in that direction.

Rumble...This face suddenly opened his mouth, enlarged and swallowed everything, and bit towards Lin Fei's figure.


Lin Fei couldn't help but praised.

Although the main **** of the face clan had no ability to swallow that was comparable to Dijiang, this kind of devouring ability was enough to deal with the general main god, enough to defeat the enemy.

call out! Lin Feizhan's departure method was straightforward, and he fleeed far away.

Lin Fei's body style can be avoided even if it is an attack performed by Dijiang, not to mention these ordinary strength main gods.

"Roar, damn, this kid's body is too slippery!"

The master **** of the face clan roared.

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