Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4106: The abyss of terror

"Not bad.

In fact, the face race also has no ability to enter this Tianshou Valley.

Although they have occupied this plane for a long time, they have not been able to enter this Tianshou Valley to get the holy object. "

Said the main **** of a wooden puppet clan.

"The strength of the main **** level is simply impossible to enter this abyss.

Therefore, the mother tree chose you. "

Another wooden puppet clan chief **** said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei suddenly.

No wonder, the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan, willing to use the law of life and mental strength, the two core inheritance of the wooden puppet clan, to exchange that sacred object.

It is because it is too difficult to get that holy object.

The wooden puppet tribe, the face tribe, the two major races, and the two super powers, have fought for so many years, but as a result, no one has obtained the holy object.

Among them, the biggest reason is the abyss in front of us.

Lin Fei walked to the abyss, with divine consciousness, went into the abyss and felt it.

This abyss, bottomless, black hole, seems to swallow human souls, it is too big, like a black ocean, very vast.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness moved towards the abyss, perceiving it.

The goblins, the eight-stone saints, and the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan are the same, releasing their divine consciousness and perceiving them toward the abyss.

The abyss is like ink, without bottom.

Divine consciousness, slowly perceiving downwards, all that can be felt is the dark space, other than that, it seems that there is nothing.

"Be careful! This abyss is weird."

Suddenly, Lin Fei reminded.

Under the abyss, a strange wave appeared, spreading out like ripples.

The goblin and the Eight Stone Saints felt a horror at once, and the entire soul body seemed to collapse and explode.

Then, the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan were also very difficult to bear, their faces pale.

This breath is very terrifying. From the bottom of the abyss, it surges up, spreads, and envelopes a space near the abyss.

Puff...Goblin, Eight Stone Saint, spurting blood on the spot, the pressure from the soul body was so terrible, it made them feel that they were going to explode on the spot.

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes also retreated again and again, far away from the abyss, their green faces turned pale as paper.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, a powerful divine power, rippling out, against the strange wave from the bottom of the abyss.

In Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, four secret treasures of the soul, at the same time, released a large amount of soul energy, forming a protective layer around Lin Fei's body.

This protective layer envelops all the goblins, the eight stone saints, and the main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes.

In this way, the goblins, the eight stone saints, and the main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all felt relieved.

"It's terrible, I finally know, Face Race, why there has been no way to enter this abyss for so many years."

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan sighed with lingering fear.

Just the strange fluctuation just now, it is not a master of the main **** level, it can resist.

"That holy thing, really, is in this abyss."

Lin Fei asked the main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes, his expression very solemn.

With Lin Fei's strength, Lin Fei can be so dignified, one can imagine how terrifying this abyss is.

"Not bad.

The sacred object of our race is just below this abyss.

To take that holy object, you must enter this abyss.

However, this abyss is so terrible, if we go in, I am afraid we will definitely die! "

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all nodded in horror.

"Hey, really, is it a holy artifact of your clan?

I don’t think so. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Although the wooden puppet clan and the face clan are arguing that the thing in the abyss is a holy artifact of the clan.

However, Lin Fei had long understood that that thing was in fact an unowned thing.

It is very likely that the ancestors of these two races knew the existence of that thing, so they gave an order to let the people of the race go and **** it.

And the people of the Face Race took the lead and controlled this plane.

The wooden puppet tribe's men and horses are trying their best to enter this plane.

Therefore, the armies of the two clans have been at war for many years.

It's just that, even though the Face Race's people occupy this plane, they have not been able to enter this abyss.

So, in fact, neither party has got that thing yet.

Until the appearance of Lin Fei.

"Well, now that we are here, we cannot give up halfway.

Go, go down and take a look. "

Lin Fei said.


Young man, do you dare to enter this abyss? "

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all asked in surprise.

Just now, the terrible fluctuation shook them.

"Don't dare, I have to go in and see, not only me, but the eight of you, and even more.

Don’t forget, it’s your mother tree, let us pick up the holy thing. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan have nothing to answer.

They glanced at each other and nodded, knowing that what Lin Fei said was reasonable.

The mother tree specified that they wanted the holy object, and they would follow along and enter this abyss anyway.

Otherwise, after you go back, you cannot make a deal.

"Lin Fei, this abyss is very dangerous, do you really want to go in?

This is not a joke. "

Said the goblin.

"Don't worry, trust me.

If I bring you in, I will bring you out. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Let's go, without further ado, we will go in now."

Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the abyss in front.

A powerful divine soul energy was released from Lin Fei's head, covering the Eight Stone Saints, the Goblins, and the eight main gods of the Wooden Puppet Clan.

As far as possible, under the abyss, from time to time, there are strange fluctuations that spread out, but because of Lin Fei's protection, other people feel a lot easier.

Seeing Lin Fei stepping into the abyss, the others had no choice but to bite the bullet, follow behind Lin Fei and walk into the abyss.

In the abyss, there was black lacquer everywhere, and the divine consciousness, at most, could only perceive a small area around it.

"Be careful, protect your soul body.

Otherwise, it is easy to be attacked and explode. "

Lin Fei reminded.

Boom...As it gradually deepened, a terrible energy wave, faintly, surging and roaring, passed from the bottom of the abyss.

This energy fluctuation was specifically aimed at the body, like an endless mountain of sacred mountains, all smashed, forcibly squeezing towards the bodies of Lin Fei.

Ka Ka... Except for Lin Fei, the bodies of the other people immediately began to make crisp noises, **** bloodstains crawling all over their bodies.

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