Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4104: Grab the eight main gods

call out! With a sword, Lin Fei chopped a face clan master **** in half, and his figure flashed, ghostly, and appeared behind the other face clan master god.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Fei yelled.

boom! Lin Fei blasted out with a fist, the whole body of golden glow erupted, and the whole fist, as if made of gold, exuded powerful energy and pressure, and hit the face.

boom! Lin Fei hit the face with a punch and flung it away, **** on the face.

"Be careful!"

The main gods of the eight face tribes were all startled by Lin Fei's terrifying combat power.

"We still have a hole card!"

A face clan master yelled.

"Not bad!"

The other seven face tribal gods nodded.


The brow of every face suddenly opened, and a third eye appeared.

Shoo...This third eye aimed at Lin Fei and shot out white arrows.

Suddenly, endless white light arrows, like a white rainstorm, continued to shoot at Lin Fei.

"This is a divine soul martial arts!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

These white light arrows are all condensed by pure divine consciousness, and they are very powerful. They are shot across the sky against Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"It's just that it's not so easy to use Divine Soul Martial Skills against me."

Lin Fei smiled.

Rumble...In Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, the soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus, four magic weapons of the soul, at the same time released a large amount of soul energy, like a deep sea, surging crazily.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's head sprayed out a thick circle of divine consciousness light, which was very dazzling, shining the entire void to the smallest detail.

Then, a line of red puppets sprayed out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, facing the white arrows.

call out! A small black sword rushed out of Lin Fei's head and slashed towards the main **** of the eight face races.

At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the spirit-clearing technique, an invisible net made up of weird laws of spirit-souls, covering the eight face tribe's main gods.

These three kinds are the world's first-class and one-of-a-kind magical secret skills, and they are all very powerful.

In this way, Lin Fei and the main gods of the eight face tribes began to fight with spirit attacks.

The main gods of the eight face tribes were surprised to find that the spirit attack they had launched had no effect on the young human being in front of them.

Those white arrows were all blocked by red silk threads.

On the contrary, a small dark sword chased the main **** of the eight face tribes, aggressively, and had the upper hand.

what! One of the face clan chief gods suddenly screamed.

The pitch-black Divine Sword hit his brow, making him painful.

"Ah, what kind of ghost net is this, it is erasing my memory, it's terrible!"

The main **** of the other face clan also screamed, and he was attacked by Lin Fei's spirit cleaning technique.

"Be careful, this human kid's spirit attack secret technique is much more powerful than ours!"

The eight face clan chief gods reminded each other.

"Do you have any other cards? Show them all."

Lin Fei laughed.

"Human kid, what do you want! Our face clan, who have no grudges against you, why bother, at the instigation of those wooden puppet clan, come to us to make trouble!"

A face clan chief **** roared.

After fighting for most of the day, these eight-faced tribal gods discovered that they couldn't beat Lin Fei at all! "What do I want? Just now, I have made it very clear.

I only need the thing in the Tianshou Valley, and after I get it, I will leave, and I won't do anything to your faces. "

Lin Fei said.

"Human kid, that is the sacred object of our face race, how can you take it away, you are hard for a strong man! Don't think about it!"

The main gods of the eight face races all roared.

"Then there's no way."

Lin Fei shook his head.

"Don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Lin Fei's voice became cold.

call out! Lin Fei was ghostly and charming, appeared next to the main **** of the face clan, and cut the main **** in half with a single sword.

Boom...Lin Fei kept moving his body quickly and attacking.

Ahhh... the eight-faced clan chief gods constantly screamed under Lin Fei's attack.

They weren't Lin Fei's opponents at all, and after a while, they were scarred.

They fought back frantically, but all their methods and all hole cards were ineffective against Lin Fei, and they did not pose much threat to Lin Fei.

With Lin Fei's combat power, single-handedly fighting dozens of main gods, it was more than enough.

Besides, it was very easy to fight against the eight main gods.

After a while, the eight main gods of the Face Clan were already beaten by Lin Fei helplessly and dodge everywhere.

Fortunately, Lin Fei was in, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the kindness of the face of the dark world did not make a heavy hand.

"This human young man is terrible."

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes looked thrilling beside them.

The strength of the eight of them is comparable to the main gods of the eight face races.

"The eight of us, added together, I guess, we can't beat him.

Fortunately, at that time, among the ancestral land, eight of us did not stalk him.

Otherwise, we will suffer greatly. "

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all communicate secretly.

"Happy, haha, so happy! Brother Lin Fei, brother, I really convinced you!"

The Eight Stone Saint looked very excited, waving the stone stick in his hand, wishing to rush up and join the battle.

"I advise you eight, don't be entangled anymore.

If you continue to fight, you will suffer. "

Lin Fei advised.

"No, in order to protect the holy artifacts, even if we die in battle, we won't shrink back!"

The eight-faced clan chief gods fought hard while shouting.


Lin Fei was speechless.

Boom boom boom...Next, Lin Fei beat the eight-faced clan chief gods violently, leaving them scarred and scarred.

Until, there is no power to fight back! then.


In the end, Lin Fei used his supernatural powers to seal all the main gods of the eight face races! This is not the first time that Lin Fei has sealed the Lord God.

In the sword world, Lin Fei had already grabbed the soul bodies of several main gods, sealed them, and then was imprisoned in the human body world inside his body.


! "

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet tribe couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene.

"Haha, Brother Lin Fei, simply invincible!"

Eight Stone Saint is very excited.

"This guy is too exaggerated. He actually caught eight main gods! It seems that the main gods are not invincible in the world. If they encounter a more powerful existence, they will be defeated or even caught! "

The goblin couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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